

Effects of Imipramine on Behavioral Sensitization of Morphine in the Chronic Mild Stress-depressed Rats

【作者】 马兰花

【导师】 李新旺;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 基础心理学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 药物依赖和成瘾研究的焦点问题,是探讨诱发药物滥用及导致戒除后的复吸行为的核心因素及其机制。临床和实验研究发现:药物成瘾者存在药物依赖和抑郁共病的状态:抑郁是药物成瘾者一种典型的情绪状态;一些抗抑郁药物具有治疗药物成瘾的作用。这些发现说明药物成瘾和抑郁情绪之间存在相互联系的神经机制。但目前的研究对于药物成瘾和抑郁之间的因果关系还不慎明了。动物模型为理解抑郁与药物成瘾问题提供了一个很好的方法:行为敏感化是研究药物成瘾的公认动物模型;慢性不可预见性应激可作为建立抑郁动物模型的主要诱发因子。本实验采用慢性轻度不可预见性应激抑郁模型和吗啡行为敏感化动物模型,通过考察抑郁与吗啡行为敏感化的关系,探讨:(1)慢性应激性抑郁对吗啡滥用的诱导作用;(2)抗抑郁药丙咪嗪对这种诱导作用的影响。实验结果发现:(1)吗啡4mg/kg急性处理,抑郁组和抑郁丙咪嗪5mg/kg处理组动物的活动量都显著高于对照组;(2)吗啡行为敏感化形成期抑郁组活动量显著高于对照组,而抑郁丙咪嗪组的动物活动量与对照组没有显著差异;(3)在吗啡激发的行为敏感化表达中,抑郁组的活动量显著高于对照组,而抑郁丙咪嗪组的动物活动量与对照组没有显著差异。研究结果表明:(1)经历慢性应激性抑郁的大鼠,在吗啡急性处理后自主活动显著增加,而丙咪嗪对这种增加有部分抑制作用;(2)经历慢性应激性抑郁的大鼠在吗啡行为敏感化的形成和表达期自主活动显著增加,丙咪嗪的干预抑制了这种增强效应。以上结果预示慢性应激性抑郁可能对吗啡的成瘾和复吸具有诱发作用,而抗抑郁药丙咪嗪能抑制这种诱发作用,丙咪嗪对吗啡成瘾具有一定的治疗作用。

【Abstract】 The key study of drug dependence and addiction is exploring factors and mechanism leading to drug addiction and relapse.Clinical evidence and animal experiments have found that:addicted patients frequently show the emotion of depression,depression is a common feature of various drug addicts;some antidepressant drugs has been shown to relieve drug addiction,suggesting that there is some relationship between depression and drug addiction.But current research couldn’t elucidate whether the depression reflects preexisting traits,or the effects of exposure to the drug.The animal model prodives a better method to research the relationship of depression and drug addiction:the behavioral sensitization animal model is proverbially used in the study of drug addiction,the chronic mild stress procedure is an useful and reliable model of depression. This experiment was designed to explore the effect of imipramine on the morphine addiction after the performance of the chronic mild stress procedure.Based on the relationship between behavioral sensitization and addiction susceptibility,we investigate(1) the morphine behavioral sensitization in model rats treated with chronic mild stress;(2)The effect of imipramine on the morphine behavioral sensitization in model rats treated with chronic mild stress.Our results showed that:(1)the locomotion of depression group and imipramine-depression group were significantly higher than non-depression group after treatment with 4mg/kg morphine;(2) the locomotion of depression group was significantly higher than non-depression group in the development of behavioral sensitization,no difference was observed between imipramine-depression group and non-depression group;(3) and in the expression period,the locomotion of depression group was significantly higher than non-depression group,no difference was observed between imipramine-depression group and non-depression group.Conclusions:(1)the locomotion of depression group were significantly higher than non-depression group after treatment with 4mg/kg morphine;Imipramine inhibited this effect.(2) there is relationship between depression and addiction susceptibility,and the relapse in morphine addiction may be influenced by the emotion of depression.(3) Imipramine has an inhibition on behavioral sensitization of morphine in the chronic mild stress-depressed rats.The effect of the chronic mild stress-depression on morphine behavioral sensitization could be inhibited by imipramine,suggesting that mild stress-depression is one of factors leading to drug addiction and relapse.Imipramine could cure drug addiction and relapse.

【关键词】 吗啡行为敏感化慢性应激抑郁丙咪嗪
【Key words】 morphinebehavioral sensitizationdepressionimipramine
  • 【分类号】R749.6
  • 【下载频次】55

