

Perfusion of Different Power Line Urine Test Results for TURP Surgery Guidance

【作者】 季钰杰

【导师】 张立东;

【作者基本信息】 新疆医科大学 , 外科学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:通过2种膀胱内灌注不同量生理盐水进行尿动力检查,比较其结果对经尿道前列腺电切手术的指导意义有何差异,以及两种不同的灌注量那种能更好的反映膀胱功能。方法:进行队列研究,将欲行尿动力检查并准备行经尿道前列腺汽化电切治疗的40例前列腺增生患者,随机分成两组,一组用200ml行膀胱灌注尿动力检查,另一组膀胱内灌注400ml行尿动力检查,将两组的结果进行统计学处理看是否存在差异,并将符合手术标准的患者行术前症状评分,手术治疗后再次行症状评分,比较两组不同的检查方法是否有临床意义。结果:将40例患者随机分成两组行尿动力检查,其中A组膀胱压和B组膀胱压经正态性检验:资料服从正态分布;经方差齐性检验得:F=4.035,P=0.052,知方差齐,故进行成组设计t检验:t=-2.839,P=0.007,有统计学差异。A和B组的逼尿肌压力进行成组设计t检验:t=-2.736,P=0.009,存在统计学差异。但术后的尿流率测定和I-PSS评分均在正常范围内,说明两种不同的尿动力检查方法虽然有统计学差异,但没有临床意义,只要在183-818ml(男性)这个灌注量行尿动力检查,能够反映膀胱的正常功能。由此我们得出另一结论,术前行尿动力检查功能正常的膀胱术后出现排尿困难,原因是多方面的,不仅有尿动学本身原因,还有其它原因,值得进一步探讨。结论:两种不同的灌注方法行尿动力检查结果虽然存在统计学差异,但均能反映正常的膀胱功能,这种差异应该是在正常值范围之上的差异。只要在只要在183~818ml(男性)这个灌注量行尿动力检查,能够反映膀胱的正常功能

【Abstract】 Objective: Through two kinds of different bladder urine volume of normal saline to check the power, Comparing the results of transurethral resection of prostate surgery guide What’s the difference, And two different perfusion that can better reflect the bladder function. Methods: Cohort study conducted, For power line will be checked and ready urine via vaporization resection of prostate TURP treatment of 40 cases of patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia, Randomly divided into two groups, One group of urinary bladder 200ml power line inspection, another group of bladder urine 400ml power line inspection, will be the results of two sets of statistical treatment to see if there are differences, and in line with the standard surgical patients with preoperative symptom score, line again after surgery for symptom score, compared two different methods of checking whether there is clinical significance. Results: 40 patients were randomly divided into two groups of urine power line inspection, one of A Group B Group bladder pressure and bladder pressure as test of normality: the information subject to normal distribution;by the homogeneity of variance test were: F=4.035, P=0.052, known to homogeneity, it carried out the design group t test: t=-2.839, P=0.007, there is statistical difference. A and B group detrusor pressure group designed t test: t=-2.736, P=0.009, significant differences exist. However, after the flow rate measured and I-PSS score were within the normal range on two different methods of urine examination power although there is significant difference, but no clinical significance, as long as at 183-818ml (men) of the perfusion urine power line inspection, can reflect the normal function of the bladder. From this we come to another conclusion, preoperative power line inspection function and normal urinary bladder after voiding difficulties arise for many reasons, not only have their own urine pharmacokinetic reasons, have other reasons, it is worth further exploration.Conclusion: Two different perfusion methods of power line urine test results despite significant difference, but could reflect the normal bladder function,such differences should be above the normal range at the difference. Just as long as the 183-818ml (men) of the perfusion urine power line inspection, can reflect the normal function of the bladder


