

A Study on the Present Situation and Forming Factors of Women’s Beach Volleyball Team in Shanxi Province

【作者】 王太林

【导师】 孙平;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 我国从1994年起将沙滩排球列为全国正式比赛项目,1997年列为全国运动会的比赛项目,自此沙滩排球在我国逐步开展起来。山西省是我国最早开展竞技沙滩排球运动的省份之一。运动队的运动成绩逐年提高,并已成为一支实力较强的队伍。本研究力图通过对山西女沙运动队、管理、训练等现状进行研究,分析山西省女子沙滩排球运动队特色形成的因素。并与全国其他省市的女沙运动队进行比较分析,为山西女沙运动队的发展和建设建立一个良好的理论体系。本人通过文献资料法、访谈法、问卷调查法、数理统计法获取研究资料,并对材料进行逻辑分析和处理,得出以下结论:1山西省女子沙滩排球队运动成绩处于全国一流水平,培养出一批优秀的运动员和教练员,为我国的沙滩排球运动做出了贡献。2山西女沙运动队的现状:教练员、运动员的年龄结构偏大。教练员职称结构合理;运动员的运动等级较高;教练员的任教性质和形式是专职、聘用制。教练员和运动员的学历结构较好。教练员和运动员具备正确的工作态度和执着的敬业精神;教练员参加岗位培训较少。教辅人员配备不足。3山西女沙制定了正确的指导思想、目标任务和训练计划;采用针对性和创新性的训练方法和手段;重视运动员的文化教育;食宿条件和场馆设施基本上能满足运动队的需要;后备人才匮乏,没有形成完备的后备人才培养机制;参加比赛的次数较少;运动队的经费不足;教练员和运动员的待遇不高:退役安置条例陈旧且不完善;医务监督以及科研服务较差。4影响山西女子沙滩排球队运动员训练积极性的主要因素是:训练补助较少、身体素质不足和沙滩排球的认可程度;影响竞技水平提高的因素为:医务监督不到位、训练后恢复手段匮乏、训练的质量不高、比赛经验不足、经费不足、激励机制不健全、后勤保障不到位、队员自身条件不好、运动员营养跟不上、后备力量匾乏。5山西省各级领导非常重视女沙运动队的建设和发展;女沙运动队得到了社会的认可和家长的支持。针对研究结果所反映的问题,提出以下建议:1健全和完善沙滩排球后备人才培养机制。2加强岗位培训,提高训练水平。3多渠道筹措资金,解决经费短缺,改善训练设施。4提高教练员、运动员待遇。5完善训练与科研的结合,加强运动队医务监督。

【Abstract】 Beach volleyball has been gradually developing in our country, since it became a formal event in 1994 and the national sport event in1997.Athletic beach volleyball Campaign has been carried out earlier in Shanxi Province.With sports performance increasing yearly,the sports team in Shanxi Province is of strong force。By researching the present situation of managing and training on women’s beach volleyball team,the paper attempts to analyze the elements for its features and bulid up a good theoretic system for its development, while comparing with women’s sports teams in other provinces.The paper mainly uses literature consultation、interview method、questionaire method and mathematical statics method to carry on the investigation and the research,conclusions are drawn as follows:1 Women’s beach volleyball team in Shanxi Province has trained large numbers of excellent athletes and coaches,contributes a lot to beach volleyball in our country and its sports results reach the first level in China.2 The present situation:for coaches and athletes,they have a large age structure、good structure of educational background、right working attitude and professional dedication.But coaches have little opportunities for post training.And there is a shortage of ancillary staff.3 The team builds up right guiding ideology,establishing clear target and task,making good training plan,adopting pertinent and creative training methods,paying great attention to athletes’ education and meeting athletes’ needs for good accommodation and facilities in sport fieVds.However there are also such drawbacks as imperfect cultivating mechanism of reserve forces、less times of match、insufficient funds、outdated regulations on decommissioning settlement、poor medical monitoring and research service.4 Main factors influencing training initiative are poor training subsidy、physical quality and recognition of beach volleyball.The following factors affect athletes’ competitive level:imperfect medical monitoring、deficient recovery method、inexperience、unsound incentive mechanism and insufficient reserve forces.5 The beach volleyball in Shanxi Province has caught attention of leaders at all levels and acknowledged by parents and society.For the above existing problems,the following suggestions are presented.1 Strengthen and perfect cultivating mechanism of reserve forces.2 Enhance post training,and improve training level.3 Apply different ways of financing and improve training facilities.4 Raise the pay of coaches and athletes.5 Combine scientific research with training,reinforce medical monitoring


