

Comparative Study on Syllabi of Gymnastic Sepecialize Majoring Course in Physical Education of Some Colleges in China

【作者】 孙丽琼

【导师】 竭晓安;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 从现行体育院校体操专修教学大纲的现状入手,结合教学论、教育学等相关理论,运用文献资料法、专家访谈法、逻辑分析法和数理统计法,论文比较分析了北京体育大学、广州体育学院、武汉体育学院、沈阳体育学院、上海体育学院、成都体育学院、西安体育学院、首都体育学院等八所体育院校的体操专修教学大纲,研究结果显示:1、目前体育院校体操专修教学目标定位高,人才培养口径不宽,与社会发展需求有一定的差距。技术上通过竞技体操二级运动员为主,其各教学内容时数比重在所有体育学院的技术课时比例都超过60%。2、体操专修的教学时数都超过2004年颁布的《体操课程指导纲要》规定的270学时,学校之间差距较大。开课学时数由高到低的排序为:北体大(656)>上体(480)>成体(448)>武体(432)、西体(432)>广体(306)>沈体(288)、首体(288)。3、体育院校的体操专修大部分偏重理论和技术内容教学,轻视能力培养内容。能力培养没有得到应有的重视。实践内容虽然较以前有所变化但仍以男子六项、女子四项竞技体操内容为主。4、各体育院校的体操专修考核都以分数作为评价尺度,考核内容一般包括理论、技术、技能、平时和素质等五个方面。各体育院校考核评价主要存在如下五个方面的问题:考核与培养目标衔接不紧密,考核的实用性不强、考核评价的主体部分缺失、考核评价的形式单一,以终结性评价为主。5、各个体院大纲列出的参考资料中,无一例外的都是与竞技体操内容相关的资料,体操专修人才培养的口径和范围都限定在竞技体操圈子内。针对体操专修中存在的缺陷与不足,提出如下建议:1、拓展体操专修人才培养口径;2、扩充体操专修理论内容,“软化”实践教学内容,提高能力培养比例;3、对学生考核评价进行改革,完善考核形式和内容,实现评价主体的多元化

【Abstract】 Based on the analysis of current syllabi in gymnastics specialism and the theories of teaching,education and the related latest curriculum reform,this essay comparatively analyzes the syllabi of Beijing Sport University,Guangzhou Sport College and another six colleges of Physical Education(PE) by the means of information method,experts investigation method,logic analysis method and mathematically statistical method, research results indicate:1、Currently the teaching objectives of syllabi of selected universities are located too high,and the scope is very narrow,cannot meet the need of social development.The mostly objectives are technically located to pass the entrance exam of athlete band Two, and the technical classes add up to more than 60%of total classes,in addition,Shanghai Sport College and Shenyang Sport College have reached 87.5%;2、The teaching classes of gymnastics specialism of selected universities are more than regulated classes in Gymnastics Curriculum Guide Outline published by Ministry of Education in 2004,but vary largely in different universities.The order is:Beijing Sport University(656)>Shanghai Sport College(480)>Chengdu Sport College(448>Wuhan Sport College(432)、Xi’an Sport College(432)>Guangzhou Sport College(30)>Shenyang Sport College(288)、Capital Sport College(288);3、The selected universities pay more attention to theory and technical content teaching,pay less attention to capability training.Their practical content has changed but all universities still emphasize six tournament items for male and four tournament items for female;4、All universities take points as a key evaluation means when it comes to examine the effectof teaching,and content includes theory,technology,technique,ordinary scores and inner quality.The problems exist:examining cannot achieve the objective,lack of the practicability of examining,lack of subject of examining,the form is too unique and the terminal evaluation is the main part.5、All selected universities syllabi have listed the reference books,and they are related to tournament gymnastics.And the scope and range of talented person training is limited to tournament gymnastics.On the basis of above analysis,this paper gives several suggestions under consideration of the defects of gymnastics specialism:1、Expandingthe scope and range of talented person training of gymnastics specialism;2、Enlarging the content of gymnastics specialism theories,"soften " practical teaching content,increasing the proportion of capability training;3、Putting forward to the reform of examining evaluation,making the form and content of examining evaluation complete.


