

Legal Issues Study on the System of Travel Agency Liability Insurance in China

【作者】 肖萌菊

【导师】 石慧荣;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 民商法学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 2001年9月1日,《旅行社投保旅行社责任保险规定》开始实施,旅行社责任保险自此代替旅游意外保险,成为旅游强制保险。旅行社责任保险制度是出于对旅游者和旅行社利益的保护、基于对旅行社行业风险转嫁的考虑而构建的一种新型责任保险制度。从旅行社责任保险制度实施之后的实效看,旅行社责任险无法起到使旅行社通过旅行社责任险,规避、降低经营风险的作用,旅行社责任险也并不能切实保障游客和旅行社的权益,这与其立法初衷是相悖的。因此,有必要对旅行社责任险制度现状进行反思,在反思基础上对其进行重构,以适应并促进旅游业蓬勃发展。本文即是笔者以一个法律人的眼光、从法律层面对当前旅行社责任保险制度存在问题进行分析并提出对策的结果,以期对旅行社责任保险制度的完善有所裨益。本文主要分为三部分,第一部分为引言,第二部分为正文,第三部分为结论。引言主要阐述笔者写作此文的动机与目的。旅行社作为综合服务的提供者,其提供的旅游服务具有空间上的转移性和牵连面广的综合性特点。在旅行社组织的旅游活动中,旅游者发生人身伤亡、财产损失的事件时有出现,旅行社面对市场的赔偿责任、违约责任等风险因素尤显突出,可以说,旅行社业已成为高风险性行业。旅行社责任保险制度具有转嫁旅行社责任风险之功能,在实施之初颇受欢迎。然由于其制度设计上的缺陷及实践中的不规范操作,存在之问题严重制约了其功能之发挥,因此,有必要对旅行社责任保险制度进行完善。正文共分三章。第一章:旅行社责任保险制度概论。介绍了旅行社责任保险制度之制度基础、制度沿革、制度内容、制度价值。第二章:旅行社责任保险制度存在的法律问题。从法律层面,分析了我国现行旅行社责任保险制度存在的几个问题:旅行社责任保险制度之法律渊源效力层次较低,法律规范之间有冲突;保险范围过窄,保险公司的除外责任太多;旅行社责任保险合同之当事人之间的权利义务具有不对等性,对旅行社、旅游者在旅行社责任保险中之法律地位认识混乱,对旅游者的保护不够充分。第三章:对我国旅行社责任保险制度存在之法律问题的对策思考。针对旅行社责任保险制度中存在的上述问题,提出解决上述问题的对策。最后一部分是结论,是本文观点的综述。笔者认为,完善旅行社责任保险制度,在法律层面,具体表现在:以行政法规的形式明确旅行社责任保险其强制责任保险性质;明确规定其承保范围及旅行社承担责任的形态;衡平旅行社、保险公司、旅游者三方之间的利益;在立法上赋予旅行社责任保险之受害第三人直接请求权。本文采取了历史的、比较的、分析的和判例研究的方法

【Abstract】 《The provision of travel agents insuring travel agency liability insurance》has become effective Since September 1,2001,travel agency liability insurance which take place of travel accidence insurance become travel enforcement insurance.The system of travel agency liability insurance is a new kind of liability insurance system which based the consideration of diverting the risk of travel agents in order to protect both travel agents and travelers. Observing the effect after the system of travel agency liability insurance carried out,travel agents couldn’t evade and drop the risk by travel agency liability insurance,the travel agency liability insurance couldn’t protect rights and interests of travel agents and travelers,also.It is opposite to the legislative aim.So,it is necessary to have a heart searching of the present situation of the system of travel agency liability insurance and re-structure the system of travel agency liability insurance for adapt and stimulate the development of travel industry. The article is a result that the author as a jurisprudent analysis the travel agency liability insurance on the present being questions and put forward with countermeasures.wish it is helpful to improve the system of travel agency liability insurance.The article is divided into three main parts.The first part is the introduction,the text is divided into PartⅡ,and partⅢconsists of conclusions.Introduction mainly explains the author’s motives and objectives of the article.As a provider about synthesized service,travel agents provide the travel services that have the following synthesized features:transfer in the space and implicate in a wide range.In the travel organized by travel agents,the incidents that the traveler bring about Personal injury and Property damage often occur,it is very Prominent that travel agents would be faced to tort Liability and contract Liability.In other words,the industry of travel agents has become the High-risk industry.The system of travel agency liability insurance has the function of transfer liability risk,it is popular at first.But,because of the faulty in the system design and the Non-standard operation in practice,the question that it have existed constraints severely its function.So,it is necessary to make the system of travel agency liability insurance perfect.Text consists of three chapters:ChapterⅠ:general theory about the system of travel agency liability insurance.The chapter introduces its system base,system history,system contents and system value. ChapterⅡ:the legal research on questions of the system of travel agency liability insurance.The chapter analyzes several legal questions that the system of travel agency liability insurance has existed:sources of the law are lower in the effect level and legal norms have conflict;insurance coverage is too narrow,the excluded liability of insurance companies is too many;rights and obligations of parties in travel agency liability insurance contract are unequal,the awareness on the legal status of travel agents and travelers is very disordered,the protection to travelers is inadequate.ChapterⅢ:countermeasures of improving the system of travel agency liability insurance.According to the above issues,the chapter proposes some countermeasures.Last part is conclusion,which is an overview of this article.The author thinks,in the legal aspects,improving the system of travel agency liability insurance needs:administrative regulations stipulate dearly that travel agency liability insurance is the compulsory liability insurance in nature;stipulate clearly the insurance coverage and the forms of liability to travel agents;counterbalance the interest of travel agents,insurance companies and travelers;the legislation endows the sufferer with the direct claim of the third party in travel agency liability insurance.The article has used the history,the comparison,the analysis and the legal precedent research methods.

  • 【分类号】D922.284
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】384

