

Study on Planting Suitability and Culture Techniques for Castor in the Coal-mining Subsidence Area of Shenfu-Dongsheng Coal Mine

【作者】 袁晓宇

【导师】 胡春元;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古农业大学 , 水土保持与荒漠化防治, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 论文以神东公司活鸡兔采区高家畔村境内2008年塌陷区弃耕农田为试验地,以蓖麻品种、播种期、埋深、株行距、种子处理方法等因子进行试验研究,探讨蓖麻适宜品种及合理栽培技术。研究结果表明,法国杂交种CSR24.181较其他五个品种更适宜当地环境,为神东矿区采煤塌陷区适宜种植品种。在神东矿区采煤塌陷区应适当早播,如果蓖麻播期较迟,会造成生长发育不足,受到早期冻害,影响后期穗部的正常灌浆,从而影响产量。种子埋深8cm比埋深5cm、3cm增加产量18.0%和19.52%。所以在神东矿区采煤塌陷区种子埋深8cm较5cm、3cm更适宜。实验得出株行距为60cm×60cm比其他两种株行距提高产量5.76%和31.69%,为神东矿区采煤塌陷区最适宜株行距。经过浸泡处理的种子不论是用温水还是用冷水都明显比晒种要好,尤其以冷水浸种更佳。冷水浸种较其他两种种子处理方法可提高小区产量21.92%和28.97%。

【Abstract】 The research areas are the Huojitu mining area of Shenfu-Dongsheng Coal Mine. In Collapse of farmland of gaojiapan domestic, castor planted in a growing season growth in 2008 do orthogonal experiment to study the optimum cultivated varieties and the best planting technology. Research results shows, french hybrid CSR24.181 is more suitable for the local environment compare to other 5 varieties. Castor is tolerant of thermophilic crops,it requires the high temperature in summer and autumn.But the cool autumn days comes early and the temperature low,meanwhile frost comes early in this aera. It can cause castor insufficient growth and freezing by early frost,if post the date of seeding. Moreover, it influence the seed maturation of castor and the output of castor. Therefore it must sow the seed early in Shenfu-Dongsheng Coal Mine. Seeds buried in 8cm is more suitable than buried in 5cm and buried in 3cm,the output of testplot increaseed 18.0% and 19.52% . The experiment shows,the spacing 60×60cm increase the output of the testplot 5.76% and 31.69% than the other two type of spacing. The spacing 60×60cm is the most suitable for Shenfu-Dongsheng Coal Mine aera. The seeds are treated by soaking with cold water,it increased the output of testplot 21.92% and 28.97% than the other two type of treated.


