

A Contrastive Study of English and Chinese Cover Letters

【作者】 黄晓丹

【导师】 王庆新;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 本文从宏观和微观两个层面对30篇中文求职信和30篇英文求职信进行了分析。求职信是人们申请工作时向未来雇主展示自我的一个平台。随着科技的进步和社会的发展,求职信的写作也被越来越多的人重视和关注。近年来,人们对求职信的研究逐渐增多,尤其是中英文求职信对比研究,有人对中英文求职信作体裁对比研究,有人作语用分析研究。但是却鲜有学者从对比修辞角度研究中英文求职信,对此作者作了此方面的尝试,力求填补这方面的空缺并为求职信写作者,从事写作教学的教师和对比修辞理论研究者提供有用的启示。亚里士多德等古典修辞学家将一次劝说过程分为五个阶段:觅材取材、布局谋篇、文体风格、记忆和讲演技巧。宏观方面作者主要依据亚里士多德的谋篇布局为基础,以科诺等人所创建模型为依据,建立了劝说模型并对中英文求职信进行了分析。微观方面作者主要依据亚里士多德的文体风格,对中英文求职信的句式,修辞手段和词汇选择进行了分析。同时对比讨论了宏观和微观分析结果。通过研究作者发现,中英文求职信在宏观结构上存在着很多共同点,所不同的只是各个劝说层面中各个因素所占比例的不同和劝说感染力使用上的不同。比如:在情感感染力的使用上汉语求职信比英语求职信用得更多而在逻辑感染力的使用上英语求职信比汉语求职信用得更多。但中英文求职信在微观方面存在着更大的不同,尤其是句式和词汇选择。总地来说,中文求职信更多的融入了情感因素,显得更谦和、礼貌;英文求职信更多的使用了客观因素,显得更有逻辑性。本文可分为六大章节,每个章节都包含了论文的侧重点,各个章节之间层层递进的阐述了中英文求职信在修辞方面的异同。具体内容如下:第一章为前言部分。本章主要介绍了求职信的定义,作用和分类;同时介绍了本论文的准备工作,具体包括语料的收集,论文方法的选用,研究意义和创新点。本章内容为后续章节作了很好的铺垫和导向。第二章为文献综述部分。本章综述了对比修辞理论的国内外研究现状和求职信的研究现状。在对比修辞理论方面,国外研究要比国内研究起步更早,成果更丰富,国外研究者卡普兰提出此理论之后,更多的研究者从不同的视角和侧面对该理论进行了丰富和补充。求职信研究的回顾综述部分使本论文的创新点和价值得到了进一步的凸显。第三章是理论介绍部分。本部分介绍了劝说分析理论框架和劝说语篇。劝说理论框架包括了劝说模式和劝说标准两大方面:劝说模式主要介绍了亚里士多德的三大感染力即逻辑感染力,情感感染力和性格感染力,该模式为后面的宏观分析提供了依据;劝说标准主要介绍了劝说风格,这为微观分析提供了理论依据。紧接着作者又介绍了劝说,劝说的历史以及对比修辞在劝说语篇研究中的应用。第四章是论文的主体分析部分。本部分从宏观方面分析中英文求职信,首先作者展示了科诺等人的劝说模型,然后分析了一篇任意挑选的英文求职信,在综合了其他英文求职信特点的基础上,建立了英文求职信劝说分析模型。接下来作者分析了30篇英文求职信并得出了结果。作者以同样的方法建立了中文求职信分析模型并得出了30篇中文求职信分析结果。最后对中英文求职信的劝说感染力分析结果进行了对比和比较。第五章也是论文的主体分析部分。本部分从微观层面分析了中英文求职信,主要包括句子类型,修辞手段的运用和词汇的选择。中英文求职信的语言风格的异同在本章最后进行了展示。第六章为讨论部分。首先作者用图示综合展示了宏观和微观分析结果,然后从文化视角讨论分析了中英文求职信异同点的内部原因,如思维,价值观和语境的不同。最后一部分为结束语。本部分对以上章节进行了概括综述,进一步指出了本研究的理论意义和实践意义。最末作者阐述了本研究的局限和不足。

【Abstract】 The thesis analyzes 30 Chinese cover letters and 30 English cover letters from macro and micro levels. Cover letters are platforms for applicants to show themselves to the potential employers. With the development of technology and society, cover letter writing is paid more and more attention by researchers. In recent years, the research for cover letters, especially the contrastive study of English and Chinese cover letters, is becoming more and more popular. Some people contrast and compare English and Chinese cover letters from genre analysis angle. Some do the study from pragmatic analysis. However, few people study them from contrastive rhetoric perspective. Therefore, the author tries the new angle to fill the gaps and expects that the study enlightens cover letter writers, teachers concentrating on writing teaching field and contrastive rhetoricians. Aristotle and other classical rhetoricians concluded five basic, interrelated canons, which we view as rules today. They are: invention, disposition, style, memory and delivery. As for macro-level, the author builds up persuasion models based on Aristotle’s disposition and modern rhetoricians Ulla Connor and Lauer’s model to analyze English and Chinese cover letters. In micro-level, the author analyzes sentence patterns, rhetorical figures and choice of words with the reference of Aristotle’s style part. At the same time, the author compares and contrasts the results of macro-level and micro-level analysis.The present study shows some valuable results. The English and Chinese cover letters share more similarities in macro structures. The differences lie in the percentage of different persuasion factors and different persuasion appeals. But in micro level, English and Chinese cover letters share much more differences, especially in sentence patterns and choice of words. Generally speaking, Chinese cover letters are more emotive, modest and polite, while English cover letters are more logical with more objective factors.The thesis includes six chapters. Every chapter, step by step illustrating the sameness and differences of English and Chinese cover letters, are composed of key points of the paper. The details are as follows:Chapter one is introduction. The chapter introduces the definition, significance and classification of cover letters. What’s more, the preparation work, including the corpus collection, the methodology choosing, the study significance and innovation points, are involved in this part.Chapter two is literature review. The chapter reviews the study of contrastive rhetoric at home and abroad and the study of cover letters. In the respect of contrastive rhetoric, foreign studies start earlier than Chinese ones so the fruit of foreign studies are richer than that of China. The review of cover letters makes the innovation points and value of the thesis clearer.Chapter three displays the theoretical background of present study, of which the rhetorical framework for persuasion analysis and the persuasive discourse are emphasized. The theoretical framework is comprised of persuasive modes and canons of rhetoric. The persuasive modes refer to the logos, pathos and ethos, which are the bases for macro-level analysis. Persuasive canons mainly introduce the style that can be seen as the foundation for micro-level analysis. Finally the generalization of persuasion discourse and the application of contrastive rhetoric on persuasive discourse are expounded.Chapter four is the main body of the thesis. The part analyzes English and Chinese cover letters from macro-level. First the author resorts to the persuasive model of Connor to analyze a sample ECL. Combining the other 29 ECLs’traits, the author builds up unique persuasive models for ECLs, analyzes 30 ECLs and takes on the results. Using the same procedure, the author analyzes 30 CCLs. At last, the author compares and contrasts the analysis results of English and Chinese cover letters from macro-level.Chapter five is also the main part of the thesis. The chapter analyzes English and Chinese cover letters from micro-level such as sentence patterns, rhetorical figures and lexical options. The differences of English and Chinese cover letters’style are listed at the end of the chapter.Chapter six is discussions. At the beginning, the author displays the macro-level and micro-level analysis results with a diagram, and then discusses the inner reasons resulting in the differences between them like thoughts, value-orientation and context.The conclusion part summarizes the above chapters, further indicating the theoretical and practical significance of the study. At last the limitation and shortcomings are also discussed.


