

Pathogenesis and Prescription Rule of Study on External Therapy Formulae of Aging of Facial Skin of Women

【作者】 欧登格尔丽

【导师】 周光;

【作者基本信息】 新疆医科大学 , 方剂学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:通过对古代治疗女性面部皮肤衰老有关的中医文献系统查阅,获取较为完整的外用方剂文献资料,并在此基础上探索病因病机理论和组方用药规律,筛选目标方剂与药物,为今后临床和科研提供较为明确的药物和方剂研究对象。方法:应用文献学方法,查阅秦汉至今各个时期中医学有关女性面部皮肤衰老病因病机的文献资料,进行原始文献信息辨识、采集、整理和编排;收集晋代至明清时期有关女性面部皮肤衰老的外用方剂193首,应用频数分析、非参秩和检验等对数据进行统计学分析,运用方剂计量学研究方法及“方证对应”方法,结合历代对女性面部皮肤衰老病因病机的认识,研究女性面部皮肤衰老用药范围、病因病机及基础病机。结果:历代医家对女性面部皮肤衰老病因病机的认识可以分为五个阶段;在有关女性面部皮肤衰老的外用方剂中补益药、解表药、化痰止咳平喘、清热药、活血祛瘀药使用频率高,占总体的63.5%,补益药中以补气、补阴、补血药物为主,占补益药物使用频率的82.45%在临床治疗中起主要的治疗作用;四气以温、寒、平三类为主,占90.38%;五味以辛、甘、苦三味为主,93.76%占;归经中肺、脾、肝、心、五类药物使用频率高。占总体的84.2%,在全部方剂中频数超过30次的药物共有11味,依次是:白芷、白附子、白蔹、细辛、杏仁、零陵香、川芎、白茯苓、麝香、瓜蒌、玉竹。唐以前、宋金元、明清三个时期,外用方剂在功效、四气、五味、归经、总体用而用药方面无明显差异,在毒性药物使用方面也无明显差异。结论:女性面部皮肤衰老的外用方剂用药广泛,方剂功效分类及用药特点突出、善用经络分布用药;以皮治皮、以色补色、以香蠲黑、常用毒中药治疗面部皮肤衰老;用药补泻兼施、寒温并用,剂型多样。

【Abstract】 Objective:Systematically science reorganization aging of facial skin of women pathogenesis based on rich literature resources of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Together with the statistical analysis of the formula, and then exploring pathogenesis,basic pathogenesis and prescription rule of the aging of facial skin of women. Better instructing clinical practice, for fundamental research, Experimental study,Clinical research to much literature resources and gross data. Method: Investigate mainly the aging of facial skin of women of dermatology literature material of Traditional Chinese Medicne from the Qin and Han Dynasty to the modern times, and identify, reorganize the original documents. There are 193 topical prescription in this study, With mathematical statistic, dose metrology methods and correspondence between recipe and syndrome, together with aging of facial skin of women cause pathogenesis, analyze the prescription ranges and cause pathogenesis and basic pathogenesis of the aging of facial skin of women. Result: There are five stages about aging of facial skin of women cause pathogenesis, Cumulative frequency of Chinese herb reaches 63.5%, which are for heat clearing Chinese Medicinal Herbs,restoratives,diaphoretics or exterior syndrome relieving Chinese Medicinal Herbs ,Chinese Medicinal Herbs for invigorating the blood and removing blood stasis,Chinese Medicinal Herbs for promoting diuresis and resolving dampness,Antirheumatic Chinese Medicinal Herbs,hemostatic Chinese Medicinal Herbs,Chinese Medicinal Herbs for calming the liver to stop endogenous wind. Heat clearing Chinese Medicinal Herbs have blood cooling, eliminating toxin, dampness and fire purging, They accounted for heatclearing Chinese Medicinal Herbs use of drugs frequency of 82.45%. They are the main drug categories. Cold?warm and neutral are the most that accounted for 90.38%in four nature. Bitter,sweet and pungent are the most that accounted for 93.76% in the five flavors. Cumulative frequency of lung spleen?liver?heart lung?spleen is 84.2%. The top 11 herbs of the maximum frequency are baizhi,baifuzi,bailian, xixin, xinren, linglingxiang, chuanxiong,baifuling, shexiang, gualou,yuzhu.TheseareSurpasses 30 times.Prescriptions are different in efficacy, four climates, the five kind flavors and pertaining meridian. Prescriptions are not different in efficacy, four climates, the five kind flavors and pertaining meridian. And the use of poisonous drugs there are not different too. Conclusion: aging of facial skin of women Medicine scope in the external therapy formulae is wide.there are many structure?system to have the law?many have used poisonous drugs?Frequent use of the Paper PlantChinese Medicinal Herb、Frequent use smell formula to therapy Chloasma used poisonous drugs to therapy aging of facial skin of women, Variety of topical formulations.


