

【作者】 高自平

【导师】 刘孔喜;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 美术学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 弗朗切斯卡是十五世纪意大利最著名的画家,他的绘画基于古代传统和同时代艺术研究的优秀成果,敏赡睿哲,自成圭臬。他是那个时代注重视觉语言,传达内在精神质值特立独行的大师。文论从三个方面观照弗朗切斯卡艺术的主观条件、客观基础及社会历史价值,旨在以古为鉴、启迪心智。理性是其艺术观之先导。文章从弗朗切斯卡的教育和生活背景出发,剖析其迷恋数学、几何学、透视学研究,对古希腊罗马科学、艺术殚见洽闻,把几何学融入透视学,在内容形式诸方面的唯理倾向。艺术风格的探究是重点所在。弗朗切斯卡对传统的拓拔源于图形架构及经典叙事模式的图像志读解,在此基础上,创建自己独具特色的立体与平面置换、明亮宽广庄重优雅的建筑性空间氛围、光的超时代运用等视觉语言。最后是作品宣泄的精神召唤力。它撇去了现实浮华的外表,肤浅的情感受到抑制,视觉元素一经理性编织便内敛为摄人心目的感召力,赋予作品无穷的魅力。弗朗切斯卡艺术深沉博大的视觉力量震撼了无数景仰者,一些人力解图像的文化内涵,而艺术家们则试图找到产生这种视觉力量的方法途径,对弗朗切斯卡造型与构成的几何性理性方程的浅见成了蹩脚摹本的根源,仅从风格形式的解读是不够的,诱发这种视觉形式的真正源泉,乃是古典主义理想在十五世纪际遇的尴尬,启于艺术家对这种完美主义理想的笨拙追求。弗朗切斯卡的卓越智慧还在于把张扬古典主义的沉静与表述崇高博大的个性诉求相结合,他的公式是:古典主义的沉静+崇高博大的个性表述—→古典主义传统的合理擷取—→视觉形式的系统归纳—→视觉力量;而我们对弗朗切斯卡艺术成就的理解应是:视觉力量←—视觉形式←—古典主义传统←—古典主义的沉静+崇高博大的个性表述。启示是:从传统中找到你倾诉思想的视觉形式,用你的法则来编辑,创造你的艺术风格。

【Abstract】 Piero Della Francesca is a leading luminary of the painters in the fifteenth century in Italy.His picture based on a long established iconographic tradition of ancient antiquity and the ultramundane achievement of contemporary art study to which he refers With discretion is his alone.Piero shows himself to be the eccentric master of addressing to visual language and of communicating innate spirit quality.From three facets,This discourse reveals subjective and objective elements of Francesca art and its social history value in order to make us enlightened from traditional cultures.Firstly,Rationality takes on the major role of Francesca’s Metaphysical paintings.The artical depicts Francesca’ s life and his education background,Above all,Francesca immerses himself totally in mathematics、geometry、perspective research,has an adoration for science and art of classical antiquity,blends geometry in perspective,creats a sacred rational atmosphere of the material and form.Secondly,Art style,The way of Francesca’ s references to tradition lies in an iconographic solution of graphic form and classic narrative patterns,so much so that,He creates a series of visual representation approaches including the switch between the three-dimension and the two-dimension;the luminous extensive stately graceful constructive spatial atmosphere;the supper-time introduction of light.and so forth.At last,Francesca’ s art announces its great spiritual Powers.At this crucial point,By removing the less important facade of secular subjects,restraining the factitious emotions,the artist gets what he wants:Once visual elements are entwined by intellect,the paintings will be fascinating and hypnotizing in the soul.A great number of adorers are shocked by the visual powers of the majestic Francesca’ s art.Some explanations are about the culture meanings of iconographic;But artists attempt to find out the approaches and the ways of making visual powers.Their clumsy copies derive from the superficial understanding of the geometricality and rationality of Francesca’s modeling and formation.only thought about the style of Francesca’s works is not enough,They must also study the fifteenth-century classicalism of which the contemporary artists had a little knowledge.Francesca brightly combines accentuating the quietness in the classicalism with representing the spirit of the stately nobility in the pictures.His ideas:quietness in the classicalism and represention of the spirit of the stately nobility——→rationally obtaining classicalism tradition——→The systematic induction of visual patterns——→visual powers;Our understanding:visual powers←——visual patterns←——classicalism tradition←——quietness in the classicalism and represention of the spirit of the stately nobilityOur enlightenment:From tradition we can find out the visual patterns that give voice to our feeling,then introduce them through our ways,we will obtain our styles.

  • 【分类号】J205
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】112

