

【作者】 李雯

【导师】 张志忠;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 叶兆言是中国当代文学界一个颇为独特的存在。他是一个无法被“类化”的异端。一直以来,评论界对叶兆言的研究都是把他放在一个群体中笼统提之,他一度被看作是“先锋小说”、“新写实小说”、“新历史主义小说”、“后现代主义小说”的代表作家之一,而对其独有的意义并未进行深入的研究。笔者同时注意到他在每种思潮中都没有特别突出的表现,在被归类的各种流派中,他的创作都显得有些滞后,似乎永远是一种“追随者”。他的小说没有故意去求新求异,追求的是朴素和平实。这些特点体现在他小说中就是较强的故事性和可读性。虽然他进行了不同形式的艺术探索,尝试小说叙事的各种可能性,寻求叙事艺术的创新,但是始终保持小说“讲故事”这一原始功能。重视故事性,形成了他小说独特的艺术特征。对故事的重视,是作者的自觉追求,也体现了作家对读者的重视。有时过分的重视也使创作产生了局限,导致作品中艺术的精神让位于读者的趣味。本文以叶兆言1997年的创作特征为切入点,结合作家的创作谈和散文,分别从写实和虚构,叙事手法的运用,别样的故事三个方面来谈叶兆言小说的这种艺术特征。第一章从写实和虚构两个方面来谈叶兆言创作的特点,同时也是对他整个创作流程的梳理和探析。第二章谈小说的叙事,着重从叙事视角和叙事结构两个方面入手。第三章谈小说的内容,言情和侦探题材的选择,以及爱和死的主题所体现的深层意蕴。结语部分简单谈创作局限性。

【Abstract】 In Chinese contemporary literature,Ye Zhaoyan is a remarkable writer, his novels have different styles. For a long time ,critics put him in a group of references in general. His works were once regarded as a "Pioneer " "New realist" " New historicism" "Post-modernism " and so on. But critics didn’t pay so much attention on him. It also can be seen that he wasn’t a leader in any school. In all these schools, his writing was not the fist one that appear in Chinese contemporary literature, he always was seen as a follower. The significant style that he pursuit is simple not strange.These characteristics reflected in his novels is strong readable narrative. Although he carried out different forms of art, used variety of narrative methods, made innovative in narrative, but always keep the function of "story-telling". Pay much attention to this function is his unique artistic features. Because this is the author’s consciously pursuit, considering the readers as parents is the other important resaon. Sometimes too much attention made his writiing defected, such as the spirit of works give way to the reader’s interest.In the paper, the author try to discuss the artistic features of Ye Zhaoyan’s novels in three aspects -- realism and fabricating, the use of narrative technique, the unique story. Starting with his writing in 1997 and combining with his essays. In the first chapter, I try to discuss the characteristics of Ye Zhaoyan’writing from two points of realism-describing and fabricating,it’s a congnition of all his entire writing process, too. In the second chapter, I’ll disscuss the narrative technique, focusing on the structure and the view of narrative. In the third chapter, I’ll disscuss the contents of his novels. the subject matter that he choose are love stories and despective stories. The theme of his novel are love and death ,and what they embodied. In the epilogue I’ll briefly discuss the shortbacks in his writing.

【关键词】 叶兆言艺术特征故事性
【Key words】 Ye Zhaoyanartistic featuresstory
  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】304

