

An Analysis of the Archetypes in the Grapes of Wrath

【作者】 范艳宏

【导师】 谷野平;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文旨在探讨并阐述《愤怒的葡萄》的内在原型特征。在《愤怒的葡萄》中存在着大量圣经原型。根据诺斯洛普.弗莱对原型的定义,笔者认为这些材料在约翰.斯坦贝克笔下作为原型再次出现。这些原型以意象、人物形象、叙述方式和母题的象征等形式出现,它们相互之间具有普遍的结构关联。这决定了《愤怒的葡萄》主题思想上的内在一致性,塑造了其总体艺术风貌,左右着其美学功能的体现。本文共分三部分六章。在第一部分(第一、二章),作者简单回顾了国内外对这部小说的评论,指出从原型批评角度分析这部小说的可能性。同时也说明论文写作的必要性和可行性,介绍神话原型批评理论的来源并阐述弗莱原型批评理论,说明从原型角度研究《愤怒的葡萄》的内在依据及重要性。第二部分(第三、四、五章)是本论文的核心部分。它们是人物形象原型、叙述模式原型和主题原型。按照其在原型系统中发挥作用的重要性加以排列。每一部分是一个自足的单元,但又具有其在整体结构中的关联性。第三部分是论文的结尾部分。简要归总了论文主要研究成果及其学术价值,并指出了不足和有待继续研究和探讨的问题。

【Abstract】 The primary concern of the present thesis is with the archetypal qualities of The Grapes of Wrath. John Steinbeck constantly uses references and allusions from Greek mythology and Bible. According to Northrop Frye’s definition of archetype, there exist archetypal images, figures, narrative patterns and themes. They play vital roles in the novel. The seemingly fragmentary and casual archetypes form a structural relevance, which determines the interior consistence of the theme of The Grapes of Wrath, and created the distinctive aesthetic function. The assignment of this thesis goes into three parts, which is further divided into six chapters.The first part (chapter 1 and chapter 2), I simply review the literature about the study of this novel abroad and in china. I find that few critics have analyzed this novel by the theory of archetypal criticism. And in this part it gives a comprehensive view of the necessity, importance and feasibility of the study of the archetypal qualities in the novel. I examine the present archetypal system in which the recurrent archetype from the Bible can be explained relevantly. Frye’s archetypal critical theory is presented too.The second part, is the center of the thesis, includes chapter3, chapter 4and chapter 5. Based on the critical strategy of Archetypal Criticism, and the textual contents of The Grapes of Wrath, the second part elucidates the internal structure of the archetypal system with archetypal character, archetypal narrative pattern, and archetypal motif. Each of them is an autonomous unit, but each has its relevance with one another.In the third part, a conclusion of this thesis is drawn. It shows the main finding of this thesis. Also there exist the limitations of this study: the lack of materials and limited time and personal ability on the author’s part. At last the author gives a piece of advice for a further and sophisticated study on the archetypes in this novel.

  • 【分类号】I712
  • 【下载频次】1106

