

A Detecting and Selecting Method Based on Non-destructive Testing Technology for Bullets of Shooting Competition

【作者】 冯锋

【导师】 金季春;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 运动人体科学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 射击比赛的子弹是由参赛队伍自行准备的,对于比赛用子弹的挑选,则成了一个很重要的环节。传统的子弹检测方法费时费力工作量大,且不能保证挑选出来的子弹的性能完好一致。无损检测技术可以在不破坏或不损坏被检测对象的前提下,来探测各种工程材料、零部件、结构件等内部和表面缺陷,并对缺陷的类型、性质、数量、形状、位置、尺寸、分布及其变化作出判断和评价。1.研究目的:将无损检测技术应用于射击运动子弹的挑选,找到并给出一种快速有效准确的挑选与检测射击运动用子弹的方法,提升子弹挑选的效率,客观上保证运动员在比赛中的稳定发挥。与此同时对进口子弹与国产子弹从子弹装药量、着靶离散度等进行对比研究为今后的比赛用子弹的选择等方面提供理论支持。2.研究方法:用x光检测和中子照相两种无损检测方法对发令枪子弹、装有不同火药量的射击运动用步枪子弹进行透视成像。对比两种方法的优劣,验证与讨论无损检测方法用于射击运动子弹挑选的可行性。对英国爱莱牌子弹与国产三角牌子弹进行抽样试射,结合无损检测结果,对比两种品牌子弹在装药量、子弹射出时的速度以及着弹点离散情况的差异。3.研究结果:所抽测子弹平均速度均在300米每秒以上。爱莱牌各批次子弹平均速度都低于国产三角牌各批次子弹平均速度,之间差距大于10米每秒。所抽测爱莱牌各批次子弹速度的标准偏差都要大于国产三角牌子弹。抽测子弹装载火药高度均值都大于12毫米。并且国产三角牌各批次子弹装药高度平均值全部高于所抽测的爱莱牌子弹的装药高度均值,之间相差大与3毫米。国产三角牌各批子弹着弹点离散点半径要明显小于英国爱莱牌子弹。4.结论:(1)使用中子照相等无损检测方法,可以准确快速地帮助教练员挑选比赛或训练用子弹。应用无损检测方法挑选子弹,从根本上解决了传统挑选方法中只看外观,不能在真正意义上保证挑选出来的子弹性能良好的问题。(2)国家与各地方射击队完全可以打破进口子弹必然优于国产子弹的神话,放心大胆地使用国产子弹进行训练与比赛。(3)通过公式的推导,以开放系统中热力学第一定律为基础,得出了在使用相同发射武器、相同规格子弹情况下,子弹出膛初速度v与装载火药高度h的关系公式。通过公式的推导,本研究获得忽略空气阻力情况下,50米步枪子弹着弹点在竖直和水平方向上的偏移量受子弹射出时速度影响的关系式。

【Abstract】 The shooting match ammunition is prepared by teams themselves.The selection of the bullets has become a very important link.The traditional method of testing bullets,not only laborious and time-consuming work, but also can not guarantee that selected bullets good performance in line. Without to damage the being detected objects,non-destructive testing techniques can detect surface and internal defects of a variety of engineering materials,components,structural components.And it can evaluate and determine the defect’s type,nature,number,shape, location,size,distribution and changes.1.Purpose:Will be non-destructive testing techniques applied to the selection of shooting bullets,to find a rapid and efficient and accurate method of selection of shooting bullets,for the purpose of enhancing the efficiency of the selection of bullets and ensuring stability in the performance of athletes.At the same time,studies of comparing the charge volume of bullets,the targeting dispersion of import bullets with that of Chinese-made bullets,provide theoretical support for the selection of shooting match ammunition.2.Method:Imaging the match bullets with x-ray detection and neutron radiography of two non-destructive testing method,to compare advantages and disadvantages of both methods and to verify the feasibility of nondestructive testing method for the selection of shooting sports bullets.Combining with the results of non-destructive testing,carry out Sample test between the brand of ELEY and brand of Triangle,to compare the differences of two brands bullets in speed of bullets,charge volume, as well as targeting dispersion.3.Result:The average velocity of tested bullets is more than 300 meters per second.The average velocity of every batches of ELEY bullets is lower than that of Triangle bullets,and the gap is greater than 10 meters per second.Velocity’s standard deviations of every batches of ELEY bullets are higher than that of Triangle bullets.The average height of bullet charge volume of Triangle is more than that of ELEY,and the gap is greater than 3mm.The dispersion of Triangle bullets is less than that of ELEY obviously.4.Conclusion:(1) Non-destructive testing method can help the coaches to choose match bullets quickly and accurately.(2) Homemade bullets are credible enough to be used by state and local shooting teams for training and competition.(3) An equation of relationship,based on first law of thermodynamics,between bullet velocity and charge volume height is derived.


