

Study of Fitness Personal Trainer’ Quality Structure in Beijing Clubs

【作者】 管星星

【导师】 张予南;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究以北京市健身俱乐部体适能私人教练为研究对象,综合运用文献、观察、调查、逻辑分析、数理统计等研究方法,对北京市健身俱乐部体适能私人教练的素质结构进行了研究,构建了北京市健身俱乐部体适能私人教练素质结构模型。主要结论如下:1私人教练个体素质结构是指:构成健身俱乐部私人体适能教练素质的因素及其内在关系。健身俱乐部私人体适能教练素质结构的构成要素主要有身体素质、心理素质、社会素质三大方面构成,身体素质是基础层,心理素质是中阶层,社会素质是最高层。2目前北京市健身俱乐部私人教练的工作量较大,平均月课时在80堂课以上的占总人数的65%。同时86名私人教练中有身体损伤的64人,占总人数的74%;无身体损伤22人,仅占26%。因此,有关部门应重视北京市健身俱乐部体适能私人教练的身体健康问题。3在工作和生活中,智力因素和非智力因素共同制约着人的发展,其中非智力因素起决定性作用。在素质教育中都已发展非智力因素为前提,并把发展非智力因素作为教育目标之一。北京市体适能私人教练心理素质结构中的非智力因素比智力因素的自我评价偏高一些,与其各项指标的重要程度评价基本吻合。在体适能私人教练的非智力因素自我评价指标比智力因素的自我评价指标数值偏高。4北京市体适能私人教练社会素质结构由思想政治道德素质、知识素质、能力素质构成。知识素质中专业知识、专业基础知识、辅助性知识三者的各项指标呈现递减趋势。能力素质的构成要素专项训练能力自我评价得分较多,教学管理能力得分较少。这与专项训练能力和教学管理能力重要程度的指标成反比。5本文对北京市多家中高档健身俱乐部86名体适能私人教练的现状及素质结构进行分析,归纳并建立北京市健身俱乐部体适能私人教练的素质结构。在实地调查的基础上,揭示了北京市健身俱乐部体适能私人教练的素质构成要素中存在的问题,提出了相应的建议,以求为体适能私人教练呈良性的发展和壮大提供参考。

【Abstract】 In this study,Beijing health club fitness coach for the private study, the integrated use of literature,observation,investigation,logic analysis,mathematical statistics,research methods,the Beijing Physical Fitness personal trainer structure of the quality of the study, constructed Beijing health club fitness coach quality and structure of the private sector model.Main conclusions are as follows:1 A private coach refers to the individual quality and structure:a private health club fitness coach factors and the quality of the inherent relationship.Private health club fitness coach quality and structure of the constituent elements of a major physical and psychological quality, the quality of the three aspects of a community,is the basis of physical fitness,psychological quality of the class,social quality is the most senior.2 Currently,Beijing health club personal trainer on the average 80 hours of classes occupy more than 65 per cent,health club coaches larger workload.Because private coaches more extensive campaign experience, 86 private coach in the bodily injury of 64 people,up to 74%,no bodily injury and 22,only 26%.Beijing authorities should attach importance to health club fitness personal trainer physical health problems.3 Beijing fitness personal trainer psychological quality of the non-intelligence factors than intellectual factors in the high number of self-evaluation,with the importance of basic indicators anastomosis. In work and life,intellectual and non-intellectual factors common factors constraining the development of non-intelligence factors which play a decisive role.In the quality education has been the development of non-intelligence factors as the prerequisite,and to the development of non-intelligence factors,as one of the educational objectives. Therefore,in the physical fitness personal trainer of non-intelligence factors than intellectual factors in the high number of self-evaluation is reasonable. 4 Beijing fitness personal trainer from the social structure of the quality of ideological and political and moral quality,the quality of knowledge,ability and quality composition.Knowledge of the quality of professional knowledge,professional knowledge,the three complementary knowledge of the indicators showed decreasing trend.Ability and quality of the constituent elements of special training capacity self-assessment score more points less teaching management capabilities.This special training capacity and teaching management capabilities important inversely proportional to a measure of the degree.5 This in Beijing in more than 100 high-endhealth club fitness personal trainer of the status and quality of the analysis,summarize and the establishment of the Beijing Municipal health club fitness coach of the quality and structure of the private sector.In the field on the basis of investigation,and reveals the Beijing health club fitness coach the quality of the private elements of the existing problems in the corresponding proposals to the private sector for physical fitness coach was healthy development and growth of reference.


