

Transforming Crime

【作者】 王世杰

【导师】 何泽宏;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 刑法学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 自上世纪80年代中期以来,学者们关于转化犯的研究从未停息。如今在各种学术期刊中,我们经常可以看到转化犯的字眼。虽然转化犯的研究很多,但是转化犯的概念并未形成一个统一的概念,更别说形成一个完整的转化犯理论体系。鉴于此种情况,笔者试图对转化犯的一些观点进行梳理整合,并提出了自己的初浅看法,就教于各位老师和前辈。本文共分四部分,约4万字。一、转化犯概述。本部分阐述了转化犯的概念、特征、性质和分类。对于转化犯的概念,笔者认为转化犯是指在故意犯罪过程中,由于出现了法定的情形,而使原犯罪行为的性质转化为更为严重的另一犯罪,依法应当以转化后的罪名定罪处罚的罪数形态。关于转化犯的特征,笔者赞同大多数学者的观点,采取了转化犯异质性、法定性、定罪的唯一性的表述,但是对于趋重性,笔者认为应当表述为单向趋重性,以区别其他罪数形态的双向性。对于转化犯的性质,笔者认为转化犯,从理论上讲,是一种罪数形态;而从立法技术层面讲,是一种法律拟制。其法律拟制的性质,可以从形式上、内容上、目的上得到证明。关于转化犯的分类,笔者综合了学者们的观点,直接把转化犯分为标准转化犯和准型转化犯,排除了拟制型转化犯和吸收型转化犯的划分。二、转化犯比较研究。本部分对英美法系、大陆法系和我国的转化犯进行了比较。英美法系虽然没有成文法,但是存在我们所说的转化犯的情况。大陆法系将转化犯称之为准犯、追并犯,而不称之为转化犯。在大陆法系的刑法中,准犯虽然可以解释某些转化犯,但是它属于犯罪构成的理论,而不是关于罪数的理论。追并犯不被采用的原因在于其解释的狭窄性。从大陆法系的转化犯立法中,我们得到的启示是,罪状的详尽,以及通过其他的罪数形态或者数罪并罚来缩小转化犯的范围。最后,笔者通过对我国古代和近代的转化犯立法的总结认识到,我国转化犯的发展是一个由个别到一般的发展过程,以转化型抢劫(转化型强盗)为主线,不断发展完善,最终形成了今天的转化犯理论。三、转化犯基本理论探析。本部分是本文的重点,在这里笔者就转化犯的转化条件、理论定位、立法价值进行了探讨,并与其他罪数形态进行了比较。关于转化犯的条件,笔者认为转化犯必须是故意犯罪之间的转化,并且转化犯的原罪必须是既遂或者未遂。关于转化犯的理论定位,从理论层面分析转化犯的性质,转化犯属于一种罪数形态。在认识到转化犯的罪数形态的性质后,笔者将转化犯与现有理论中的想象竞合犯、结果加重犯、结合犯、牵连犯、吸收犯、包容犯进行了比较,以区分转化犯与他们的不同,属于一种独立的罪数形态。最后,笔者对转化犯的立法价值进行了论述,在这里,笔者从价值层面来分析,转化犯立法存在于我国刑法的原因。即转化犯的出现从理论上讲符合罪刑法定原则,符合罪刑相适应原则,符合刑法谦抑原则。从实践上讲减少了诉讼环节,方便量刑;解决了某些较为复杂情况下的罪数处罚问题,为定罪量刑提供了明确的法律依据;使刑法典从技术上和内容上更加科学。四、完善我国转化犯的立法建议。本部分中笔者首先对现有法律法规中的转化犯条文进行了筛选,从而划定了转化犯的范围。现有法律法规中存在转化犯的罪名有:非法购买增值税专用发票、购买伪造的增值税专用发票罪、非法拘禁罪、收买被拐卖的妇女、儿童罪、刑讯逼供罪、暴力取证罪、虐待被监管人员罪、私自开拆、隐匿、毁弃邮件、电报罪、抢夺罪、盗窃罪、诈骗罪、抢夺罪、聚众斗殴罪、强迫卖血罪、非法提供麻醉药品、精神药品罪、抗税罪、组织、利用会道门、邪教组织、利用迷信致人死亡罪和挪用公款罪。在当前刑事司法领域提倡“宽严相济”的刑事政策的社会背景下,转化犯的条文需要进行整理。在现有的法律法规中有些法律条文需要增设转化犯的规定。比如说,妨害公务罪。有些转化犯条文需要修改,以适应具体情况。有些规定了转化犯的司法解释需要上升为法律。

【Abstract】 "Transforming Crime" is a concept unique to China. It’s hard to find out the scholars who make such a concept first. But the debate about "Transforming Crime" never stopped, since the mid-eighties of the last century. In recent years, we can see the word "Transforming Crime" in any Law journals. Although there are many researches about "transforming crime", but scholars have different views, and even failed to reach a unified concept, let alone form a complete theoretical system. And it is difficult to guide the practice of the justice. So the author will attempt to view in the integration of the existing basis, constructing a complete theoretical system of "Transforming Crime" in this article.This essay ,with total of 48000 words, consists of 4 parts, as follows:The first part, this section is an overview of "Transforming Crime", including the concept, characteristics, nature and classification. About the concept, the author reviewed the views of other scholars and made a view that, the concept of "Transforming Crime" should include three parts: the premise of transformation, the conditions of transformation and the penalties. The premise must be that there was a crime, the conditions are statutory cases, the penalties are in accordance with the punishment of the crime transformed to. Therefore, the concept of "Transforming Crime" should be committed: In the course of a deliberate crime, as a result of statutory cases, the nature of the original crime transforms into a more serious crime, and should be punished according to the transformed crime. About the characteristics, I respect the views of the majority of scholars, who adopted the expression of heterogeneity, statutory, and convicted only of sexual, but for more severe, and I think more emphasis should be coupled with a one-way sex to distinguish between the other crimes of two-way. About the nature, I distinguish between the theoretical and legislative technologies, here I just committing the nature of "Transforming Crime" in the aspects of legislation technical. Finally about the classification the author synthesizes the views of scholars, mainly from two perspectives on "Transforming Crime" are classified.The second part, this section is a comparative study of "Transforming Crime", namely the common law, civil law and our "Transforming Crime" were studied. Common law is case law, but "Transforming Crime" is a concept of statute law. So, it may be wrong to study the common law. But I think, although there isn’t "Transforming Crime" in common law, there is "Transforming Crime" in their life. So, we can look at what they have to deal with this situation. For the civil law, I analyzed the quasi-criminals and "Transforming Crime", then a comparative study. Finally, China’s ancient and the modem legislation of "Transforming Crime" has been committed and analyzed.The third part, this section is the focus of this article, here we discussed the conditions of transformation, the theoretical orientation, and. the Legislative value. And here we also compared with other forms of crime’s quality. About the conditions of transformation, I believe that the transformation must be transformed between deliberate crimes, and the original crime must be accomplished or attempted. About the theoretical orientation, from a theoretical analysis of the nature of "Transforming Crime", it’s a form of crime’s quality. And further by analyzing the elements of crime of "Transforming Crime", we recognize that it is a substantial number of crimes, one crime of statutory. After that, the author compared the "Transforming Crime" and "Imagine competing crime", "Consequential Aggravated", "Combination of crime", "Implicated Crime", "Absorption Crime", "Inclusive Crime". To distinguish the "Transforming Crime" with them, it belonging to a independent form of crime’s quality. Finally, the author discussed the value of its legislation. Here, the author analyzed the reason why "Transforming Crime" existed in China’s Criminal Law.The fourth part, in this section, first of all, the author identifies the scope of "Transforming Crime". And combined with the current social background, the relevant provisions of "Transforming Crime" required for finishing. In the existing laws and regulations, some legal provisions required additional provisions of "Transforming Crime", some provisions of "Transforming Crime" need to be amended, in order to adapt to the complexity of the specific situation, some judicial interpretation of "Transforming Crime" should rose to law. In this section the author give his own legislative proposals about "Transforming Crime".

  • 【分类号】D924
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】326

