

【作者】 张月琴

【导师】 谷学新;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 分析化学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 目前,以摇头丸为代表的新型毒品在我国境内已经屡见不鲜,滥用人数也在逐年增加。许多人对新型毒品还存在着认识上的误区,认为它是一种软性毒品,成瘾性和对身体的危害性远远不及传统毒品。其实新型毒品毒性巨大,成瘾性更强,服用毒品后造成的危害更大,戒除毒瘾更难。在我国大量滥用的新型毒品主要是亚甲二氧甲基苯丙胺、甲基苯丙胺和氯胺酮。此类毒品具有精神依赖性强,而身体依赖性相对弱的特点。现主要在娱乐场所被滥用,“新型毒品”滥用的群体广泛,不仅导致严重身心损害,也影响社会安定团结。随着毒品的泛滥和社会危害性的增大,毒品检测、分析与确认也就相应地变得越来越迫切。因此,建立快速、简便、有效的色谱法对常见的毒品进行定性、定量分析是非常必要的。1.对毒品种类、危害及新型毒品与传统毒品的区别做了简单介绍,对我国毒品滥用现状进行简单分析。综述了生物检材中毒品分析技术的进展,评述了液相萃取、固相萃取、微波辅助萃取等技术在前处理中的应用,以及气相色谱、高效液相色谱、毛细管电泳及其联用等技术在分析毒品的优越性和局限性。2.选择尿液和猪肝作为生物检材,新型毒品(苯丙胺、甲基苯丙胺、亚甲二氧基甲基苯丙胺、氯胺酮)为本文研究对象,利用微波萃取法对样品中待测组分进行提取,从萃取溶剂、时间、温度及样品pH等方面考察了毒品的提取方法。3.采用气相色谱—质谱法进行定性分析,气相色谱和液相色谱法定量分析生物检材中氯胺酮及苯丙胺类毒品含量。气相色谱和液相色谱分别考察了载气、程序升温和流动相、梯度洗脱等对分离效果的影响。

【Abstract】 In recent years, the abuse problems of new type drugs have become increasingly fierce in China. There exists many mistaken understanding that the new types are considered as a soft, low addiction and little physical harm drugs. In fact, they have had features including huge toxicity, strong addiction and more difficult addiction rehabilitation. The new type drugs in China are amphetamines and ketamine. They have strongly psychic dependence and weakly physical dependence. Now they are mainly abused in recreational places, new type drugs have wider criminal group, they not only damage physical and mental health but also seriously affected social stability and unity. Along with the overflowing of drugs and the increasing of social harmfulness, illicit drugs inspection and confirmation are more and more urgent. So it is very important to find a simple, fast and highly efficient method to separate and detect the drugs.1. Drug varieties, the harm of drug use, the differences of new type drugs and traditional drugs were simply introduced. It carried on the simple analysis to the drug abuse in China. Analytical techniques for drugs in biological samples and their recent development were reviewed. The application of sample pretreatment techniques such as liquid-liquid extraction, solid phase extraction and microwave assisted extraction were discussed. The advantages and limitations of gas chromatography, high performance liquid chromatography and capillary electrophoresis were also discussed.2. In this thesis urine and liver were selected as biological samples, four kinds of different type drugs (AM, MA, MDMA and K) were selected as the research object. A method was developed for the determination of drugs in biological samples based on MAE and different chromatographic methods. The types and dosage of extracting solvent, extracting time, temperature and pH were investigated.3. GC-MS method was used for qualitative analysis and GC, HPLC method for quantitative analysis of ketamine and amphetamines from biological samples. The effect of carrier gas, programmed temperature, mobile phase and gradient elution were investigated.


