

Research on the Legislation of Chinese Environmental Policy

【作者】 孟佳

【导师】 周玉华;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 环境与资源保护法学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 目前我国的环境保护工作进入了整顿治理的瓶颈时期,“十五”计划中部分控制目标没有实现,其中二氧化硫排放量不降反升,科学发展观未能得到有效贯彻落实。一方面,经济的持续增长需要自然资源的支持,另一方面,环境的承受力已经濒临危险状态。因此,当前的迫切任务是加大环境保护工作的力度。环境政策作为环境保护工作的传统手段之一,有其调整社会关系的优势性,不可偏废。同时,由于我国并不存在一部严格意义上的环境基本法,因此在实际操作中很多问题不能有效解决。本文在《“十一五”全国环境保护法规建设规划》中“制定环境保护基本法律——《国家环境政策法》”的精神指导下,以我国的环境政策为研究对象,全文以“提出问题”、“分析问题”、“解决问题”的传统论文模式为研究线索。在“提出问题”阶段,笔者首先对我国学者“环境政策”法律用语的不同理解进行了梳理,同时指出当前我国环境政策存在的问题:决策体系、执行过程、监督机制、救济途径等环节存在法律漏洞。通过对上述问题的原因分析,指出环境政策法的制定将有利于改善上述问题。在“分析问题”阶段,笔者首先指出环境政策立法的必要性,并对“环境基本法”特征、存在功能进行了分析。通过对法学界环境基本法争议的总结,提出将环境政策法定位为我国环境基本法的正当性和合理性。通过对美国、欧盟、日本环境政策立法经验的阐述,指出我国环境政策立法过程中可以借鉴的有利经验。在“解决问题”阶段,笔者从我国环境政策立法的角度出发,分别从立法架构和立法建议两个方面进行论述。针对架构的选择问题,笔者认为我国环境政策法应该采取“实体型”的立法架构。立法建议方面,在《“十一五”全国环境保护法规建设规划》提出的构想之外,鉴于我国当前环境政策存在的问题笔者提出了若干建议。

【Abstract】 Chinese environmental protect work has been entered into a period of complication. Part of the control aim at "The Tenth Five-Year Environmental Plan" was not achieved; including emissions of SO2 did not fall but rise. The scientific concept of development can not be effectively implemented. On the one hand, sustained growth economic needs the support of natural resources; on the other hand, affordability of the environment has been get into the state of dangerous. Therefore, the urgent task is intensifying environmental protection efforts. Environmental policy as one of the traditional means can not be neglected because of its advantages. At the same time, our country does not have a basic law of environment, so lots of problems can not be effective solved in actual operation.This paper is under the guidance of The "Eleventh Five-Year" Plan for the Construction of Law and Regulations about Environmental Protection, which said formulate basic law - The National Environmental Policy Act. The research object is Chinese environmental policy. The research clues of this article are following the traditional model to the study, which divide into "put forward questions", "analysis of the questions", "solve the questions".At the stage of the "put forward questions", the author put in order about scholars’ different understand of "Environmental Policy". Then proceed to point out that there are some leaks at the environmental policies, such as the system of decision-making, implementation, monitoring, channels of relief, and so on. Through the analysis of the mentioned problem, pointed out that the necessity of legislation on environmental policy. And formulation of Environmental Policy Act will help to resolve the above problems.At the stage of the "analysis of the questions", the author analysis the feature, function of the basic law. Through the dispute of academic about environmental basic law, the author put forward that it is propriety and practicable which the Environmental Policy Act targeted as the basic law of environment. Through expound the legislative experience of environmental policy about the United States、the EU and Japan, author think that beneficial experience can be study , which for legislative process of our legislative environmental policy.At the stage of "solve the problem", the author discusses two aspects: the legislative framework and the content of legislation, which at the perspective of legislation of Chinese environmental policy. As the choice of legislative framework, the author believes that Chinese Environmental Policy should be taken the type of entity. At the aspect of content of legislation, except tentative plan from The "Eleventh Five-Year "Plan for the Construction of Law and Regulations about Environmental Protection, the author put some point advices in view of current problems about Chinese environmental policy.


