

Comparison and Evaluation of Spatial Structure of Woody Plants for Hohhot Five Residential Green Spaces

【作者】 马秀梅

【导师】 王林和; 张国盛;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古农业大学 , 水土保持与荒漠化防治, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以呼和浩特市芳汀花园(F)、桥华紫华园(Q)、名仕园(M)、东乐花园(D)和内蒙古农业大学东区居住区(N)5个居民区绿地为主要研究对象,从绿地树种组成、水平结构、垂直结构、树种组成结构四个层面,对城市居民区绿地的空间结构进行系统研究。结果表明:(1)树种组成上,研究区内共有维管束植物22科,43属,80种。其中,裸子植物有3科6属12种,被子植物有19科37属68种;乔木53种,灌木27种;乡土树种有13科22属30种,外来树种有18科32属50种。特点是既有向蔷薇科、豆科、松科、木犀科等一些大科集中的倾向,同时又向少种科和单种科分散;灌木树种、乡土树种偏少,并且落叶、阔叶树种占有绝对优势。(2)水平结构上,研究区的植株密度在435~1508株/hm2之间,较为合理;聚集指数R值在1.2435~1.5731之间,表明植株都是均匀分布;覆盖度在0.3814~0.6279之间,芳汀花园、东乐花园和农大东区的覆盖度稍大,群落稍显杂乱,应注意及时修剪。(3)垂直结构上,研究区的乔灌草比例不尽合理,灌木数量明显偏低;林层比在0.3629~0.5345之间,桥华紫华园、芳汀花园、名仕园、东乐花园和农大东区的群落错落有致的效果依次降低。(4)树种组成结构上,研究区的常绿落叶比为1:3.6~1:9,比例偏低;R值为2.6977~4.8208,H值为1.9208~2.8024,J值为0.8342~0.9696,M值为0.0657~0.2126。结果表明,芳汀花园的树种丰富度、多样性、均匀度最好,农大东区和名仕园的则较低。芳汀花园的树种单调度指数最低,名仕园和农大东区的树种单调度则较高。对R、H、J和M的相关分析得出:H与R、H与J、J与R呈正相关,H与M、M与J、M与R呈负相关。(5)空间结构的综合评价采用隶属函数法和指标排序叠加法,结果表明:名仕园和桥华紫华园的水平结构优于另外3个研究区。名仕园、桥华紫华园和芳汀花园的垂直结构优于另外2个研究区。树种组成结构从弱到强依次为:名仕园<农大东区<东乐花园<桥华紫华园<芳汀花园。综合起来看,空间结构从弱到强依次为:农大东区<东乐花园和名仕园<桥华紫华园和芳汀花园。

【Abstract】 The purpose of the thesis was to study the Spatial Structure of woody plants in the Tree Species Composition, the Horizontal Structure, the Vertical Structure and the Tree Species Composition Structure, Taking the residential green areas of Fang Ting(F),Qiao Hua(Q),Ming Shi-yuan(M),Dong Le(D) and the east area of Inner Mongolia Agricultural University(N) as the main research objects.The main results are as follows:1. The Tree Species Composition of the study green areas: There were 80 Plants species,which belonged to 43 genera and 22 families of vascular plants in the study green areas. There were 12 Plants Species,which belonged to 6 genera and 3 families of Gymnosperm, and 68 Plants Species,which belonged to 37 genera and 19 families of Angiosperms.There were 53 arbor species,27 shrub species according to 2 life types. There were 30 Plants Species,which belonged to 22 genera and 13 families of Native plants, and 50 Plants Species,which belonged to 32 genera and 18 families of Exotic species.The characteristics tendency of species focused on big subjects of the Rosaceae, Leguminosae, Pinaceae, Oleaceae, and scattered small branches and single species branches.shrub species and native trees were few, and deciduous and broad-leaved species had absolute advantage.2.The Horizontal Structure of the study green areas: Plant densities were in 435 ~ 1508 trees/hm2 and more reasonable.The values of Aggregation index R were between 1.2435 ~ 1.5731, indicating that plants were uniformly distributed.Coverage degrees were in 0.3814 ~ 0.6279, coverage degrees of F, D and N were larger, plant communities were slightly messy, and should pay attention to pruning plants timely.3. The Vertical Structure of the study green areas: The rates of Arbor, Shrub and Grass were unreasonable,and the number of shrubs were few Significantly.The values of stand level rate were in 0.3629~0.5345,the order of plants Spatial effect were Q﹥F﹥M﹥D﹥N.4.Tree Species Composition Structure of the study green areas: The rates of Evergreen and Deciduous were 1:3.6~1:9, and the proportions were low. R values were 2.6977~4.8208, H values were 1.9208~2.8024, J values were 0.8342~0.9696, M values were 0.0657~0.2126. The results show that tree species richness, diversity, and evenness of F were best and them of N and M were more relative poor. Tree species monotony of F was lowest and them of M and N were higher. Correlation analysis showed that there was a positive correlation between H and R, H and J and J and R, and a negative correlation between H and M, M and J and M and R.5.Comprehensive Evaluation method of the spatial structure used the methods of Membership function and Superposition method to sort indicators, the results show that: The Horizontal Structure of M and Q were better than the other three study areas, the Horizontal Structure of M,Q and F were better than the other two study areas, the order of Tree Species Composition Structure was M﹤N﹤D﹤Q﹤F. The order from weak to strong of patial structure was N﹤D﹤M﹤Q and F.


