

【作者】 高太平

【导师】 任东;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 遗传学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 我国东北辽宁省西部和内蒙古自治区东部具有丰富的化石资源。该地区陆相地层发育完好,是世界上中生代陆相地层研究的经典地区之一,主要的陆生化石主要采自中侏罗世的九龙山组和晚侏罗世的义县组地层。在这些化石中,昆虫化石十分丰富,为研究昆虫的起源和早期演化提供了重要证据。本文简要回顾了膜翅目广腰亚目化石昆虫的地质历史及进化路线,总结了国内目前的研究状况:在阐述膜翅目形态特征和生物学意义的基础上,初步探讨了广腰亚目昆虫的起源、演化及系统发育。文中重点对首都师范大学昆虫演化与环境变迁重点实验室收藏的膜翅目广腰亚目化石进行了初步的分类,共描述鉴定了一个新亚科野树蜂亚科Rudisiricinae,6新属:华美长节蜂属Abrotoxyela gen.nov.,美丽短鞭叶蜂属Abrotoma gen.nov.,复合短鞭叶蜂属Synaptotoma gen.nov.,奇异短鞭叶蜂属Paradoxotoma gen.nov.短锯蜂属Brachyoxyela gen.nov.,野树蜂属Rudisiricius gen.nov.,13新种:东方似花长节蜂Anthoxyela orientalis sp.nov,光滑华美长节蜂Abrotoxyela calvata gen.et sp.nov.,多毛华美长节蜂Abrotoxyelamulticiliata gen.et sp.nov.,玲珑短锯蜂Brachyoxyela brevinodia gen.et sp.nov.,苗条短锯蜂Brachyoxyela gracilenta gen.et sp.nov.,支短鞭叶蜂Xyelotoma macroclada gen.et sp.nov.,斑短角叶蜂Xyelocerus diaphanus gen.et sp.nov.,李联短鞭叶蜂Synaptotoma limi gen.et sp.nov.,南希异叶蜂Paradoxotoma tsaiae gen.et sp.nov.,健美短鞭叶蜂Abrotoma robusta gen.et sp.nov.,大头野树蜂Rudisiricius cephalotus gen.et sp.nov.,巨节野树蜂Rudisiriciuscrassinodus gen.et sp.nov.,优美野树蜂Rudisiricius celslls gen.et sp.nov.。本文对所有新属新种进行详细描述,标本的鉴定与描绘主要是借助于LeicaMZ12.5显微镜及附带的绘图臂绘制出标本的形态特征图。线条图借助CorelDraw 12.0、Illustrator CS210.0以及Photoshop CS2 10.0完成。研究标本均保存在首都师范大学生命科学院。

【Abstract】 Eastern Inner Mongolia and Western Liaoning are located in the Northeast part of China. This area is one of the most typical in the world,with well-developed continental Mesozoic sediments,yielding abundant fossil.Most motable fossils from this area are from the terrestrial Jurassic,especially in Jiulongshan Formation of Middle Jurassic and Yixian Formation of Late Jurassic,where abundant insect fossils have been discovered,providing important evident for the research of the origin and early evolution of insects.The present article is a taxonomic study of fossil Suborder Symphyta of Hymenoptera from Northeast China.Firstly,the researching history on Symphyta is provided.Secondly,the morphology and biology are reviewed.Then the origin,evolution and phylogenesis of Symphyta are discussed.At last,a taxonomic work on Mesozoic Symphyta is presented.Species of genera within Family Xyelidae,Family Xyelotomidae and Family Praesiricidae.The new genera and new species in this article are listed as followings:New genera(6):Abrotoxyela gen.nov.,Abrotoma gen.nov.,Synaptotoma gen.nov., Paradoxotoma gen.nov.Brachyoxyela gen.nov.,Rudisiricius gen.nov.New species(13):Anthoxyela orientalis sp.nov,Abrotoxyela calvata gen.et sp.nov., Abrotoxyela multiciliata gen.et sp.nov.,Brachyoxyela brevinodia gen.et sp.nov.,Brachyoxvela gracilenta gen.et sp.nov.,Xyelotoma macroclada gen.et sp.nov.,Xyelocerus diaphanus gen.et sp.nov.,Synaptotoma limi gen.et sp.nov.,Paradoxotoma tsaiae gen.et sp.nov..Abrotoma robusta gen.et sp.nov.,Rudisiricius cephalotus gen.et sp.nov.,Rudisiricius crassinodus gen.et sp.nov.,Rudisiricius celsus gen.et sp.nov.The important critical characteristics of these genera and species are described.The specimens ware examined with Laica MZ 12.5 dissecting microscope and illustrated with the aid of a drawing tube attached to microscope and the software of CorelDraw 12.0,Illustrator CS2 10.0 and Photoshop CS2 10.0.All the type specimens described here are deposited in the College of Life Science,Capital Normal University in Beijing,China.


