

【作者】 张佳颖

【导师】 陈玉文;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳药科大学 , 药事管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济全球一体化的发展,我国经济水平和人民生活质量的提高,人们对食品不仅仅是满足于数量上的供给需求,而是在质量安全上有了更多的要求。相对食品企业的发展和人民要求的提高,食品安全监管却滞后了。本文首先从食品安全的概念入手,分析我国食品安全监管现况,研究国内外食品安全监管的进展,通过分析目前我国食品安全监管的弊病,借鉴国外食品安全监管的发展经验,结合我国实际情况,进而提出促进我国食品安全监管的策略。文章首先对我国食品安全的概念进行了全面的描述,介绍了食品安全概念的历史进程、内涵、特点,并分析了食品安全与食品卫生及食品质量的关系。文章通过概述我国食品安全监管的现况,总结我国食品监管的特点。进而分析我国食品安全监管存在的问题。我国食品安全法律体系还不完善,由于信息的不对称造成市场失灵,缺乏完善的准入制度,可溯性制度没有彻底实施,加之缺乏建立完善的管理制度等诸多问题是我国餐饮业食物中毒发生率持续走高,恶性事件频繁发生。文章还分别对美国、日本、澳大利亚、欧盟的食品安全监管情况进行了客观的描述,并提出了对我国食品安全监管的有益启示。最后,结合我国食品监管存在的问题及部分国外的经验,提出完善我国食品监管的对策,如进一步完善我国法律体系,建立高效的监管机制,加强社会规制,以修正市场机制的缺陷,减少市场经济运作给社会带来的损失,建立以HACCP为基础的管理标准,建立更有效的可溯性制度。

【Abstract】 With the trend of economic globalization,the fast developing Chinese economy and the improvement of people’s life quality,the common attitude toward food has already changed.Food supplying only in quantity no longer meet people’s satisfaction any more,the public requires more of the quality.Despite of the food industries’ development and the public’s higher demand,the food safety regulation has been lagging behind.In this article,we will start with the concept of food security to analyze the situation of Chinese food safety regulatory especially the restaurant industry.Meanwhile we will also look into the current state of domestic and international food security monitoring study progress.Through analyzing the maladies of current food safety supervision in China,learning from the experience of the foreign food safety regulatory,combining with the actual situation in our country,promote our Chinese food safety control strategy.At the very beginning we give an overview of food safety in China,an introduction of the concept of the historical process,content,features of food security and also an analysis of the connection between food safety with food hygiene and food quality.Then,we briefly generalize the actual situation of current food security supervision.Through analyzing its characteristics,we put forward the maladies of current situation in China.Despite of the incomplete legal system of food security,the current continued high incidence of poisoning may be due to the market paralysis induced by asymmetric information transmission,the substandard access system and the deficiency of traceability,etc.In order to find useful enlightenment,we will also introduce the status of the foreign food security supervision including the USA,Japan,Australia and Europe Union.Learning from the experience of the foreign food security monitoring,we propose the countermeasures against the maladies of current situation in China.On the one hand,we should complete our legal system and constitute saner management standards and traceable system based on HACCP to overcome the limitation of the market regulation;on the other hand,we should also establish high effective monitoring agency in order to enhance the market supervising.

【关键词】 食品安全食品安全监管对策
【Key words】 food safetyfood safety supervisionCountermeasures

