

Researching into Questions Related to TCM

【作者】 王伟亮

【导师】 古继红;

【作者基本信息】 广州中医药大学 , 中医基础理论, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 当代的中国汇集了“传统文化”和“中医”、“科技文化”和“西医”等文化形态。“传统文化”和传统“中医”经过了时间的跨度,“科技文化”和“西医”经过了空间的跨度,所以这在当今的中国可谓是一种“时空”的交汇。不同的文化形态在磨合的过程中势必会产生诸多问题。本论文对已有的文献资料重新进行综合归纳,并理性思辨、探索总结,从“文化”的视角,围绕“有关中医问题的探讨”这一主题,探讨了从“传统文化”到“科技文化”与中医有关的一些问题,并试图探寻解决这些问题的方法。论文的核心部分为第一章“传统文化与中医”。我们中医讲:“邪之所凑,其气必虚”,故中医之所以出现种种问题也在于自身“气虚”。如果说一个西医连西医基础是通过解剖、试验等方法而产生的这一基本出发点都不知道的话,那简直是难以想象及不可思议的,但对于我们中医,这种“不可思议”几乎成了“正常”的事情。所以解决相关中医问题的关键,必须要正本清源,“其身正,不令而行。”另外,以战术来说,中医的根源在传统文化,而中医的“高处”亦在传统,《孙子兵法》曰:“激水之疾,至于漂石者,势也……转圆石于千仞之山者,势也”、“善战者,求之于势”。全篇论文的主体分三个部分:一、传统文化与中医;二、科技文化与中医;三、中医与西医。第一章借助清代名医汪昂的一段话并加以展开,自“道”至“中医”,层层跌进。首先是传统文化的主题“道”,“道”文化影响着我国传统社会的方方面面,以至于可称之为“道统”。而传统社会中“道”文化的主干则是“儒释道”三家。这三家,特别是道家,对中医的影响可谓是源远流长、根深蒂固。另外,传统社会的文学武术也主要依托于这三家而存在,并流转传承。“文”和“武”的学术修为在古代中医界是较为普遍的,这是中医产生的前提和必须条件。本章的主体是“以道成医”,包括两方面:“医术的形成”和“医士的形成”。其中展示了古人让人叹为观止的伟大成就。本章的最后简单地探讨了一些与传统文化有关的中医问题。第二章讨论了当中医进入“科技文化”之后所产生的一般性问题及一些个别性问题,在较深或者较初始的层面探讨“科技文化”以及西医与中医之间的关系。首先讨论了“科学”的实质,进而探讨了科学与中医的关系,以及中医在“科技文化”的影响下所产生的问题。其中从中西文化的差异以及西方文明的不足等的层面进行了探讨说明。最后是中医在“科技文化”的环境中所出现的一些散在性问题。第三章探讨了“中医与西医”的一些相关问题,其实在第二章就已经有讨论过中医文化与西医文化的内容,在此对于西医则是采取了多肯定的态度。本章从西医说起,讨论了西医的发展变化、现状以及存在的问题。接着讨论了“中西医结合”的有关问题,以“‘干细胞’的应用和经文的对应”为例肯定了“中西医结合”及其发展前景。最后说明了西医将最终有益于中国医学的发展。通过以上探讨及分析,本论文主要得出以下若干结论:1.“传统文化”是中医赖以产生、发展壮大的滋养源泉,脱离了“传统文化”,中医势必将渐趋枯萎。2.中医在百年来所遭遇的一些问题,主要原因在于人们对于包括中医在内的传统文化缺乏“理解”、“体行”等。3.目前“科技文化”对中医学的影响弊大于利,甚至中医时常处于一种“有名无实”的状态;但若合理利用“科技文化”,则会有益于中医的发展。4.“中西医结合”的道路虽然很曲折,但是却是可期的;西医学终将在整体上有利于中国医学的发展壮大。所以本篇论文旨在希望能够有助于中医向传统的方向回归,同时可以避免不应该出现的中医问题以及为解决某些问题提供参考。希望中医能够健康正常的存在、发展壮大。

【Abstract】 There are many culture type in China today:"Traditional Chinese Culture" and "Traditional Chinese Medicine","The culture of science and technology" and "Western medicine"."Traditional Chinese Culture" and "Traditional Chinese Medicine" crossed the time,and "The culture of science and technology" and "Western medicine" crossed the muspace,so they are cross in China today.It would cause some questions when different culture type come together. Revolving around the subject of "researching into questions related to TCM" from a cultural angle of view,some questions about TCM is discussed from "Traditional Chinese Culture" to "The culture of science and technology" in this article,and the answers of the questions are tried to be found, thereinto documents and materials are Synthesized,considered and sumed up again in the article.The hardcore of this article is chapter one,which is "Traditional Chinese Culture and Traditional Chinese Medicine".In Traditional Chinese Medicine,we say that "If one body is being invaded,this body must be weak." In a similar way,the questions about TCM also stem from weak.lf a doctor of Western medicine doesn’t know the basic theory of Western medicine is come from dissect, experiment,and so on,it is can’t be imagined,but it seems normal for us.In order to deal with problems about TCM,radical reform must be effected,"If one person is upright,though he says nothing,others do the things spontaneous." Moreover,if tactics is used,the root of TCM is traditional Chinese culture,and the high-end of TCM is also in traditional culture,<the art of war>says that:"The reason that big water Sweeps the boulder rolling along the mountain is water height is high","The person who usually put up a good fight must be able to get help from height".The main part of this article is divided into three parts:First, "Traditional Chinese Culture" and "Traditional Chinese Medicine";Second, "The culture of science and technology" and "Traditional Chinese Medicine";Third,"Traditional Chinese Medicine" and "Western medicine".In the first chapter,the article describes from "Tao" to "TCM" by means of passage which come from Wang Ang who was a famous doctor in Qing Dynasty. It is "Tao" in the first place,which is the subject of Traditional Chinese Culture,the culture of "Tao" had influenced every aspect in the past,so we call it "Tao orthodoxy".The main of "Tao Culture" is "Confucian,Buddhism and Taoism".This three religions,especially Taoism,had influenced TCM enormously. Moreover,Civil and military used to depend on this three religions to exist and hand down.Civil and military are universal in the past,as a result,TCM can be born.The main part of the first chapter is "From Tao to TCM",including two parts:"The forming of TCM" and "The forming of doctor of TCM".In this part,there are great accomplishment which were created by the ancients.Some TCM questions concerning Traditional Chinese Culture had been discussed at last in this chapter.In the second chapter,some general questions and some separate questions which were born when TCM in culture environment of science and technology had been discussed,and the relation between "The culture of science and technology", "Western medicine" and TCM had been discussed at a profound or incipient Level.At first,the article explained the substance of science,and then the relation between science and TCM had been discussed,and questions which were born when TCM in culture environment of science and technology.The difference between Chinese and Western culture and the defect of Western culture had been also discussed in the article.Some separate questions concerning TCM which in culture environment of science and technology had been discussed at last in this chapter.In the third chapter,some questions concerning "TCM and Western medicine" had been discussed,in fact,some of these questions had been discussed in the second chapter,hereon,it has more affirmative attitude.Begin with Western medicine,the development and change,current situation and open questions about Western medicine had been discussed.And then the questions about "combination of Chinese tradiational and Western medicine" had been discussed, "combination of Chinese tradiational and Western medicine" and the development prospect of which had been affirmative by the corresponding between Stem Cell Applications and Scriptures.Question related to Western medicine will be beneficial to the whole Chinese medicine had been discussed at last in this chapter.From what has been discussed above,we may draw the main conclusion:1."Traditional Chinese Culture" is the source of TCM,and TCM got stronger in culture environment of Tao,break away from "Traditional Chinese Culture",TCM will wither gradually.2.The reason that some questions TCM encountered in the past one hundred years,is people cannot understand and implement Traditional Chinese Culture which including TCM.3.Under the influence of "The culture of science and technology",TCM has more harm than good,even exist in name only;but it will be usefull by rational utilization of "The culture of science and technology".4.The road of "combination of Chinese tradiational and Western medicine" is winding,but it is expected;Western medicine will be beneficial to the development of the whole Chinese medicine at last.Therefore,it is hoped that the paper can contribute to return to the Traditional Chinese Medicine,and to prevent and resolve some questions concerning TCM.It is hoped that TCM can exist in the right way and get stronger.


