

Research on the Interaction between Cantilever Structures and Rock-soil in Mountain Road

【作者】 刘长喜

【导师】 周志祥;

【作者基本信息】 重庆交通大学 , 桥梁与隧道工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国经济的飞速发展,交通量日益增大,原有低等级公路普遍面临拓宽改造的问题,目前经常使用的开挖边坡及填土、圬工及锚索挡墙等拓宽方式,经济、环保效益不高。对于陡峻边坡条件下,提出了用整体悬挑结构拓宽山区道路,其设计理念是在不破坏原始生态环境的前提下,充分利用现有稳定路基,以悬挑结构补足道路欠宽部分,具有明显的经济、技术、环保优势。以214国道k1274+855~895为依托工程,对悬挑结构的受力机理进行分析,在适当假定的基础上提出悬挑结构与岩土共同作用的计算模型,综合立柱、锚杆与岩土的总刚度矩阵,利用变基床系数和地基柔度矩阵进行迭代,对悬挑结构与岩土的共同作用进行有限元分析,建立共同作用的基本方程。提出了悬挑结构与岩土共同作用的简化计算模型,推导了计算平面结构的力法方程,进而推广得到空间力法方程,对不同地质条件下锚固端的解决方案进行了讨论,对结构的稳定性也进行了分析。利用Ansys软件,建立反映结构实际工作状况的有限元模型,分析多种地基条件下(密实老填土、碎石土、岩石、局部软弱地基)悬挑结构的协同工作性能,计算表明本文提出的计算方法能够较好的反应结构与岩土的共同作用性能。

【Abstract】 By rapid development of economy and increasing of traffic volume, the original low grade road needs to be widened, the existed way of widening mountain road, such as excavating slop, filling soil, masonry and cable retaining wall, may either cost a lot or do bad to the environment.Under the conditions of precipitous slope, a new structure of widening mountain road with integral cantilever (ICS) is suggested. On the premise of doing no harm to original environment, the design principle is to widen the road with cantilever structure, making full use of exiting stable roadbed, which can be carried out easily,cheaply, and protect the ecology.Taking k1274+855~895 of 214 State Road as experimental project,the calculation model is proposed for analyzing the interaction between ICS and rock-soil which based on appropriate assumptions, and synthesized stiffness matrix of the column, the anchor rod and the ground after the stress mechanism of ICS is analyzed,the interaction between the ICS and the rock-soil is carried on the finite-element analysis by using variable bedding value and the foundation flexibility matrix to obtain the interaction equation in this paper.To simplify the calculation, simplified calculation model is proposed for analyzing the interaction between ICS and rock-soil, and the force method equation is derived for the calculation of the plane structure and the spatial structure,the solution of anchor end under different geological conditions is discussed, the stability of ICS is also analyzed.Using ANSYS, the finite element model is established to reflect actual situation, the coordinated working performance of ICS under a variety of ground conditions is analyzed,such as dense old-filling soil,gravel soil,rock,local soft ground.the calculations indicated that the calculation method proposed in this article is able to react the interaction performance better between ICS and rock-soil, and verified that the simplified calculation model used to design ICS is prone to safety.


