

Diversity Pattern and Environmental Response of Meiofauna in China Seas with Special Reference to the Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass

【作者】 王家栋

【导师】 类彦立; 徐奎栋;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(海洋研究所) , 海洋生物学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 2007年夏季对黄海冷水团及邻近海域共48个站位的小型底栖动物组成、丰度和生物量,以及环境因子进行了科考研究。所调查站位的小型底栖动物平均丰度达2194±1598 inds./10cm~2,其中北黄海17个站位平均丰度为3408±1578inds./10cm~2,南黄海31个站位平均丰度为1529±1121 inds./10cm~2。调查站位平均生物量为1839±1289μg dwt/10cm~2,其中北黄海站位平均生物量为2760±1340μg dwt/10cm~2,南黄海平均生物量为1335±902μg dwt/10cm~2。在分选出的共18个小型底栖动物类群中,丰度上均以自由生线虫占绝对优势,达总量的88%,且在南(88.3%)、北黄海(87.7%)基本无差异。在生物量上,同样以自由生线虫贡献最多(42%),多毛类居次(22%),其他生物量较多的还有桡足类(13%)和甲壳类幼体(12%)。在小型底栖动物的垂直分布上,分布于沉积物表层0-2cm的小型底栖动物占79%,次表层2-5cm占17%,最底层5-8cm仅占4%。统计分析表明研究站位小型底栖动物丰度和生物量与沉积物叶绿素a、有机质含量、中值粒径显著或极显著正相关,与水深呈极显著负相关,此外小型底栖动物生物量与沉积物粉砂粘土含量显著负相关。同年秋季搭载开放航次对黄海5个站位、东海3个站位、南海2个站位的小型底栖动物组成、丰度和生物量,以及环境因子进行了调查研究。对三个海域小型底栖动物的比较研究发现,平均丰度以黄海最高,达2132±946 inds./10cm~2,东海次之,为1954±2047 inds./10cm~2,而南海仅156±56 inds./10cm~2;三海域的平均生物量依次为2193±1148μg dwt/10cm~2、1865±1555μg dwt/10cm~2和212±22μg dwt/10cm~2。在分选出的共14个小型底栖动物类群中,丰度上均以自由生线虫占绝对优势,分别占总量的85%、89%、85%。在生物量上,黄海以自由生线虫贡献最多(33%),多毛类居次(18%);东海二者比例相近(约37%),而南海则以多毛类占绝对优势(56%),线虫居次(25%)。在小型底栖动物的垂直分布上,三个海区差异较大:分布于沉积物表层0-2cm的小型底栖动物在黄海高达90%,东海仅46%,在南海为63%。统计分析表明,本研究站位小型底栖动物丰度与沉积物中的叶绿素a及脱镁叶绿素a含量和底温呈显著正相关,与水深呈显著负相关。该结果与本航次之后在广东湛江和海南以东的南海海域开展的908调查结果形成了鲜明对照,后者的小型底栖动物及线虫丰度与沉积物中有机质含量呈显著正相关,与水深呈显著负相关,表明近海受人类干扰影响较大。本文利用微宇宙实验方法,来确定不同浓度梯度的Cu、Pb以及Cu/Pb混合重金属污染物对青岛湾小型底栖动物(主要是线虫)的影响。加入污染物后,分别在1、3、7、14、21天进行取样分析。结果显示,Cu和Cu/Pb混合高浓度实验单元组的线虫丰度除在第21天有较明显减少外,在整个实验周期内基本没有变化,分析可能系高浓度Cu的固定作用从而使小型底栖动物无法腐烂降解造成的。同一时间尺度上,各重金属污染物实验单元的线虫丰度均高于(或接近于)空白对照组,较高浓度的重金属污染物实验单元的线虫丰度高于(或接近于)较低浓度重金属污染物实验单元,Cu/Pb混合低浓度实验单元的线虫丰度高于同一时间尺度Cu低浓度和Pb低浓度实验单元。推测是由于采样点的线虫群落中存在对Cu和Pb的耐受种或者“机会种”造成的。

【Abstract】 Jiadong Wang(Marine Biology)Directed by Profs.Yanli Lei and Kuidong XuMeiofaunal group composition,abundance,biomass and environmental parameters were investigated based on samples collected from 48 stations in the Yellow Sea(from 31°N to 39°N,120°E to 125°E) in June 2007.Mean abundance of meiofauna in the 48 sampling stations was 2194±1598 inds./10cm~2,with 3408±1578 inds./10cm~2 in the 17 sampling stations in the north Yellow Sea and 1529±1121 inds./10cm~2 in the other 31 sampling stations in the south Yellow Sea.Mean meiofaunal biomass of the 48 sampling stations was 1839±1289μ.g dwt/10cm~2,with 2760±1340μg dwt/10cm~2 in the north Yellow Sea stations and 1335±902μ.g dwt/10cm~2 in the south Yellow Sea stations.Among the 18 main meiofaunal groups sorted,free-living nematodes were the most abundant and contributed 88%to the total meiofaunal abundance,the percentage of nematodes of total meiofaunal abundance in the north Yellow Sea(87.7%) and the south Yellow Sea(88.3%) were similar. Nematodes contributed to 42%of the total biomass in the Yellow Sea,followed by polychaetes(22%),copepods(13%) and nauplii(12%).The investigation on the vertical distribution of meiofauna suggested that about 79%of the total meiofauna occurred in 0-2 cm depth in the Yellow Sea,17%in 2-5 cm depth,while only 4%in 5-8 cm depth.Statistical analyses showed that the abundance and biomass of total meiofauna were(markedly) significantly positively correlated to the concentrations of chlorophyll a and organic matter in the sediments and median diameter of sediments but significantly negatively correlated to the water depth,the biomass of total meiofauna was significantly negatively correlated to(silt and clay)%of the sediments.Meiofaunal group composition,abundance,biomass and environmental parameters obtained from 10 sampling stations in the Yellow Sea,East China Sea and South China Sea(from 17°N to 20°N,109°E to 112°E) were investigated from September to October in 2007.Mean abundance of meiofauna in the three sea areas was 2132±946 inds./10cm~2,1954±2047 inds./10cm~2 and 156±56 inds./10cm~2, respectively.Mean meiofaunal biomass in the three sea areas was 2193±1148μg dwt/10cm2、1865±1555μg dwt/10cm~2 and 212±22(μg dwt/10cm~2,respectively. Among the 14 main meiofaunal groups sorted,free-living nematodes were the most abundant and contributed 85%,89%and 85%,respectively,to the total meiofaunal abundance in the three sea areas.However,the biomass contribututed by dominant meiofaunal groups were different among the three sea areas.Nematodes contributed to 33%of the total biomass in the Yellow Sea,followed by polychaetes.In the East China Sea nematodes and polychaetes have the similar contributions(37%),while in the South China Sea polychaetes contributed to 56%of the total biomass.The investigation on the vertical distribution of meiofauna suggested that about 90%,46% and 63%,respectively,of the total meiofauna occurred in 0-2cm depth in the three sea areas.Statistical analyses showed that the abundances of total meiofauna and dominant groups were significantly positively correlated to the concentrations of chlorophyll a and phaeophytin a in the sediments and benthic water temperature but negatively correlated to the water depth.Our results were different from the study carried out in the 908-Cruise,where the abundances of total meiofauna and nematodes were only positively correlated to organic matter,indicating the sampling stations in 908-Cruise were more impacted by human activities than those of the present cruise.Meanwhile,a microcosm experiment was conducted to determine the effects of copper and lead(and mixture) heavy metals on meiofaunal groups,which were investigated on the day 1,3,7,14 and 21 after the heavy metals were incubated.The results showed that there was not obvious change on the abundance of nematodes in the treatments of high dose of Cu and the mixture of Cu and Pb treatments except on the 21st day.We suggest that at high dose levels the metals acted as preservatives such that nematodes died but were not decomposed.At the same sampling time,the abundance of nematodes in all treatments was higher than(or equal to) that in the control treatments,the abundance of nematodes in higher dose metals treatments was higher than that in lower dose treatments.Furthermore,the abundance of nematodes in low dose of mixture of Cu and Pb treatments was higher than that in low dose of Cu and low dose of Pb treatments.This is possibly due to the tolerance of some nematodes to metal pollution.


