

Cross-Sectional Study on Awareness Rate of HIV/AIDS-Related Knowledge and Behaviors Among Different Groups in Taiyuan

【作者】 王婷

【导师】 曲成毅;

【作者基本信息】 山西医科大学 , 流行病与卫生统计学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:了解太原市城区一般人群和高危人群艾滋病防治知识知晓情况以及高危行为特征,分析一般人群和高危人群艾滋病知识与行为相关性以及影响知识与行为的主要因素。方法:选择太原市万柏林区为研究区域,采用随机整群抽样和分层抽样相结合的方法,对研究区域内3008名一般人群进行艾滋病防治知识、态度与行为问卷调查;对研究区域内531名高危人群进行艾滋病防治知识与高危行为问卷调查。采用Epidata3.02软件建立数据库并进行数据录入,SPSS13.0软件进行数据分析。结果:1.艾滋病防治知识知晓情况1.1一般人群艾滋病防治知识知晓情况一般人群艾滋病防治知识总知晓率为66.6%,其中城市居民为77.3%,农村居民为58.6%,流动人口为48.5%,校内青少年为92.5%,校外青少年为为9.2%。不同人群知晓率之间比较差别有显著统计学意义(χ2=526.76, P<0.001)。在对三条传播途径的认知上,调查人群的知晓率依次为:城市居民75.9%,农村居民53.0%,流动人口45.5%,校内青少年83.5%,校外青少年21.6%。在对非传播途径的认知上,调查人群的知晓率依次为:城市居民44.8%,农村居民35.8%,流动人口24.2%,校内青少年70.2%,校外青少年6.8%。1.2高危人群艾滋病防治知识知晓情况高危人群艾滋病防治知识总知晓率为74.6%,其中暗娼61.9%,吸毒者77.2%,同性恋者90.4%,三组之间比较差别有显著统计学意义(χ2=29.40, P<0.01)。高档娱乐场所暗娼知晓率为71.6%,低档娱乐场所暗娼知晓率为54.9%,两人群之间比较差别有统计学意义(χ2=5.09,P<0.05)。在对三条传播途径的认知上,调查人群的知晓率依次为:暗娼44.9%,吸毒者62.4%,同性恋74.5%。在对非传播途径的认知上,调查人群的知晓率依次为:暗娼26.0%,吸毒者71.3%,同性恋54.8%。2.艾滋病相关行为特征2.1一般人群艾滋病相关行为特征流动人口婚前性行为的发生率最高,达27.0%,校外青少年婚外性行为、吸毒行为和同性性行为的发生率最高,分别为15.4%、8.0%、12.1%,校内青少年不健康行为的发生率普遍较低。2.2高危人群艾滋病相关行为特征高档场所暗娼者中,第一次与客人发生商业性行为的平均年龄为(22.44±3.06)岁,低档场所为(24.31±5.99)岁,两组之间比较差别有统计学意义(t=2.48, P=0.014);同性恋者中,第一次发生性行为的平均年龄为(18.46±4.22)岁,第一次发现自己喜欢同性的平均年龄为(16.93±5.96);吸毒者中,首次吸毒的平均年龄为(26.60±7.31)岁。三类人群最近一次性行为中安全套使用情况依次为:暗娼75.0%,吸毒者48.1%,同性恋58.5%。3.艾滋病防治知识影响因素3.1一般人群艾滋病防治知识影响因素多因素分析结果显示,城市居民艾滋病防治知识知晓率与文化程度、婚姻、居住状况有关;农村居民知晓率与文化程度、月收入、居住状况有关;流动人口知晓率与文化程度、月收入有关;校内青少年知识知晓率与是否接受过艾滋病预防干预服务有关;校外青少年艾滋病防治知识知晓率不受研究因素影响。3.2高危人群艾滋病防治知识影响因素多因素分析结果显示,暗娼艾滋病防治知识知晓率与年龄、是否接受过培训有关;吸毒人群知晓率与民族、文化程度有关;同性恋者知晓率与文化程度、知识获取途径有关。4.艾滋病相关行为影响因素4.1一般人群艾滋病相关行为影响因素多因素分析结果显示,城市居民高危性行为的发生与性别、婚姻、月收入有关;农村居民高危性行为发生与性别、年龄有关;流动人口高危性行为发生与婚姻状况有关。4.2高危人群艾滋病相关行为影响因素多因素分析结果显示,暗娼安全套使用率与性病感染情况、文化程度有关;吸毒人群和同性恋人群安全套使用率不受研究因素影响。结论:不同人群对艾滋病防治知识均有一定程度的了解,部分人群知晓率有待进一步提高。一般人群中,流动人口和校外青少年高危行为的发生率相对比较高;高危人群安全套使用率总体上偏低,应继续加强对这部分人群的健康教育和行为干预。

【Abstract】 Objective: To understand the status of HIV/AIDS prevention knowledge and characters of high-risk behavior among general and high-risk population in the city zone of Taiyuan; to analyze the correlation between HIV/AIDS knowledge and behavior, and to explore main factors affecting knowledge and high-risk behavior.Methods: The HIV/AIDS related questionnaires were used with a combination of random cluster sampling and stratified sampling to interview general and high-risk population in the city zone of Taiyuan, and totally 3008 general population and 531 high-risk population were recruited in this study. Epidata 3.02 and SPSS13.0 were used for data recording and analysis.Results:1. Status about HIV/AIDS prevention knowledge1.1 Status about HIV/AIDS prevention knowledge of general populationThe awareness rate of HIV/AIDS-related knowledge in general people was 66.6%, and the same kind of rates were 77.3%, 58.6%, 48.5%, 92.5%, 9.2% among urban residents, rural residents, floating people, adolescents in school and adolescents out of school. There was statistically significant difference among the rates of groups(χ2=526.76, P<0.001). The awareness rates of the transmission routes of HIV/AIDS were 75.9%, 53.0%, 45.5%, 83.5%, 21.6% among five groups mentioned above. For the non-transmission routes of HIV/AIDS, the awareness rates were 44.8%, 35.8%, 24.2%, 70.2%, 6.8% among five groups.1.2 Status about HIV/AIDS prevention knowledge of high-risk populationThe awareness rate of HIV/AIDS-related knowledge in high-risk population was 74.6%, and the same kind of rate in sex workers was 61.9%, in drug users was 77.2% and in MSM was 90.4%. There was statistically significant difference among three high-risk groups(χ2=29.40, P<0.01). The awareness rate of HIV/AIDS-related knowledge among sex workers in top grade entertainment place was 71.6% and in low grade entertainment place was 54.9%. There was statistically significant difference among the two groups(χ2=5.09, P<0.05). For the transmission routes of HIV/AIDS, the awareness rates in sex workers was 44.9%, in drug users was 62.4% and in MSM was 74.5%. For the non-transmission routes of HIV/AIDS, the awareness rates in sex workers was 26.0%, in drug users was 71.3% and in MSM was 54.8%.2. Characters of HIV/AIDS related behavior 2.1 Characters of HIV/AIDS related behavior in general populationThe highest incidence of premarital sexual behavior was floating people (27.0%), and the highest incidences of extramarital sexual behavior, drug use, homosexual behavior were adolescent out of school, the rates were 15.4%, 8.0%, 12.1%, and the incidence of unhealthy behavior among adolescent in school was low.2.2 Characters of HIV/AIDS related behavior in high-risk populationThe average age of first commercial sexual behavior among sex workers in top grade entertainment place was (22.44±3.06), in low grade entertainment place was (24.31±5.99). There was statistically significant difference among two groups (t=2.48, P=0.014). The average age of first sexual behavior in MSM was (18.46±4.22), and the average age of the first time found himself likes the same sex was(16.93±5.96). The average age of first using drug in drug users was (26.60±7.31). The condom use rate at the last sex in sex workers was 75.0%, in drug users was 48.1%, and in MSM was 58.5%.3. Factors affecting HIV/AIDS prevention knowledge3.1 Factors affecting HIV/AIDS prevention knowledge in general populationMultiple-way analysis showed that the possible influential factors of HIV/AIDS prevention knowledge in urban residents were education level, marital status and inhabitancy, in rural residents were education level, income and inhabitancy, in floating people were education level and income, in adolescent in school were whether accepting HIV/AIDS prevention service or not. No factors affected the knowledge of adolescent out of school.3.2 Factors affecting HIV/AIDS prevention knowledge in high-risk populationMultiple-way analysis showed that the possible influential factors of HIV/AIDS prevention knowledge in sex workers were age and whether accepting HIV/AIDS prevention service or not, in drug users were race and education level, in MSM were education level and routes of acquiring knowledge.4. Factors affecting HIV/AIDS related behavior4.1 Factors affecting HIV/AIDS related behavior in general populationMultiple-way analysis showed that the possible influential factors of high risk behavior in urban residents were gender, marital status and income, in rural residents were gender and age, and in floating people were marital status.4.2 Factors affecting HIV/AIDS related behavior in high-risk populationMultiple-way analysis showed that the possible influential factor of condom use in sex workers were the infection status of STD and education level. No factors affected the behavior of condom use among drug users and MSM. Conclusion:All different groups have certain understanding of HIV/AIDS prevention knowledge, it is necessary to improve the knowledge level of HIV/AIDS among some groups. The incidence of high risk behavior is relatively high among floating people and adolescent out of school. The frequency of condom use in high-risk groups is low which indicates that we should emphasize health education as well as behavioral intervention.

【关键词】 一般人群高危人群艾滋病知识行为
【Key words】 general and high-risk populationHIV/AIDSknowledgebehavior

