

Comparative Studies on the Main Athletics Ability between Chinese Women’s Volleyball and Foreign Women’s Volleyball in the 29th Olympics

【作者】 邱先瑞

【导师】 杨国良;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 在中国,排球运动的历史可以追溯到20世纪初,先后经历了16人制、12人制、9人制、6人制的演变过程。现代排球运动已经成为全世界人们所喜爱的集竞技、娱乐和健身于一体的运动项目之一,由于它具有很强的竞争性、对抗性、娱乐性、趣味性和易普及性,在世界上的影响范围越来越广,受到各个阶层人们的喜爱和关注。现代排球运动通过竞赛过程中的相互展开攻防、拼搏来展示人类多彩的生命力、聪颖的智慧、健美的形态、健壮的身体和高超的技能,并且还通过整个运动过程反映出人们从个人到团队、从团队到国家的一种民族精神以及社会文化心理与文明进步的层次氛围。中国女排是以技战术的全面快速多变为安身立命之本,“全面、快速、灵活运用、以多打少”的战术指导思想领导着中国女排创造了辉煌的历史。前几年,中国女排重塑辉煌:在2001年世界大冠军杯上获得冠军;2003年,在世界杯上夺回了失去17年之久的世界冠军称号;2004年,在雅典奥运会上,时隔20年后再次夺得奥运会金牌。但是,在2005年中国女排却连连输球,先后输给了意大利队、巴西队、古巴队和美国队,一年之内共输掉了7场比赛。这不禁让国人对中国女排的前景产生了担忧。2008年的北京奥运会让世界有了一次了解中国的机会,也让中国女排有了一次重新展示自己的机会。最终,被国人寄予厚望的中国女排卫冕失败,取得了奥运会季军的成绩。在排球竞技运动中表现出来的运动能力则称为排球竞技能力。排球竞技能力只是排球运动能力诸多表现中的一种。排球运动员在训练过程中所达到的竞技能力的水平称为排球训练水平。当训练水平被用于表述运动员的训练状态时,则竞技能力这一概念更为具体地表述为训练所达到的程度。排球运动员的竞技能力是指排球运动员有效地参加排球训练和比赛所具备的本领。排球竞技能力包括运动员的年龄、身体形态、身体素质、技术、战术、心理素质等方面。本文以中国女排在北京奥运会中的比赛技术统计为基础,结合临场比赛情况,将中国女排与世界女排强队的主要竞技能力进行比较,分析中国女排的自身特点及存在的问题,有针对性地找出解决策略,从而为中国女排的发展提供理论依据。中国女排应当在新的形势下发扬自身优势,继承传统优点,改正缺点,培养新的特点。1合理构建队伍结构,积极积累比赛经验2完善身体结构模式,加强力量训练3加强基本技术练习,组织立体化战术4培养良好心理素质,发扬顽强球场作风5加强国际交流,对现场信息进行科学分析

【Abstract】 In china,the history of volleyball can trace back to the 20th century. The volleyball movement successively experienced the successional variation process of 16 people,12 people,9 people and 6 people in China. The modern volleyball has already become one of the sports event of incorporating sports,amusement and fitness into an organic integrity, which people all over the world enjoy.Because of its strong competitiveness, antagonism, recreation, interest and popularization,the influence of volleyball in the world is becoming wider and wider,favored and noticed by people at all stratum.The modern volleyball not only show the mankind’s colorful vitality, perspicacious intelligence,graceful form,strong body and super skill by attacking and defending against each other in the progress of the match but also reflect the ethos,atmosphere of social culture psychology and civilization progress from individual to the group and even from the group to the country by the whole sports course. Chinese women’s volleyball team depends on the rapid, comprehensive technical and tactical changes.The ideological and tactical guidance of“full,rapid and flexible application and hit less with more.”has created a glorious history for the Chinese women’s volleyball team.In recent years,Chinese women’s volleyball team rebuilt glory.In 2001 Chinese women’s volleyball team won World Cup champion the championship.On the World Cup match in 2003,Chinese women’s volleyball team won the world champion title after 17 years later.On the Olympic Games in Athens in 2004,Chinese women’s volleyball team won the Olympic gold medal after 20 years.However, the Chinese women’s volleyball team met the Eagles in 2005,it lost to the Italian team,Brazilian team,Cuba team and the United States team in that year, totally seven loosing games.At last , the Chinese women’s volleyball being given high expectations ultimately, by fellow countrymen defends the title failing, achievement having got the Olympiad third place.The motion ability showing out in athletics in volleyball is called the volleyball athletics ability then. Volleyball athletics ability however move a kind of a lot in showing of ability. Level volleyballer is trained in training athletics ability level reached by process middle to be called a volleyball. Think that this one concept training the level training quilt being used for formulation athlete being an athletics ability when state, is more concrete degree is trained by is trained formulation. The volleyballer’s athletics ability is to refer to volleyballer join ability had by volleyball training and competition effectively. The volleyball athletics ability includes aspect such as athlete’s age , body form , physical constitution , technology , tactics , psychological quality. This paper is counted with Chinese women’s volleyball in competition technology in Beijing Olympics for the basis , is tied in wedlock on-site competition condition, compare Chinese women’s volleyball with main world woman’s volleyball powerhouse athletics ability go along , analyse Chinese women’s volleyball oneself characteristic and the problems , solve finding out a pertinency tactics, provide the theory basis to the development of Chinese women’s volleyball team.Under such circumstances, Chinese women’s volleyball team should make full use of their advantages,inherit traditional merits,overcome demerits and cultivate new strong points.Firstly, structure team structure , accumulate competition experience actively rationallySecondly, perfect the body structure pattern , reinforce strength trainingThirdly, reinforce fundamental technology exercise , organize 3-dimensional tacticsFourthly, train fine psychological quality , develop indomitable playing court styleFifthly, reinforce international exchange, analysis scene information sciencely


