

The Advanced Backeross Population Population in Maize in the Response to Low Nitrogen Stress and Low Phosphorus Stress

【作者】 陈晓辉

【导师】 田自华; 陈范骏;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古农业大学 , 植物学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 通过遗传改良获得氮磷高效品种是解决施肥不合理带来的负面效应以及降低生产成本、提高肥料利用率的有效途径。而研究玉米磷胁迫的生理、遗传机制,分子标记辅助选择结合常规育种可以有效地提高育种效率。本实验以玉米自交系478为供体,自交系武312为轮回亲本,经过四次回交两次自交而形成的BC4F3回交群体为材料,分别在2007和2008两年在北京中国农业大学昌平实验站测定产量及主要农艺性状,对群体株系在氮磷胁迫的反应进行评价,同时为氮磷胁迫下主效QTL定位打下基础。研究结果表明:1、2007年低磷胁迫下,产量只降低了2.9%,穗部性状变化幅度较小,叶面积、穗位高等农艺性状分别增加了10.3%、7.8%;低氮胁迫下,产量显著降低了12.8%,行粒数降低了10.1%,叶面积、叶绿素含量等农艺性状分别降低了7.9%、13.7%。2、2008年低磷胁迫下,产量显著降低了35.3%,行粒数降低幅度达19.5%,其它穗部性状降低幅度在5%左右,叶面积、株高、穗位高、叶绿素含量等农艺性状分别降低4%到10%;低氮胁迫下,产量显著降低了8.5%,穗部性状降低幅度较小,叶绿素含量降低12.2%,而其它农艺性状变化不大。3、不同养分处理下,产量与穗长、穗粗、穗行数、行粒数、叶面积、株高、穗位高、SPAD(叶绿素含量)值都呈显著正相关,其中行粒数、穗粗、株高、叶面积等指标与产量相关度较高。4、田间条件下,群体中株系128在产量等相关性状上有良好的表现。株系170在纸培和水培下根系性状表现较好,而砂培条件下177的根系性状表现较好。5、砂培体系有利于研究氮素对种子根的促进效率,而水培条件下更有利于研究氮素对于节根生长的促进效应。

【Abstract】 It is an effective means to decrease the negative influence of unreasonable fertilizer management by the means of genetic improvement for the different nutrient efficient plants. Furthermore, it can decrease the costs of production and increase the efficiency of fertilizer, especially nitrogen and phosphorus. So we can hope to enhance the efficiency of breeding by combine the research of physical and genetic mechanism under nutrient (N, P) stress with MAS (marker assisted selection) in maize. In this dissertation, we designed three treats as follows: N stress, P stress and N, P normal. The materials were the advanced backcross population (BC4F3), the donor parent was 478 and the recurrent parent was Wu312. We measured agronomic traits, grain yield and related traits. The objective was to evaluate the advanced backcross population under N and P stress. At the same time, these data would be the good foundation for the next QTL analysis.Our result indicated:1. In 2007, for the whole population, the grain yield decreased 2.9% and leaf area and ear height increased 10.3% and 7.8%, respectively, under P stress. And under the N stress, the grain yield decreased 12.8% significantly, row numbers decreased 10.1%, leaf area and SPAD decreased 7.9% and 13.7%, respectively.2. In 2008, the grain yield decreased 35.3% significantly, rows number decreased 19.5% and other ear related traits decreased 5%, and agronomic traits (leaf area, plant height, ear height and SPAD) decreased 4% to 10% under P stress. For the N stress, the grain yield decreased 8.5%, ear related traits decreased a little, SPAD decreased 12.2%, but all the traits were not significantly with the normal nutrient treatment.3. There were significant correlations between the grain yield and ear length, ear diameter, ear rows number, row grains, leaf area, plant height, ear height and SPAD under the different treatment. Of these traits, the correlation coefficients of rows number, ear diameter, plant height and leaf area were higher.4. Of the advanced backcross population, L128 had the better grain yield and related traits under the field conditions; L170 had the better root system under the paper and water culture and L177 had the better root related traits under the sand culture.5. Of these culture systems, the sand culture was profit to research the simulation of nitrogen for the seminal root system and the hydroponics was more profit to study the effect of nitrogen for the crown roots.

【关键词】 玉米氮磷胁迫回交群体基因型
【Key words】 MaizeN/P stressAdvanced backcross populationGenotype
  • 【分类号】S513
  • 【下载频次】58

