

On the Containment of Confession by Torture

【作者】 陈官

【导师】 徐静村;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 诉讼法学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 如果说侦查程序的改革是刑事诉讼法修改的中心环节,那么,刑讯逼供的遏制问题则是这一中心环节的核心问题。当前,无论是对于司法实务人员还是对于理论工作者来说,如何遏制刑讯逼供都成了一个棘手的问题。本文以经验事实为研究起点,以近年来被披露的数个典型案例为依托,以实证研究的方法为逻辑基础,从而建构了本文的核心命题:侦查机关绩效考核机制才是产生刑讯逼供的关键原因,只有改革侦查机关绩效考核机制才能有效地遏制刑讯逼供。全文由引言、正文、结语和致谢等四大部分构成,正文共分四章,共计四万余字。第一章主要阐明了刑讯逼供的相关基础性问题。本章开篇以数个事实案例为依据,提出了在我国刑事司法实践中存在严重的刑讯逼供问题。接着对刑讯逼供的概念和构成要件等问题进行说明。继而明确了刑讯逼供的危害性,以及遏制刑讯逼供的迫切性。第二章是全文的过渡篇章。本章首先概述了当今学术界关于刑讯逼供的产生原因及其遏制对策的研究现状,接着,当既有的理论无法很好地解释实践中的刑讯逼供现象时,笔者另辟蹊径尝试着运用实证研究的方法从公共管理学科的角度对刑讯逼供的动机进行探析,并且引出一个假设,即侦查机关的绩效考核机制才是造成刑讯逼供的深层次诱因。第三章主要论证了侦查机关绩效考核机制与刑讯逼供的关系。本章首先概述了公共管理视野下的绩效考核机制,以及我国对于西方绩效考核机制的借鉴。接着从历史到现实、从可能到必然等两个方面考察了我国侦查机关绩效考核机制的导向与刑讯逼供的发生。第四章是全文的核心篇章。本章第一节是关于认识论的学说,我们不仅要更新侦查人员和社会公众等两类群体的观念和意识,而且应该使得侦查人员明白人类认识规律的客观性、侦查活动的相对性以及效率和效益的辩证统一性等三大基本属性。此外,社会公众也应该给予办案人员更多的宽容和关怀而不是盲目的指责。第二节着重论证了侦查机关绩效考核机制的改革和重构,也即取消“招标破案”的考核机制、建立定性和定量相结合的“破案率”考核机制以及确立“限期破案”和“命案必破”的层次性考核机制。本文的创新点有如下两项:第一,本文在分析刑讯逼供的原因时首次系统地引入了侦查机关绩效考核机制这一分析平台,并且从其历史到现实的对比情况、从可能性到必然性的转变情况对其运行状况做出了全面研讨之后得出侦查机关绩效考核机制才是导致刑讯逼供的元凶。第二,本文在重构遏制刑讯逼供的理论体系时,首先借鉴了唯物辩证法关于认识论和实践论的知识,夯实了论证的理论根基,其次以马斯洛层次需求理论为依据,并且结合公共管理学科的研究方法对该体系进行建构。

【Abstract】 If the amendment of Investigation Procedure is the the central aspect of the reform of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the containment of Confession by Torture is the core problem. Currently,how to contain Confession by Torture is troublesome not only for justice practitioners but also for theorists. This article starts with the experience of the facts,a number of typical cases and the empirical study. Then the proposition is put forward:Investigation Department’ Performance Evaluation Mechanism is the key reason for Confession by Torture. Only to reform the Investigation department’ Performance Evaluation Mechanism can we contain Confession by Torture. This article constitutes introduction,text,conclusion and thanks. The text is divided into four chapters and has more than 40,000 words.Chapter one elaborates some basic questions for Confession by Torture. This chapter starts with several cases. Then the serious situation of criminal judicial practice is pointed out. Concepts and elements are clarified after that.Lastly,the harmful and urgency of Confession by Torture is indicated.Chapter two is the connecting chapter.Firstly,the reasons of Confession by Torture and meatures of containing Confession by Torture are summarized. An empirical study is used when the existing theroy couldn’t expain the phenomenon. Then a assumption is derived that Investigation Department’ Performance Evaluation Mechanism is the key reason of Confession by Torture.Chapter three demonstrates the relation of Investigation Department’ Performance Evaluation Mechanism and Confession by Torture.Firstly,Performance Evaluation Mechanism is pointed out within the Public Administration and our country’ reference with westen Performance Evaluation Mechanism. After that we investigate the relation of Investigation Department’ Performance Evaluation Mechanism and Confession by Torture not only from history to reality but from possibility to necessity.Chapter four is the core chapter. Section one is about Epistemology. We have to update mind of not only investigators but citizens. We should let investigators know the objectivity of discipline, relativity of investigation and the uniformity of the efficiency and effectiveness. Otherwise, citizens should give more tolerance and care rather than criticism to investigators. Section two demonstrates the reform of Investigation Department’ Performance Evaluation Mechanism. We should cancel the Mechanism of "Case Tender", set up "Detection Rate" with mixing of qualitative and quantitative and establish the classifid mechanism of the "Deadline Detection" and "Case Must-breaking".This article has two innovations,one is that Investigation Department’ Performance Evaluation Mechanism is concerned when I analyse the reason of Confession by Torture,another is that Maslow’need-hierarchy theory and Materialist dialectics are recommend when I build the system of the containment of Confession by Torture.

  • 【分类号】D925.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】479

