

【作者】 聂琪

【导师】 李松玉;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 政府管理, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 作为未来能源使用中最具有发展潜力的能源之一,天然气在国家经济发展中将扮演越来越重要的角色,也将成为城市居民日常生活的最重要能源之一。天然气价格规制直接影响着经营者和消费者双方的利益。政府价格规制是当前政府公共管理的一个重要内容。以建立和谐社会为目标的政府管理应将满足公众需求和实现公共利益摆放在第一位,而将追求效率放在第二位,以公平取代效率成为社会管理的首要价值。因此,从效率、公平和发展等几个方面综合考虑,政府有必要实施一系列倾向于贫困家庭的亲贫规制,解决弱势群体的利益表达和利益保护,改变贫困人口在经济发展中的不利地位,让他们能够公平、公正的分享改革发展的成果,最终维持社会的稳定的经济的持续健康发展。本论文从政府亲贫价格规制理论和天然气价格理论入手,在城市居民贫富差距不断拉大及国际金融危机的大背景下,针对济南市天然气的亲贫价格规制进行了研究。论文首先介绍了政府价格规制的基本理论及亲贫价格规制的主要方法,探讨了中国构建亲贫规制体系仍面临的问题和挑战,然后介绍了济南市天然气基础设施建设现状及济南市天然气价格状况,分析了济南市城市居民经济承受能力,并在此基础上探讨了济南市天然气价格政府规制所存在的问题,最后研究了基础设施产业的亲贫规制体系设计,并针对济南市天然气价格提出了亲贫规制的政策建议,具体内容包括:(1)价格结构监管时采用差别定价与灵活定价相结合的原则,对低收入的消费者实行较低的规制价格或者享受价格部分减免服务,可选择的价格体系主要包括生命线定价、分段累进制价格及峰时定价,并建立起规范、统一的成本核算体系和严格的审计制度。(2)继续完善相关法律法规,确保亲贫价格规制的公平、公正和公开;完善政府亲贫定价听证制度,并加强立法,完善对规制者的法律责任规定及法律监督机制。(3)建立起相应的天然气价格的调整制度,对天然气市场进行有效的价格监测,根据能源价格变化以及宏观经济环境运行实施周期性价格调整,并实行灵活的激励性定价方式,以刺激被规制者节约成本、提高效率。(4)通过建立低收入居民基本生活费用价格指数编制并与补贴挂钩,加强部门间协调沟通及注意对特殊贫困家庭的特殊照顾等措施,进一步完善补贴机制,提高服务水平。(5)构建具有良好互动的制度化的监管者、经营者和公共服务消费者的体系,并鼓励和发育各种中间组织如消费者协会、弱者保护团体、法律援助机构、社会团体等等参与听证的过程。

【Abstract】 As one of the most potential future energy, natural gas will play an increasingly important role during the country’s economic development, and will be one of the most important energy in daily lives of citizens. The price of natural gas has influence directly the interests of both operators and customers. Government regulation is the main assignment of public governance. The government has to carry out some pro-poor regulation for harmonious society.Based on governmental pro-poor price regulatory economics and natural gas pricing theories, under the background of enlargement of the distance of the poor and the rich and international finance disaster, the article focuses on the topics of pro-poor price regulation on natural gas for citizens of Jinan. Governmental price regulatory economics and pro-poor price regulatory methords are introduced. Some questions and challenges in the development of pro-poor regulatory system in china are discussed. Then, the development of natural gas establishment and the price of natural gas in Jinan have been introduced. The ability of citizen’s consumption in Jinan has been analyzed. Then some questions in natural gas price regulatory of Jinan have been discussed. Finally, the design of pro-poor regulatory system of basic industry has studied, and some advices on pro-poor regulatory of natural gas price in Jinan have been presented. These advices include:(1) Discrimination pricing and agility pricing should be combined in price structure administration. Lower price or free price is applied to customers with low earning. Price regulation system mainly includes lifeline pricing, segmental progression pricing and peak value pricing. Canonical and uniform cost checkage system and strict audit system should be constructed.(2) Correlative raw should be perfected sequentially to ensure pro-poor price regulation justice, equity and publicity. The hearing of witnesses system of pro-poor price regulation should be perfected, and the correlative law should be reinforced to supervise the regulators.(3) Adjusting system of gas price should be constructed, and the gas market should be inspected effectively. Periodicity price adjusting should be implemented on the bases of energy price change and macroscopical economy environment, and flexible and inspiring pricing mode should be implemented to stimulate producers to saving cost and enhance efficiency.(4) The allowance system should be perfected by compiling price index of citizen’s maintenance connected with allowance, intensifying corresponding among departments and attending the poorer families specially. (5) The favorable and mutual connection among administrators, operators and customers should be constituted. The participation of mid-organizations into price hearings should be encouraged.

  • 【分类号】F299.24;F224
  • 【下载频次】224

