

【作者】 邹洋

【导师】 李延林;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 学科教学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 教育工作就是要用知识来增加农民收入,让农民尝到拥有科学文化知识的甜头。数学教育传播数学文化,数学文化使农民终身受益。本文根据作者在北京市房山区开展的农村成人“技能+基础”培训中的教学经历并结合数学教育的特点,针对学习者年龄跨度大,基础水平参差不齐,学习资源短缺,学习方式单一和现行农村成人数学教育课程结构的不足从文化的视角对之进行了改进,在课程结构的设置上增加数学文化的比重,并在教学实践中以数学文化的渗透为核心总结出可行的教学内容和教学方法,探索出一个以数学文化为切入口,通过数学史话、数学谜语、数学小游戏、数学小故事全方位的展示数学文化,激发学习者学习数学的兴趣,把学习者引入数学殿堂,同时又巩固基础,突出实用,适用于农村劳动者的数学教学方法。既充实了基础知识,提高了基本技能,诠释数学家的工作意义,数学对其他科学起的基础作用,以及数学的内在价值,又展示了数学在生活上的广泛运用,以及数学对人的深远影响,实践证明这样的改进可以取得非常好的效果,并有很高的推广价值。

【Abstract】 Education must enable farmers to increase their income through knowledge. Thus they can feel the fruitfulness brought by arming their mind with knowledge. Mathematics education conveys Mathematical culture which gives farmers lifelong benefit. Based on the author’s teaching experience in“basic knowledge plus skills”famer training conducted in Fangshan District, Beijing Municipality, taking into consideration of learner’s age, variety in levels of Math, shortage of learning resources, monotony of learning method and the incomplete structure of Mathematical course, the author improved the course in cultural perspective out of the characteristic of Mathematical education. Culture carries more weight in the new course structure. New teaching method and teaching content are born with culture penetration as its core through the author’s teaching experience. Mathematical culture is fully displayed through history of Mathematics, interesting stories, Math riddles Math. So learners are more enthusiastic. The new methods are applicable to farmers, enhances both the basic knowledge and skills of learners’. Meanwhile, learners can have an understanding of Math scientists’work, the inner value and the role of Math among other principles. Learners get the wide application of Math in life and its great influence on people. Practice has proved the sound effect of such improvement and the improvement can be widely applied.

  • 【分类号】O1-4
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】226

