

Reserch on the Training System of Competition Volunteer and Legacy of Beijing Olympic Game

【作者】 李芸

【导师】 孙葆丽;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着奥运会的规模不断扩大,为奥运会服务的志愿者人数也在不断增加。在第29届北京奥运会上,仅奥运会赛会志愿者人数就突破7万大关。由于奥运会对赛会志愿者素质的要求不断提高,对志愿者的培训已经成为决定这届奥运会志愿者服务水平的关键因素。因此如何对这些数目众多的志愿者进行培训并使之更好的为奥运会服务,已经成为一个非常重要的课题。我国虽然在奥运会前也举办了不少的大型体育赛事,积累了不少大型体育赛事志愿者管理工作的经验,但是由于我国志愿服务事业起步较晚,且我国是第一次举办奥运会,对一届奥运会赛会志愿者培训体系的研究尚不多见。本文旨在通过对北京奥运会赛会志愿者培训情况的分析,从培训的思想体系、培训的组织体系、培训的活动体系、培训的保障体系四个方面展开研究,为我国大型体育赛事赛会志愿者培训工作提供借鉴。随着国际社会对奥运会遗产的关注程度不断提高,奥运会遗产的研究开始逐渐深入。奥运会赛会志愿者培训遗产作为众多奥运遗产的一个方面,对它进行系统研究的还不多见。本文旨在通过对在培训过程中产生的奥运培训遗产进行系统研究,并切实促进奥运会赛会志愿者培训遗产的转化。本研究采用文献资料法、访谈法对北京奥运会赛会志愿者培训情况进行了调查研究。研究结果表明,北京奥运会赛会志愿者培训非常成功,可以为我国以后举办大型体育赛事的志愿者培训提供有益的借鉴。第一,北京奥运会赛会志愿者培训体系全面科学,包括培训的思想体系、组织体系、活动体系及保障体系;第二,北京奥运会赛会志愿者培训的思想体系中,培训目标的建立不仅以提供优质服务为目标,还以为奥运留下遗产为目标;第三,北京奥运会赛会志愿者培训的组织体系以政府为主导,吸纳了全社会的力量为培训服务;第四,北京奥运会赛会志愿者培训的活动体系包括培训需求评估、培训计划、培训实施及培训效果评估,这四部分逐步推进,有益于培训的有效完成;第五,北京奥运会赛会志愿者培训的保障体系全面而具体,从培训教材、师资、地点、经费、政策的五个方面给予保障。第六,整理和保留北京奥运会赛会志愿者培训的遗产,为以后的志愿者培训提供借鉴。

【Abstract】 With the expansion of the scale of the Olympic Games unceasingly, the volunteers who serves in the Olympic Games also increase continuously. There are more than 70.000 competition volunteers at the 29th Beijing Olympic Games.Because of the requirements of the volunteer’s quality, the volunteer’s training became the key factor of the service level in Beijing Olympic Games.Therefore,how to training such numerous volunteers in order to serve for Beijing Olympic Games better have already became a very important subject.China has held many large-scale sport events before the Olympic Games and has accumulated some experiences of the volunteer management,but this is the first time to hold Olympic Games,so there are a few researches about volunteer’s training system of Olympic Games in China.The aim of this study was to analyze the volunteer training system situation of Beijing Olympic Gaines.This article will research following 4 aspects: the ideological system of training,the organization system of training, the activity system of training and the guarantee system of training. It will provide reference of volunteer training through these four training systems.The international society pays close attention to Olympic Games’ legacy,the research of the Olympic Games’ legacy is also gradually penetrating.As one of the Olympic Games’ legacies,the research of Olympic Games’ volunteer training legacy is seldom.The purpose of the study is to promote the transformation of Olympic Games’ volunteer’s training legacy.By the method of literature and interview,this paper takes volunteer’s training system situation of Beijing Olympic Games as the investigation objects.The results indicate the Beijing Olympic Games volunteer training is successful,and this system will be good for the other large-scale sport events in China.First,Beijing Olympic Games volunteer training system is an overall scientific system.Second,in the ideological system of Beijing Olympic Games volunteer,the establishment of training target is not only provide good service,but also reserve the Olympic Games’ heritage.Third,the organization system takes the government as the leadership,by using the society’s strength to serve for training.Fourth,activity system of Beijing Olympic Games volunteer training system including the training demand appraisal,the training plan,training implements and the effect of training appraisal. Fifth,the guarantee system is completely and concrete and the following 5 aspects to ensure this system:the training textbooks,the teachers, the places,the funds and the policies.Sixth,arranging and retaining the volunteer training legacy of Beijing Olympic Games to provide reference of afterwards volunteer training.

  • 【分类号】G812.13
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】290

