

A Study of the Present Status of the Wheelchair Race in China

【作者】 杨伯明

【导师】 张英波;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 残疾人体育事业的发展水平是一个国家综合国力和社会文明进步的重要体现,是一个国家民族精神力量的重要标志。轮椅竞速项目在我国开展时间不长,一直是残疾人田径中的薄弱环节。本文运用文献资料、问卷调查、访淡等研究方法,对我国轮椅竞速运动开展现状、影响因素等问题进行分析,得出以下结论:1我国轮椅竞速项目起步较晚,但发展迅速,在2008年残奥会上取得了10金3银4铜的优异成绩,实现了历史性突破,这与国家层面对该项目的大力重视与投入有关。2我国轮椅竞速项目存在参赛面窄、重残级别运动员缺乏、T54长距离项目实力与国际有较大差距等问题。3我国轮椅竞速项目参与省份和人数有逐年增多趋势,但总体规模仍较小。4各省市轮椅竞速项目训练的长期性和系统性得不到保障,基本处于有赛就练,无赛停练状态,训练体系不完善。5我国轮椅竞速项目备战北京残奥会采用大周期训练计划,不同阶段对体能、技术、战术训练各有侧重。6目前对竞速轮椅项目能量代谢特点的研究处于空白,训练负荷、机能状态监控的生理生化指标体系尚未建立。7我国轮椅竞速项目竞赛数量少,队员大赛经验缺乏:承办的残疾人国际体育赛事少,与残疾人体育大国身份不符。8我国轮椅竞速运动员男女比例1.36:1,平均年龄22.9岁,运动员学历不高。9我国轮椅竞速项目教练员数量少,多为健全人退役运动员、业余体校教练;缺乏高学历教练员;教练员职称评定、业务培训不容乐观。10轮椅竞速项目社会关注度不高,项目经费缺乏。建议1加强T52级别运动员和女性运动员的挖掘与培养,重视T54男、女中长距离项目的科学训练和投入。2建立能反映轮椅竞速自身规律与项目特征的训练负荷、监控的科学评价体系。3通过社会媒体,扩大宣传,增加国内比赛次数,引导各省市残联重视轮椅竞速项目的开展。4各基层残联多渠道挖掘和挑选轮椅竞速后备力量,充实队伍规模。通过多种方式筹措发展资金,加大场地器材的经费投入。5加强运动员文化素质培养,落实好运动员退役后相关学习深造、就业安置、生活保障等问题,提高运动员待遇。6积极开展轮椅竞速教练员岗位培训,扩大教练员的交流与合作,加快其职称等级评定等工作。

【Abstract】 The development level of a country’s sports comprehensives national strength and social progress in an important manifestation of civilization.A country’s national spirit is an important indicator of strength.It is not a long time to carry out the wheelchair race events in China and Chinese disabled track and field events has always been a weak link.By using the methods of literature,questionnaire,the short visit,mathematical statistics and so on,We try to research the present status of wheelchair race in China.The concludeds as follows:1.Chinese wheelchair race started late but developed rapidly,2 However,Chinese wheelchair race team projects a narrow face,the severely disabled,such as the lack of T52-level athletes in the T54 men’s and women’s long-range projects With the strength of the international community a greater gap.3.The number of the provinces(cities)and people who participate in Chinese wheelchair race is increasing year by year,but the overall size is still small,4.It is hard to get a guarantee to mark Long-term and system train.Many provinces(cities)always train just for a match,and stop it if there is no match.5.Our country wheel chair race team adopt a big period training programme wich lasts for 8.5 months for Beijing Paralympic Games,but lack in keeping with wheel chair race train of item characteristics implement and supervision of general regulation instruction.6.The research of item characteristics and energy metabolism characteristics of wheel chair is placed in blank,the wheel chair train burden supervision,athlete function appearance supervision of the physiology bio-chemical index sign system havent built up yet.7.It is a lack of number of wheelchair race competitions every year.At the same time,our host few international sports events.8.The ratio of Chinese wheelchair race between male and female athlete is 1.36:1,and the average age of Chinese wheelchair race athletes is 22.9 years.The general education of athletes is not high.9.The number of Chinese wheelchair race coaches is small.Coaches retire from the able-bodied athletes,amateur sports schools,and the lack of well-educated coaches.The title of the coaches assessment,professional training should be strengthened.10.The social concern of Chinese wheelchair race is not high,and lack of the funding for the project.The proposed1.Strengthen T52-level athletes and female athletes of the excavation and development.Emphasis on men and T54,Girls long-distance training and scientific projects of investment.2.Build up the supervision which can reflect wheel chair race oneself regulation and item characteristic of train burden and train the evaluation system of as soon as possible,3.Through social media,the expansion of publicity for the project4.Increase the wheelchair race equipment items,such as the site of the funds through government funding,corporate donors,commercial sponsors, such as the welfare lottery to raise development funds. 5.Strengthening cultural nurturing of athletes,good players retired after the implementation of the relevant post-graduate study,job placement,social security and other issues.6.Active in wheelchair race coach of the project-the-job training, national coach expand exchanges and cooperation to keep abreast of the latest developments in the project and training,competition information. Title coaches to speed up grading and so on.


