

【作者】 王雪美

【导师】 张准;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 学科教学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着基础教育的改革与发展,尤其是素质教育的不断向前推进,我国基础音乐教育获得了空前的发展。但现行的教学方法、学习方式、评价等许多方面已不适应社会发展和素质教育的要求。新世纪对人才提出了更高的要求,对教育也提出了更大的挑战。在学校教育中“教”与“学”的问题一直是人们关注的核心问题,也是课程改革中的主要篇章。研究性学习作为一种新型的学习方式,是对传统教育方式的有力补充。本文针对高中音乐鉴赏教学中学生学习方式的问题,以及当前新课程所提倡的“自主、合作、探究”等学习方式对教师教学模式的影响,在充分理解研究性学习的概念和特征的基础上,对高中音乐鉴赏这一具体学科的研究性学习模式进行了一次尝试。文章首先对选题的缘起、意义、研究的方法以及研究性学习的概念、特点、国内外研究性学习理论和实践进行了总结,目的是使读者对其有一个具体的认识:研究性学习是一种基于资源的学习,涉及多个学科,注重研究的过程而不是关注研究的结果;研究性学习是一种积极的学习过程,强调知识的联系和运用,使学生了解知识的生成过程,获得体验,学会学习,从而培养学生的实践能力和创新精神。其次结合高中音乐鉴赏教学实际以及学生的身心特点,在高中音乐鉴赏课中建立研究性学习方案,通过课堂应用和专题研究两种方式进行高中音乐鉴赏研究性学习应用研究:第一种方式课堂应用教学,是在高中音乐鉴赏的课堂教学中,创设一种类似科学研究的情境,学生在教师的指导下以科学研究的态度进行探究。第二种方式专题研究,主要是发现问题、搜集信息、确定课题、实施研究、解决问题,培养学生的创新精神和创新能力。选择两个情况近似的班级进行实验,通过两个班一学期的对比试验,实验班学生在学习态度、学习行为、发现问题、解决问题、自主探究能力上都明显优于对照班同学。最后,对研究效果及研究中所存在的问题进行分析总结。

【Abstract】 With the development and reformation of Basic Education, especially for the Quality Education, the basic music education has made a great progress, however, the current teaching and learning method, evaluation cannot adapt to the requirements of Quality Education. The new century challenges education to develop better.How to teacher and how to learn are still two main question in course reformation. Research study, with is a new method, is a supplement to the traditional ones. It lays more stress on progress and bases on many kinds of resources. In addition, it is a positive learning progress, students are requested to understand how knowledge developed and gain their own experience. I comprehended its definition and feature deeply, thus found that it could play an important role in forming students’learning method of how to appreciate music. So my thesis mainly talk about research study in music appreciation, At the mean time, I take New curriculum into consideration to make my research more practical.Firstly, the thesis introduces the reason and significance of choosing topic, then explains my research method, definition and characteristic research study. And I also give a summary of related theory and practice home and abroad..Secondly, according to the reality of music appreciation and the students’distinguish feature, I think of two ways to test the method. One is class permeation, witch create a situation like scientific research. The other one is monographic study, wich mainly talk about finding question, deciding topics, collecting materials and solving problems.I choose two similar classes to refirm my view. In my experiment, the experimental class behaves much better than its compared class.At last, I give a detailed analysis of the result and problems exist is research.


