

【作者】 司爱霞

【导师】 万光侠;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 思想政治教育, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着高校收费制度的实施,高校中贫困生人数的快速增加,贫困大学生心理健康已成为学校和社会各方面关注的问题。较多的学者和专家对贫困大学生心理健康问题进行了研究,但是研究者大多关注的是普通本科高校贫困生心理健康问题,针对高职院校贫困生心理健康教育问题的比较少。而高职院校的贫困生除了经济上的贫困以外,与本科院校的贫困生相比,他们面临着更为严峻的就业压力,使他们成为贫困大学生中的弱势群体,所以高职院校贫困生的心理健康教育显得更为重要,为此我选择了高职院校贫困生的心理健康教育这一课题进行研究,希望能够通过调查研究了解高职院校贫困生的心理状况和高职院校贫困生的心理健康教育现状,以期能够帮助高职贫困生走出心理困境,提高高职院校心理健康教育的水平。本文主要内容包括以下四个方面:一、高职院校贫困生心理健康教育的含义及其在思想政治教育中的意义。心理健康教育直接目标是对个人各种具体的心理健康因素进行培养,广泛开展对各种心理疾病的防治,提高学生的心理健康水平。对于思想政治教育而言,心理健康教育丰富了思想政治教育的内容,提高思想政治教育的预见性和实效性,促进社会的和谐与稳定;对贫困生来说,加强贫困生的心理健康教育,能够使贫困生自觉调控情绪,预防心理疾病,乐观对待生活,减少心身疾病,促进贫困生的全面发展。研究过程中为了能够了解高职院校贫困生真实的心理状况,我选取莱芜某职业学院的在校生为适合样本,对一、二年级326名大学生,发放症状自评量表(SCL-90),对高职院校贫困生的心理健康状况进行实证研究,得出这样的结论:从总体上高职贫困生的心理健康水平弱于非贫困生。因此对高职院校贫困生开展心理健康教育,既是高职贫困生个人健康成长的需要,也是思想政治教育的需要,更是国家、社会发展的需要。二、高职贫困生心理健康教育存在的问题及其原因分析。目前,高职院校心理健康教育存在着一些问题,主要表现为:心理健康教育工作者专业素质不高;对贫困生来说心理健康教育的内容不系统,教学质量不高;心理健康教育的方式单一;心理健康教育的对象范围受到局限。而造成高职贫困生心理健康教育现状的原因既包括家庭教育环境的缺乏与教育理念的偏颇;也包括在目前的高职院校贫困生心理健康教育工作受重视程度不够;还有社会上金钱至上思想的冲击和人们对心理健康教育的误解。这些因素的存在使得目前高职院校贫困生的心理健康教育比较薄弱,存在着一些问题。三、高职院校贫困生心理健康教育的内容。包括:健康人格教育,环境适应教育,和谐人际关系教育,挫折教育。四、高职院校贫困生心理健康教育的对策。本研究认为,引起贫困生的心理问题的原因除了经济上的压力以外,更多的是社会比较的结果,是在人群中形成的相对贫困感造成了贫困生的心理问题和脆弱的高自尊。因此高职院校贫困生的心理健康教育要在整个社会系统中运作,一方面要采取各种措施对贫困生进行物质解困,解除后顾之忧。另一方面,在实际操作中,要把心理健康教育纳入到思想政治教育中,通过开展思想政治教育工作,推行健康的生活价值观;通过开展心理健康教育工作,培养学生健全的人格品质。可以说思想政治教育和心理健康教育各司其职,从不同的角度来完成对贫困生心理健康的保障和维护。同时营造良好的校园氛围,优化校园环境,淡化贫困,解除贫困生的贫困感。在合理规划大学生活和人生道路的同时,强化诚信意识,激发感恩之心,回馈社会的关爱。

【Abstract】 In recent years, with the implementation of college tuition systerm and the increase of impoverished students at the college, the psychological health problem of the students becomes the focus of the school and the whole society. Though many scholars and experts do researches on the psychological health of impoverished students, most of people pay attention to students in ordinary undergraduate college and less on students at vocational college. However, compared with the undergraduate college, these impoverished students at vocational college face a more severe employment pressure except ecomomical difficulty. This makes them the social vulnerable groups among impoverished college students, so psychological education of these students becomes more important. In view of this, this paper chooses the psychological education of impoverished students at vocational college as subject to do research on. And the author hopes that we can get to know the psychological condition of these impoverished students at vocational college and the current situation of the psychological education of these students through this investigation and help these students to get over psychological difficulties in order to improve the psychological health education of vocational college.This paper contains the following four parts:1.The defination of psychological health education and the meaning of psychological health education towars vocational college impoverished students in ideological and political education. The psychological health education directs to the cultivation of manifold psychological health factors, the precaution towards all kinds of psychological disease and improvement of students’psychological health. For ideological and political education, psychological health education enriches its contents, improves its foreseeability and reliability, and promotes the harmony and steady of the whole society. For these impoverished students, the psychological health education can help the control their emotions, prevent them from psychological disease, use optimistic attitude toward life, reduce their physical and mental diseases and promote their advance from all aspects. In order to get to know the real psychological conditons of these impoverished students at vocational college, this research picks students in one Laiwu vocational college as sample and sends out appraisable questionnaire( SCL- 90) to 326 students who are freshmen and sophomores of this college. Finally, the author gets the conclusion from this research that is—generally speaking, the condition of impoverished students’psychological health at vocational college is worse than non-impoverished students. So the psychological health education of vocational college impoverished students is necessary for the growth of students, the political education and the development of our country and society.2.The current condition and origin of the psychological health education towards impoverished students at the vocational college. At present, many problems exists in the psychological health education of vocational college students. These mainly show as follows; the educators don’t own higher professional qualifications; the contents of the psychological education is not systematic and the quality of education is not high enough; the way of psychological health education is singular; the extent of objects for psychological health education is limited. However, the causes of this current condition including not only the lackage of family education condition but also the bias of the educational concept in one family; psychological health education didn’t get enough attention; the idea of“money worship”and the misunderstanding towards psychological health education. All the factors above weakened the current psychological health education at vocational college.3.The content of the psychological health education towards vocational college impoverished students, including education of healthy character, education of environmental adaption, education of harmonious interpersonal relationship and education of frustration.4.Tactics and thoughts of psychological health education towards impoverished students at vocational college. This research finds that the cause of impoverished students’psychological problem is not only the economical pressure, moreover, the result of the social comparison which means the comparative poverty-striken feeling and the vulnerable feeling of self-respect cause the problem. As a result, the implementation of psychological education towards impoverished students at vocational college in society, on one hand, needs all kinds of ways to help students solve the material problem; on the other hand, we should put psychological health education into ideological and political education. And it’s necessary to advocate healthy character though psychological health education. Political education and psychological health education have different task and protect the health of impoverished students from different angles, and not only help to build a healthy campus, improve the environment of school and weaken the poverty-striken feeling of these impoverished students, but also can help the students make a reasonable plan for their college life and road of their life, strengthen their faithful senses and stimulate their feeling of gratitude to reward the society.


