

Studies on the Nutritive Substance of Phenological Period and Different Growth Stages of 4 Species of Allium Phenophase

【作者】 刘建文

【导师】 郝丽珍;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古农业大学 , 蔬菜学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文以百合科葱属野韭(Allium ramosum L.)、沙葱(Allium mongolicum Regel)、薤白(Allium macrostemon Bunge)、细叶韭(Allium tenuissimum L.)4种植物为试验材料,观察了其物候期并划分了生长发育阶段、分析了叶片中几种主要营养成分,观测了叶片数、株高等生长指标的动态变化。其结果表明:1葱属4种植物营养生长阶段可划分为:播种期、出苗期、幼苗期、叶片快速生长期和叶片生长衰退期;生殖生长阶段可划分为:萌动期、返青期、苗期、抽薹期、开花期和种子成熟期。2葱属4种植物的营养生长期:野韭和薤白出苗在6月上旬,沙葱和细叶韭在6月中旬;野韭、沙葱和薤白的幼苗始期在6月中旬,沙葱在6月下旬;沙葱和薤白的叶片快速生长期在6月下旬,野韭在7月上旬,细叶韭在7月中旬;野韭、沙葱和薤白的衰退期在10月上旬,细叶韭在10月中旬。3葱属4种植物生殖生长期:野韭、薤白和细叶韭的萌动期为3月上旬,返青期在3月中旬,苗期3月下旬,沙葱各期分别在3月中旬、下旬和4月上旬;薤白和细叶韭抽薹始期均在5月中旬,野韭和沙葱抽薹始期均在5月下旬;细叶韭的始花期在6月下旬,野韭和沙葱的在7月上旬,薤白的在7月中旬;细叶韭和沙葱的种子成熟期在8月中旬,野韭和薤白的在8月下旬。4葱属4种植物叶片生长的适宜的月份来看,野韭叶片适宜生长的月份是4~7月;沙葱叶片适宜生长的月份是6~7月;薤白的是5~7月;细叶韭叶的是4~6月,而且从株高日生长量等各指标分析结果来看,葱属4种植物都在6~7月达到生长高峰。5葱属4种植物二年生植株不同物候期叶片中营养成分:野韭、薤白和细叶韭在苗期可溶性蛋白质含量最高,沙葱在种子成熟期,分别为3.01、2.54、4.18、3.13 mg·g-1;野韭和沙葱在种子成熟期总氨基酸含量最高,薤白在花期,细叶韭在抽薹期,分别为6.69、3.50、2.97、15.33 mg·g-1;野韭、沙葱和薤白在抽薹期可溶性总糖含量最高,细叶韭在种子成熟期,分别为1.00%、1.41%、1.75%、0.64%;野韭、沙葱和细叶韭在抽薹期淀粉含量最高,薤白在花期,分别为0.35%、0.29%、0.27%、0.39%。该研究不仅为4种植物人工栽培管理、开发利用提供了一定的理论依据,还为野韭、薤白和细叶韭的物候期研究填补了空白,且为资源的深入研究及保护奠定了良好的基础。该研究具有重要的生态意义和理论实践意义。

【Abstract】 The materials were Allium ramosum L.、Allium mongolicum Regel、Allium macrostemon Bunge.and Allium tenuissimum L. and the study observed phenophase and measured off their growing phases, analyzed the nutrients component of their leaves, and observed the dynamic change of the growing indexes, for example the number of leaves and the height of the plants. The results showed that:1 The growing phaseses of the four plants can be measured off :sowingdate, seed germination, seedling, blooming-growth period, declining period; germination period, returning green stage, bolting, flowering and seed maturation.2 The seed germination of A. ramosum L. and A. macrostemon Bunge. was at the first ten days of June, and the A. mongolicum Regel and A. tenuissimum L were at the middle ten days of June; the seedling of A. ramosum L. , A. macrostemon Bunge. and A. mongolicum Regel was at the middle ten days of June; but the A. tenuissimum L was at the last ten days of June; the blooming-growth period of A. macrostemon Bunge. and A. mongolicum Regel was at the last ten days of June, but the A. ramosum L. was at the first ten days of July, and A. tenuissimum L was at the middle ten days of July; the declining period of A. ramosum L., A. mongolicum Regel and A. macrostemon Bunge. was at the first ten days of October, the A. tenuissimum L was at the middle ten days of October.3 The germination period of A. ramosum L., A. macrostemon Bunge.and A. tenuissimum L. was at the first ten days of March, the returning green stage of A. mongolicum Regel was at the middle ten days of March, and the A. mongolicum Regel was at the middle ten days of March and at the last ten days of March.; the bolting period of A. macrostemon Bunge. A. tenuissimum L. was at the middle ten days of May, but the others of them was at the last ten days of May, the flowering period of A. tenuissimum L. was at the last ten days of June, the A. ramosum L. and A. mongolicum Regel was at the first ten days of July, the A. macrostemon Bunge. was at the middle ten days of July; the seed maturation of A. mongolicum Regel and A. tenuissimum L. was at the middle ten days of August, but the others was at the last ten days of August.4 The fitting period of A. ramosum L. leaves ranged from April to July, the A. mongolicum Regel ranged from June to July, A. macrostemon Bunge. Regel ranged from May to July, A. tenuissimum L. ranged from April to June, but the growing pinnacle of four plants ranged from June to July by the height of plant and so on. 5 The maximal protein content of A. ramosum L., A. macrostemon Bunge.and A. tenuissimum L. was 3.01、2.54、4.18 mg·g-1 at seedling period, but the maximal protein content of A. ramosum L., A. macrostemon Bunge.and A. tenuissimum L. was 3.13 mg·g-1 at seed maturation, the maximal amino acid content of A. ramosum L. and A. mongolicum Regel was 6.69、3.50 mg·g-1 at seed maturation, but the A. macrostemon Bunge. was at flowering period, the A. tenuissimum L. was at bolting, the content was partly 2.97、15.33 mg·g-1; The maximal soluble sugar content of A. ramosum L., A. macrostemon Bunge.and A. mongolicum Regel was 1.00%、1.41%、1.75% at bolting, but the maximal sugar content of A. tenuissimum L. was 0.64% at seed maturation; The maximal starch content of A. ramosum L., A. tenuissimum L. and A. mongolicum Regel was 0.35%、0.29%、0.27% at bolting, but the maximal sugar content of A. macrostemon Bunge.was 0.64% at flowering.The study provided the academic help for planting and managering and exploitation and utilization. And the phenophase of A. ramosum L., A. macrostemon Bunge.and A. tenuissimum L. filled up the blank, and established the basic of deeply studying and protecting, and there was significant at zoology and theory.


