

Swot Analysis of the Tourism Development in Beijing Mountainous Area & Site Selection of the Tourism Service Bases Supported by GIS

【作者】 王荣娟

【导师】 何永;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 地图学与地理信息系统, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 北京山区拥有丰富的动植物资源、地文景观、水资源与人文历史资源等丰富的旅游资源。北京山区的地理位置及其拥有的资源,为发展旅游提供了前提,同时有利于山区产业转型,有利于促进山区新农村建设与城乡一体化发展,也有利于山区资源的保护与利用。本文借助编制《北京市山区协调发展总体规划(2006年-2020年)》(以下简称<山区规划>)的契机,应用行业发展研究中较为成熟的SWOT分析工具,对北京山区的旅游发展进行了较为全面的剖析。研究分析结论认为,北京山区旅游今后的发展应采取开拓型发展战略。针对这一发展方向,本文提出了若干发展对策,供相关部门参考。结合《山区规划》对山区未来发展与建设的构想与要求,在现有的“旅游集散地”的发展模式的基础上,本文提出在山区建设“旅游服务基地”的创新理念。建设旅游服务基地不仅是对各项发展对策综合考虑的结果,也是山区旅游未来发展过程中提升旅游服务质量与基础设施水平,促进可持续发展的积极途径。由于山区资源的特殊性与敏感性,在山区实施建设需要经过科学、慎重的论证与考评。出自这样的考虑,本文应用GIS强大的空间分析技术对北京山区的旅游服务基地的建设选址问题进行了初步研究。研究过程中,以编制《北京市限建区规划(2006年-2020年)》使用的数据为主要基础数据,联合山区区县行政界限、道路、水系及山区区县旅游相关规划等数据,运用GIS空间分析工具,对山区旅游服务基地的选址问题进行了系统研究,得出以下结论:房山区的张坊镇;门头沟区的斋堂镇;昌平区的十三陵镇;延庆县的八达岭镇;怀柔区的汤河口镇;密云县的溪翁庄镇和太师屯镇;平谷区的大华山镇和金海湖镇适宜建设旅游服务基地。

【Abstract】 Tourism resources in Beijing Mountainous Area are quite rich, which includes animal & plant resources, landscape resources, water resources and humanities & history resources. Location and rich resources of Beijing Mountainous Area is a precondition for developing tourism, which is good for the industrial transformation, good for the new rural construction, and good for the resources protection & utilization.This paper is made after《Beijing Mountainous Development Master Plan(2006-2020)》. In this paper, SWOT analysis method is used for analyzing tourism development in Beijing Mountainous Area, which is a mature analysis method in researches of business and industry. Conclusion of the analysis is that an extended strategy should be adopted in the future tourism development in Beijing Mountainous Area. For this kind of strategy, the paper provides certain number of corresponding measures for the departments with tourism development as references. Combining with the proposals and requirements for the mountainous area construction in planning, the paper proposes to build the“Tourism Service Bases”in mountainous area after study the development model of“Tourist Transport Center”. Building Tourism Service Bases is not only a decision for the corresponding measures; it’s a positive way for promoting the level of tourism service and tourism infrastructure to achieve sustainable development as well.Since resources in mountainous area are valuable and sensitive, constructions in this kind of area need to be proofed and evaluated scientifically and carefully. Taking this condition into account, site selection of the Tourism Service Bases is discussed in the paper supported by spatial analysis technology in GIS. In course of the discussion, part of the data used by《Planning in restrains of Beijing Urban None Built-Up Space (2006-2020)》is used again as the basic data. Besides, the administrative boundary data of districts and counties, road data, water data and kinds of tourism planning in mountainous area are used for the paper. By using GIS spatial analysis tools, the paper discusses the site selection issue systematically, and the conclusion is that, town of Zhangfang (district of Fangshan), town of Zhaitang (district of Mentougou), town of Shisanling (district of Changping), town of Badaling (county of Yanqing), town of Tanghekou (district of Huairou), town of Xiwengzhuang & Taishitun (county of Miyun) and town of Dahuashan & Jinhaihu (district of Pinggu) are suitable towns for building Tourism Service Bases.

  • 【分类号】F592.7
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】708

