

A Survey on Secondary Vocational School Practical Teacher’s Professional Development State

【作者】 陈萍

【导师】 张桂春; 徐涵;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 职业技术教育学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 教师专业化发展是世界教师教育改革与发展的潮流和趋势,也是我国教师队伍建设的理想追求和现实需要。当前社会经济发展带动了职业教育新一轮发展高峰的到来,中等职业教育招生规模在经历了长久的低迷状态后,呈现出恢复性增长的势头,职业学校招生数量的增加引起国家对实践教学的重视,从事职业学校实践教学工作的是实训教师,实训教师队伍素质的优劣是实践教学成败的关键。因此,了解中等职业学校实训教师专业发展的现状,探索能够促进实训教师快速成长与发展的策略或路径显得十分必要。鉴于此,笔者通过查阅大量有关教师专业发展的文献,并以大连市中等职业学校教师为研究对象,调查分析了实训教师专业发展的现状及需求,然后在这两者的基础上分析和探讨了旨在促进实训教师专业成长与发展的若干策略。基于此,本论文主干包括四部分:(一)前言部分。概述了问题提出的背景、本论题提出的意义,并辨析了“中等职业教育”、“教师专业化”“教师专业发展”、“实训教师”等几个相关概念。(二)文献综述部分。本文首先对国外和国内职业学校实训教师研究状况进行详细的阐释,然后分析了现有实训教师研究中的不足之处。(三)实证研究部分。本文采取自编的《大连市中等职业学校实训教师专业发展现状调查问卷》,对大连市部分在职实训教师进行了问卷调查。然后用SPSS11.0统计软件对回收问卷进行统计分析,重点分析了百分率和差异显著性检验(x~2卡方检验)。通过分析调查数据,概括并揭示出实践研究中发现的一些问题,旨在引起反思并为本文的对策分析部分提供实践基础。(四)对策分析部分。笔者重点结合实证研究中发现的问题,分别从教师个人、任职学校、社会培训机构、教育行政机构等四个层面分析和探讨了中职实训教师专业发展的对策。

【Abstract】 The teacher’s professional development has been the tide and trend of the reform and development of international teacher’s education, similarly, it is the practical require of the procession’s build of our teachers. Currently, social economy development calls for the new development peak of vocational education. After the long low level, the students’enrollment scale of secondary vocational education becomes recovering development. Enrollment quantity of vocational school causes the government to attach importance to practical teaching. It’s the practical teacher who engaged in practical teaching. Success or failure of practical teaching is due to the quality of practical teachers. So it’s important to know the professional development situation of secondary vocational practical teacher. It’s also very necessary to explore the tactics or routes of practical teacher’s fast growth or development. So by consulting much correlative literature of teacher professional development and investigating the actuality and demand of the professional development of secondary vocational school practical teachers in Dalian, we analyze and discuss some strategies or approaches aimed at promoting the rapid growth and development of secondary vocational school practical teachers.Based on this, this paper contains four parts:Part one, Preface. It states the origin of teacher profession development, the significance of raising the thesis,as well as the content and methods of this study. At last, it differentiates and analyzes some correlated languages, such as“secondary vocational education”,“teacher professionalization and teacher professional development”, and“practice teacher”, etc.Part two, Literature Summarizing. Firstly, the paper detailed explains the internal and abroad research situation of vocational school practice teachers. Then, it analyses the deficiency of the research available.Part three, Demonstration Study. Using the questionnaire made by myself, this study surveys and analyzes the actuality and demand of partial secondary vocational school practice teachers in Dalian, and then uses SPSS11.0 to analysis the redemptory questionnaire. It stresses on the analyses of frequency, percent and x2 test. From these analyses, some problems found in the demonstration study are opened out, which aims at arousing up reflection and offering practical base for Part four.Part four, Approach Analysis. Mainly according to the problems presented indemonstration study, the paper analyzes and discusses the approaches to the professional development of secondary vocational school practice teachers, respectively from four aspects, such as teacher individual, his school, continuing teacher education and government.

  • 【分类号】G715.1
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】321

