

【作者】 李白雪

【导师】 刘进安;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 美术学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 中国古典戏曲和中国传统绘画艺术一样,重传神与神似,重想象和意境,两种艺术形式在理论和技法上气脉相通,画意与戏韵交流互润,都是以写意的艺术哲学把握现实,以虚拟、夸张、变形的艺术形式还原于事物的真实。戏曲本身是一门综合性极强的艺术,融合了小说、诗词、音乐、舞蹈、雕塑及绘画,在舞台空间里所展示的魅力是多视角、多层面、全方位的。一切形式充满了东方情调的和谐与完美。戏曲本身的艺术形式为画家意象造型,直抒胸臆提供了无限可能。本文通过对戏画源流考探,追溯戏画的起源、发展及现状,根据戏曲与绘画的特点,解析以戏入画的缘由。戏曲以表演烘托舞台,达到感人肺腑;绘画以笔墨营造空间,达到气韵生动。“意境传神”成为二者美学的共同点。

【Abstract】 Chinese ancient opera and Chinese traditional painting art have similar points,which are vividness,similarity,imagination and artistic conception.Both are alike in theory and technique. Traditional painting’s connotation communicates with ancient opera’s charm,and absorbs advantages from each other.Both grasp real life by art philosophy of "freehand brushwork",and reflect truth in dummy exaggerated and transmutative art ways.Opera is a kind of all-around art.It inosculates fiction,poem,music,dance,sculpture and painting.So it shows various charms at stage.All are filled with oriental harmoniousness and perfection.Art forms of opera offer limitless possibilities for artists to sculpt and show their emotion.By studying up on headstream of opera and painting;tracing back to origin,development, actuality of opera and painting;according to features of opera and painting;this article analyzes reasons painting from opera.Stage is set off by act,which achieves deeply moved effect.Space is built by pen and ink,and then everything is vivid."Artistic conception is vivid" is the common characteristics between opera and painting.

  • 【分类号】J209.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】118

