

The Research of the Effection about the Interaction-analysis of the Multi-vitamin and the Dietary Protein Level to the Heat Stress Egg Breed Chicken

【作者】 黄慧敏

【导师】 杨晓虹;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古农业大学 , 动物生产与管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 试验选用海兰褐父母代蛋种鸡为试验动物。种母鸡试验设计为2×2因子有重复试验。试验用种母鸡128只,随机分为4组,每组4个重复,每重复8只鸡。试验日粮分高、低两个粗蛋白营养水平;在日粮中,分别添加0mg/kg和667mg/kg复合维生素,以提高种鸡抗热应激的能力。研究在夏季生产条件下,以生产成本为参考因素时,鸡舍环境因子与日粮组成的不同对蛋种鸡生产性能、种蛋蛋品质以及血液生理、生化指标的影响。试验用种公鸡32只,分为2组,每组4个重复,每个重复4只鸡。设组间日粮蛋白水平相同,每组分别添加0mg/kg和667mg/kg复合维生素制剂,研究添加复合维生素对种公鸡繁殖性能的影响。母鸡试验结果表明:当鸡舍的日均温度在26~29℃,相对湿度在88%~91%时,各组试验鸡的日平均采食量随着温度升高而下降;平均产蛋率和种蛋平均受精率变化滞后于温度变化。日粮不同蛋白质水平和复合维生素的用量,对蛋种母鸡采食量和蛋重的影响差异均不显著(p>0.05)。高蛋白水平日粮可提高蛋种母鸡产蛋率(p>0.05),可显著提高种蛋受精率(p<0.05)。日粮粗蛋白水平相同时,在日粮中添加667mg/kg复合维生素可显著提高种蛋受精率(p<0.05)。日粮低粗蛋白水平下,添加667mg/kg复合维生素可显著提高蛋壳厚度(p<0.05)。日粮高蛋白比例可显著提高哈氏单位(p<0.05)。日粮中添加667mg/kg复合维生素可维持血清钾离子浓度(p<0.05)。日粮高蛋白水平组的血清钙离子浓度较高(p>0.05)。日粮高蛋白水平组的血清磷浓度较高(p<0.05)。采食高蛋白水平日粮时,血清葡萄糖浓度下降最少(p>0.05)。采食高蛋白水平日粮和添加复合维生素均可维持血清中T3含量(p>0.05)日粮中添加复合维生素使血清中T4含量下降最小(p<0.05)。公鸡试验结果表明:复合维生素可提高蛋种公鸡采食量,增加蛋种公鸡精液量,提高精子活力(p>0.05)。经济核算结果表明:相对于低蛋白水平日粮+0mg/kg复合维生素试验组而言,低蛋白水平日粮+667mg/kg复合维生素组、高蛋白水平日粮+0mg/kg复合维生素组和高蛋白水平日粮+667mg/kg复合维生素组平均每天每只鸡多获利0.043、0.067和0.046元。

【Abstract】 This experiment was conducted with parent generation Hyline brown laying hens.The egg breeding chicken experiment designed for 2×2 factors repeated experiments.128 egg breed chickens at 207 days old were divided into 4 groups with one-way random design,each group containing 4 replicates(8 birds per replicate).The diet for this experiment was partitioned into two parts as high level dietary protein team and low level dietary protein team;0mg/kg and 667mg/kg multi-vitamin were added respectively into the diet,in order to improve the breeding hens’ability of resisting heat stress.Considering the production cost as a reference factor,study on the effection of the chicken house ambient temperature、reltive hunidity and different composition diets to the egg breeding chickens’performance,egg quality and blood biochemical in the summer production conditions.32 breeder cocks were divided into 2 groups with one-way random design,each group containing 4 replicates(4 birds per replicate).In the precondition of the same protein level in diet,0mg/kg and 667mg/kg multi-vitamin were added respectively into the diet,in order to study the effection of multi-vitamin the breeder cocks’reproductive performance.The results of the egg breeding chicken experiment showed that:when the daily mean temperature were 26~29℃and the reltive hunidity were 88%~91% in the chicken house,With temperature increasing, the average daily feed intake gradually decreases. The change of average egg production and average egg fertility rate lagging behind the temperatures’.different levels of protein and multi-vitamin have no obvious effect on The egg breed chicken average daily intake and average egg weight.when the egg breeding chicken consumed the high protein level deit, the laying rate improved(p>0.05)and the egg fertility rate improved significantly(p<0.05).when at the same level of crude protein in the diet, adding 667mg/kg multi-vitamin could significantly increase the fertilization rate of breeding eggs (p<0.05).To low crude protein diet,adding 667mg/kg multi-vitamin could significantly increase eggshell thickness (p<0.05).the high level protein diet could significantly improve the proportion of units Harrington (p<0.05). Adding 667mg/kg multi-vitamin in the diet could maintain the serum potassium ion concentration (p<0.05).The group of high level protein diet has a higher serum calcium ion concentration (p>0.05).The group of High level protein diet had higher serum phosphorus concentration (p<0.05) . when feeding high level protein diet, the serum glucose concentrations decreased at least (p>0.05).the content of T3 of the serum can be maintained by the high level protein diet and multi-vitamin (p>0.05),the content of T4of the serum was declined by adding multi-vitamin (p<0.05).breeder cocks test results showed that:addition of multi-vitamin increased the intake of breeder cocks,semen volume and the sperm motility(p> 0.05).Economic accounting results indicated that:compared with the group of the low level protein diet +0 mg / kg multi-vitamin, the low level protein diet +667 mg / kg multi-vitamin,the high level protein diet +0 mg / kg multi-vitamin and the high level protein diet +667 mg / kg multi-vitamin can increased 0.043,0.067 and 0.046 yuan from every chicken per day.


