

On Hardy’s Poetry of Nature

【作者】 闫海英

【导师】 张京生;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 哈代是英国著名的小说家和诗人,他的一生经历了两个世纪的风雨变化,从浪漫的田园诗光到日益残酷现实的工业时代。哈代早期因威塞克斯小说声名鹊起,但他生命中的真爱却是诗歌。年轻时他就尝试以诗歌进入文学殿堂,但最初并没有成功,才转而写小说。直到1895年,《无名的裘德》出版后,受到各界的非议和责难,他决定终结他的小说创作,重新开始写作诗歌。随后他一共出版了八本诗集,创作诗歌达一千多首,成为英国文学史上一位多产的诗人。哈代的诗歌题材广泛,思想深刻,内容充实,情真意切且朴实无华,充满强烈的个人抒情意味,又富有浓郁的乡土气息。他的诗歌形式看似传统,其实多有创新,不仅诗节和韵式变化无穷,诗歌语言也不落窠臼,极有特色。哈代上承浪漫主义名家如华兹华斯,柯勒律治,又对二十世纪诸多英美著名诗人造成广泛影响,成为英国诗歌史上承前启后继往开来的伟大诗人。哈代在继承传统的过程中,也对传统进行了突破。就他的诗歌创作来说,他的风格是不断变化的,从早期描写田园生活的浪漫主义,到后来的反映社会变化的现实主义,再到最后的具有现代意识的诗歌风格。本文通过对哈代的自然诗歌的分析,来表明他的一生思想发展历程。并尝试把每个时期的思想变化和当时的时代背景结合,说明其思想变化的根源。本文分为五部分。引论部分简单介绍了哈代的生平以及国内外对哈代诗歌的研究。第一章讨论了乡村生活对哈代的前期浪漫主义的影响,并分析了几首自然诗为证。第二章则介绍了哈代在工业革命时期,受当时哲学思潮的影响,他的宗教思想和人生信仰发生了变化:基督教的信仰幻灭,倾向于不可知论;自然诗的风格从浪漫主义转化成现实主义。第三章讨论了哈代自然诗中的现代主义倾向以及他对后来的诗人的影响。最后一部分为结论,指出哈代对自然的关注其实是他对人类命运的关注。他从自然万物的命运中看到了人类的悲剧命运,但同时他又是个改良论者,他对现实的揭露,对生活悲剧的描写,最终只是为了正确的诊断出疾病,向人类的生存困境发出预警,达到使人类社会进化向善的目的。

【Abstract】 Hardy is a great writer in British literary history. His life spanned two centuries, from the 19th century to the 20th century. So, some critics call him a transitional writer. Hardy is famous for his novels, but his true love is poetry. When he was young, he began to write poems. When he did not succeed in poetry-writing in his early years, he turned to write novels. Yet, he never gave up writing poems. In 1895, he was criticized severely because of the publication of Jude, the Obscure. Then he determined to stop his novel writing, and turned back to his first and last love—poetry. All his life, Hardy published eight volumes of poetry including over one thousand poems.The themes of Hardy’s poems are abroad, including war, love, marriage, death and Nature. Hardy’s poems always reveal his profound thought and emotions. The form of Hardy’s poetry is either traditional or innovative. He often breaks the traditional rules and tries new ideas. Influenced by the different philosophies of his time, the style of his poems is different in different periods of his life. In his early years, Hardy was influenced by romanticism, later he inclined to realism and finally his later poems showed some characteristics of modern poetry. Through the analysis of Hardy’s natural poems, this thesis attempts to reveal the changing process of his philosophy which moved gradually from romanticism to modernism.This thesis consists of five parts.The first part gives a brief introduction to the life and career of Hardy.Chapter One introduces the early romantic style of Hardy’s poetry of Nature and reveals that the cause is the rural life and the influence of romanticism. In order to prove the ideas, the author puts up some poems as examples.Chapter Two analyzes the sources of Hardy’s transformation from romanticism to realism. The transformation of his philosophy influences the style of his poetry of Nature.Chapter Three introduces the modern features of Hardy’s poetry of Nature.The last part is conclusion. In this part, the thesis concludes that Hardy’s concern with Nature is connected with his concern with human beings. He considers that the tragedy of human beings is similar to the fate of the natural objects. He reveals the miserable life of human beings in his poetry of Nature in order to remind the humans of their fate. He exposes and criticizes the miserable reality in the world to call for the better development of human beings. He expresses his hope in his poetry that if human beings want to ameliorate the world, they should bravely confront the adversity and misery in the life.

【关键词】 哈代自然诗浪漫主义现实主义现代主义
【Key words】 Hardypoetry of natureromanticismrealismmodernism

