

Research on Anti-breaking Structural Design of the Highway Tunnel across Active Fault Zones

【作者】 李鹏

【导师】 蒋树屏; 王晓雯;

【作者基本信息】 重庆交通大学 , 结构工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 公路工程中经常遇到断裂构造问题,现行规范都基于避让原则加以规定,概括之不外乎断裂工程活动性判定和工程活断裂避让等两个方面;但随着我国国民经济的快速发展,国土资源开发密度、强度和深度不断增加,许多工程尤其是隧道工程建设过程中不可避免地会遇到活动断裂的问题。无论是断层的突发粘滑还是缓慢蠕滑,都会使断层产生变形,并且这种变形都是三维的空间变形,兼具张拉、剪切和扭动的性质,两者的区别在于错动量的大小。伴随地震发生的断层粘滑运动,断层形变较大,因此往往会直接错断位于其中的隧道结构或者使其因变形过大,影响正常使用。而断层蠕滑运动是不伴随地震发生的缓慢运动,一般以年滑动量表示;尽管断层蠕滑年位错量相对较小,但隧道工程使用年限相对较长,在使用年限内断层累积位错量不容忽视,必须考虑其对隧道结构的剪切破坏效应。如本论文依托工程嘎隆拉隧道隧址区的主断层滑动速率约5mm/a,百年平均位错量约0.5m,如此大的位错量如果在隧道结构设计中不加以重视和考虑,势必将严重威胁隧道结构的安全。本文结合交通部科技项目“西藏波密扎木至墨脱公路建设关键技术研究”,对穿越活动断层区公路隧道的抗错断结构设计进行了研究,首先提出了“超挖设计”、“铰接设计”和“隔离消能设计”三种抗断设计理念,接着重点对“铰接设计”设计理念及计算方法进行了研究,分别提出了采用地层-结构法和荷载-结构法时“铰接设计”的计算模型及设计方法,最后采用三维有限差分数值模型试验对荷载-结构法“铰接设计”抗断措施的效果进行了分析。本文主要的创新点和工作为:(1)提出了穿越活动断层区公路隧道抗错断设计的三种设计理念,即“超挖设计”、“铰接设计”和“隔离消能设计”;(2)提出了基于荷载-结构法设计的“铰接设计”中衬砌节段长度及节段间连接剪切刚度的计算方法;(3)提出了基于地层-结构法设计的“铰接设计”中衬砌节段长度及节段间柔性连接长度的计算方法。

【Abstract】 The problem of faults are often encountered during the highway projects, the existing norms are based on the principle of avoidance provisions of nothing more than a general fracture of engineering activities and engineering to determine live two aspects such as fault avoidance; but as China’s western development the implementation of the strategy, land resources development density, intensity and depth of the increasing number of projects, especially the process of tunnel construction will inevitably encounter the problem of active faults.Whether stick-slip fault or a sudden slow creep, would generate deformed fault, and the deformation of the space are three-dimensional deformation, both Tension, shear and twisting nature of the difference between the two is the size of the volume of fault creep.Accompanied by stick-slip earthquake fault movement, the larger fault deformation, Shear failure is often occurred because of the tunnel structure or deformation is too large, the impact of normal use. And fault creep movement is not accompanied by the slow movement of the earthquake occurred, the general in order to express the year slippage; Although fault creep dislocation in the volume of relatively small, but the tunnel project a relatively long useful life, in the life of the accumulated fault dislocation volume can not be ignored, we must consider the structure of the tunnel effect of shear failure. If this issue by relying on Galongla-tunnel project through the main fault slip rate of about 5mm per year, a hundred years the average dislocation of about 0.5m, so much the volume of the dislocation structure in the tunnel if the design does not attach importance to and taken into account, there will be serious threat to the safety of the tunnel structure.In this paper, the Ministry of Communications Science and Technology Project“the research of key technologies of Zhamu to Medog highway of the Bomi region in Tibet”through the anti-breaking measures study of the highway tunnel across active fault zones, Firstly, put forward "over-excavation", "articulated design" and "isolation of energy dissipation design" three design concepts, Secondly, with an emphasis on " articulated design " design philosophy and method of calculation have been studied, respectively, proposed the use of stratigraphic structure method and load structure method to determine the structure of lining segment length and inter-segment flexible connection method of calculating shear rigidity, and finally the use of three-dimensional finite difference numerical model testing on the " articulated design " anti-broken effects of measures to verify.In this paper, the innovation and work as follows:(1) Put forward design three design concepts for anti-breaking measures of the highway tunnel across active fault zones, namely "over-excavation design", " articulated design " and "isolation of energy dissipation design";(2) Put forward the methods caculating the lining segment length and the Shear rigidity of flexible inter-segment connections of "articulated design", with the load structure method.(3) Put forward the methods calculating the lining segment length and the length of flexible inter-segment connection of "articulated design", with the stratigraphic structure method.


