

【作者】 牛小萍

【导师】 张燕勤;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 学科教育, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 由于大、中学的扩招以及计划生育导致的生源的减少,中等职业学校招生人数快速萎缩,生源质量一路下滑,数学的教与学出现两难情况,即“学生感到难学、教师感到难教”。本调查研究旨在了解幼师学生数学能力现状。在文献研究的基础上,结合研究对象的特点,编制出数学能力测查试卷,选取北京市幼儿师范学校2008级新生共250人作为研究对象,从数学记忆力,逻辑思维能力,空间想象能力,运算能力,创造能力,解决实际问题的六个方面测查幼师学生的数学能力。调查结果表明:在此水平的能力测试中,几个能力排名由高到低依次为数学基本知识(数学记忆力)—逻辑思维能力—空间想象能力—运算能力—创造能力—解决实际问题的能力。空间想象能力还只停留在小学阶段水平;学生的概括、观察、抽象、推理等逻辑思维能力也只停留在较为低级的层面上;运算方面一旦牵涉复杂运算则正确率较低;分析问题、解决问题的灵活性、创造性较差,解决实际问题及一些非常规性问题大部分学生不能摆脱常规思维定势的限制。幼师学生的数学整体水平与同龄学生相比,属中等偏下水平,这也与我们的招生生源情况相吻合。针对调查结果,结合本人的实际教学经验,对六个数学能力提出了自己的思考意见,以期对其他幼教数学工作者有所借鉴。

【Abstract】 Because of the source reduction of students by the expansion of recruitment in middle school and universities as well as the family-planning, the amount of recruitment in middle vocational schools withered speedily, the quality of students slid down deeply, and there emerged a dilemma in teaching and learning mathematics on which students felt hard to study and teachers perceived arduous to teach. Our goal of the investigation is to realize the status of mathematic abilities among the students in infant normal school. On reviewing the published papers and combining the characteristics of the objectives, examination papers for mathematic abilities after entrance was devised. 250 students of Grade 2008 in Beijing infant normal school were chosen as objectives, the mathematic abilities among the students was measured on the six aspects of ability in mathematic memory(basic mathematic knowledge), logic thinking, dimensional imagination, calculation, creation and resolution to practical problems. The results showed that the six abilities were queued from high to low as the sequence above. The ability of dimensional imagination remains at the level of primary schools. The ability of logic thinking in recapitulation, observation, abstraction and ratiocination lagged behind lower levels. The correct rates were lower when they encountered relative complicated calculations. The adaptability and creativity was low-grade for analysis and resolving to problems. Most of the students were unable to cast off the restrictions of regular thinking way when dealing with practical and irregular questions. The general level of mathematics in infant normal school belongs to lower medium compared to the same aged student (among high school), which correspond to the condition of our source of recruitment. Aiming at the results of the investigation and combining our own experiences of teaching, suggestions were proposed on the six mathematic abilities in order to give others a reference for mathematic teaching.

  • 【分类号】G633.6
  • 【下载频次】161

