

Research on the Data Warehouse Modeling Based on the Collation of Epigastric Pain Prescription

【作者】 陈照锐

【导师】 陈素;

【作者基本信息】 广州中医药大学 , 社会医学与卫生事业管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 中医药学其完整的理论体系和丰富的临床实践经验,为中华民族的健康保健做出了突出的贡献。方剂学在中医药学中占有重要位置。中医方剂是名老中医将中医药学基本理论、前人经验与实践相结合,解决临床疑难问题的经验的结晶:中医方剂是中医药学理、法、方、药的一个重要组成部分,其药对、配伍规律有着深刻的科学内涵。几千年来,中医药领域的无数的理论研究和临床实践积累了海量的中医方剂,如何有效的利用这些宝贵的中医方剂资源就成了发展中医药必须面对的一个问题。随着信息技术的飞速发展,数据库、数据仓库、数据挖掘技术已广泛应用于银行、零售、电信、医学等行业的海量数据的研究分析并已取得了丰硕的成果。利用数据库、数据仓库、数据挖掘技术对海量的中医方剂数据进行科学的研究分析,或许可以帮助我们找到感兴趣的知识。综观相关文献,目前利用编程软件对方剂的研究基本上都是开发单一的数据库、数据仓库或管理应用系统的应用研究,而且也没有对方剂词典中整理的某种病进行的开发研究。本研究的主要目的是以方剂数据仓库建模为核心,建立一个集方剂数据库、方剂数据仓库及方剂集成管理应用系统于一体的综合应用系统平台,体现管理理念和突出中医药特色,帮助医务工作者学习、提高研究工作效率并为方剂的统计分析服务。本研究利用Excel、PowerBuilder8.0程序开发语言、SQL Server 2000、AnalysisServices 2005等软件,按照软件工程建模思想,对方剂进行数据库、数据仓库及集成管理应用系统建模。本研究尝试做了以下工作:(1)在《中医方剂大辞典》整理的治疗胃脘痛方剂的基础上,把总共502条、字数约8万字的方剂转换为数据库二维表。(2)应用Excel简便、快速的数据处理功能代替复杂的程序对方剂数据进行预处理。(3)以方剂数据仓库建模为核心,建立一个集方剂数据库、方剂数据仓库及方剂集成管理应用系统于一体的综合应用系统平台,体现管理理念和中医药特色并集成方便、快捷的数据移植功能。(4)方剂数据库、方剂数据仓库及方剂集成管理应用系统三者相互联系、相辅相承,方剂集成管理应用系统可以为方剂数据库提供新的数据,而方剂数据库可以为方剂数据仓库提供新的历史数据,方剂集成管理应用系统又可以将方剂数据仓库的数据进行统计、挖掘分析并提供对方剂的日常管理操作。本研究暂还没有扩展开发病症数据仓库及完善数据挖掘功能,会在以后的研究中加以完善。虽然只是应用于基于胃脘痛这一病种的点上,但随着信息技术的迅猛发展及研究的不断探索,以后可以扩展到其他病种的面上并做得更先进,为中医方剂乃至中医药的信息化研究及管理提供一定程度的借鉴。

【Abstract】 Chinese medicine’s complete theoretical system and rich experience in clinical practice have made outstanding contributions to health care for the Chinese nation.Science of prescriptions occupies an important position in Chinese medicine.Prescription is crystallization of the experience that famous old TCM doctors combine Chinese medicine’s basic theory,previous experience with practice to resolve the clinical problems.Prescription is an important component of Chinese medicine’s theory,methods,prescription and herbs,its pair of herb and prescription compounding have a profound scientific connote.For thousands of years,the numerous theory researches and clinical practices of Chinese medicine has accumulated massive prescription.How to effectively use these valuable resources on the prescription has become a problem that develops Chinese medicine has to face.With the rapid development of information technology,database,data warehouse and data mining technologies are widely used in banking,retail, telecommunications,medicine and other industries,research and analysis of their massive data have been made fruitful.Using these technologies to do scientific research and analysis on massive prescription may be able to help us to find interesting knowledge.Overview of related literature,at present,the use of programming software to research prescription is basically a single database,data warehouse or management application system.And there is no other developing research on a disease based on a prescription dictionary.The research’s main purpose is to make data warehouse modeling of prescription as the core.And to build an integrated application system that combines prescription database,data warehouse with management application system and that it reflects the management concept and the characteristics of Chinese medicine.It can help medical workers to learn and improve the efficiency of research and statistical analysis of prescription services.The research uses software such as Excel,PowerBuilder8.0,SQL Server 2000, Analysis Services 2005 and so on.It is in accordance with the Software Engineering modeling and to model database,data warehouse and management application system for the prescription.This research attempts to have done these work:(1)It bases on prescription of treatment of epigastric pain from the dictionary called "Dictionary of Chinese Medicine Prescription".To convert 502 prescription of about 80 thousand words to a two-dimensional table.(2)Using Excel’s simple and rapid data processing function instead of complex procedures to pre-process prescription data.(3)It’s core is data warehouse modeling of prescription. It is an integrated application system that combines prescription database, prescription data warehouse with prescription management application system and that it reflects the management concept and the characteristics of Chinese medicine,and integrates comfortable and rapid data transplanting function.(4)Prescription database,prescription data warehouse and prescription management application system complement each other. Prescription management application system can supply new data for prescription database,prescription database can supply new historical data for prescription data warehouse,and prescription management application system can make statistical and mining analysis of data from the prescription data warehouse and it can supply daily management operation for prescription.The research also did not extend the temporary development of disease data warehouse and data mining features,but it will be better in subsequent studies. Although this is only applies to the point of epigastric pain,with the rapid development of information technology and research continue to explore,some years later it can be extended to other types of disease and more advanced. The research can provide informationization research and management of the prescription and even the Chinese medicine with a degree of reference.

【关键词】 胃脘痛方剂数据仓库建模
【Key words】 Epigastric PainPrescriptionData WarehouseModeling

