

A Study on the Influence Mechanism of Rural Road Construction to Balance Urban and Rural Development

【作者】 刘芳

【导师】 乜堪雄;

【作者基本信息】 重庆交通大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 城乡统筹发展是构建和谐社会的重要内容之一,也是解决“三农”问题这一制约我国国民经济发展难题的根本出路。城乡统筹发展既涉及社会学意义上的公平,又涉及经济学意义上的效率问题,是变革传统的城乡孤立发展模式,将城市和农村作为社会系统两个相互联系的单元,依赖城乡内部天然的联系,加以国家政策诱导和扶持,充分发挥市场经济作用,促进国家经济社会的可持续发展。城乡统筹发展,突破二元经济社会结构是复杂的社会系统工程,涉及城乡建设和经济发展的方方面面。本文以交通基础设施作为城乡联系的切入点,把农村公路作为具体的研究对象,从农村公路在统筹城乡发展过程中体现的社会公平性、经济效率性、系统协同性作用着手,探讨了农村公路建设对城乡统筹发展中的影响机制,并将其细分为三个方面:①一体化机制:以二元结构为理论基础,分析农村公路建设对缓解农村贫困现状,缩小城乡差距,助推城乡二元经济社会结构改善的作用。②流动机制:根据比较利益理论,阐述农村公路在剩余劳动力转移,城乡间资源要素合理配置组合方面起到的积极作用。③协同机制:以协同论观点,说明农村公路的纽带和桥梁功能在完善交通网络系统、促进城乡互动,强化小城镇在城乡经济中承上启下的积聚和扩散功能方面的作用。以重庆市北碚区为例就农村公路建设对城乡统筹发展的影响作实证分析。在明确农村公路在城乡统筹发展中积极作用的基础上,本文进一步结合我国现阶段公路网建设和农村公路发展实际,从农村公路与高速公路投入力度的调整、农村公路建设养护资金来源渠道、农村公路建设的经济适用性标准、农村客货运输市场培育等方面提出依托农村公路建设助推城乡统筹发展的实施建议。

【Abstract】 Balancing urban and rural development is one of the most important ways of building harmonies society, and resolving the problem of“Three-Nong”, standing for farming, farmer and countryside, which plagues the development of our national economy. It takes the urban and rural as two related parts of the whole society and lets them develop equally and efficient by the effect of the market and policy to achieve national integrate development.In order to achieve this kind of balance between urban and rural, there are lots of works to do. Transportation as the leading industry of economic development is the most important one. The paper focus on the rural road, a vital impetus to urban-rural development, studies on the influence mechanism of rural road construction to balance urban and rural development. And this mechanism is divided into three aspects.The first, equalization of the urban and rural areas.The rural road construction reduces the discrimination between urban and rural areas by adjusting the industry’s overall arrangement in the rural area, optimizing the composition of rural productivity, increasing peasant’s income,which are basics to the changes in the structure of employment, lifestyle, and social value system, furthermore, improving the rural stabilization and urban-rural society advancement. The second, mobility of main resources and the productive factors.The construction of rural road can make rural labor force transfer conveniently, accelerate the circulation of rural products, enhance investment environment, redistribute and combine resources and factors in the industries and regions between urban and rural areas.The third, unification of urban and rural.Rural road connects urban and rural areas like a bridge and tie and makes them a dialectic unity. It gives full play to main highway lines by improving the overall arrangement of the road network, and, further more, improves rural urbanization and advances urban-rural social development by its agglomerate-spread effect。The paper takes Beibei District as an example to do empirical analysis. And basic on the theoretical and empirical analyze, the paper proposes principles and suggestions, balancing the investment between rural road and highway, raising the construction fund effectively, adopting proper construction technical class and standard, and establishing rural transport market, to be followed in practical to accelerate the rural road construction and achieve the promoting effort of it to balance development of urban and rural.


