

The Logic of Collective Action in Administrative Participation

【作者】 周四喜

【导师】 沈荣华;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 行政管理, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 政府的社会管理是构建和谐社会的主要职能,而对以集体行动出现的“群体性事件”的治理是其中的重要内容。由于历史和意识形态的缘故,政府往往习惯于以政治的逻辑来统领社会的管理。然而,社会有其自身发展的逻辑,政府与社会关系的调谐,也应有从社会视角上的审视。本文的视角即是力图从作为行政参与主体一方的社会的视角来审视政府.社会关系。以集体行动出现的行政参与有其自身逻辑,通过案例研究的形式完整揭示一个行政参与的集体行动过程来发现其自身发生、发展的逻辑,并在此基础上,引出政府将其制度化的干预之道是本文的主旨。文章基于一个假设,即制度化的行政参与有赖于一个组织良好的公民社会的成功集体行动。而这一集体行动的展开需要在科学的制度设计、良好的组织保障和以信任为核心的政府.社会关系的社会资本培育的基础上实现。本文的理论框架正是从以集体行动出现的行政参与的制度安排、组织保障和认知基础这三个维度来构建的。行文的逻辑如下:以集体行动出现的行政参与耗费大量的社会成本且极易引发社会秩序的不稳定,但在当今社会为何经常获得甚至比制度内的参与更能凑效参与效果呢?为探究原因,本文拟从寻求一个成功的以集体行动出现的行政参与应具备的基本条件出发,阅读大量文章、案例中发现,诸如良好的制度安排、出色的组织动员以及参与者之间良好的互信等共同体意识交相辉映,最终成就了成功的行政参与。行政参与的集体行动逻辑为政府对“群体性事件”的治理提供了理论基础,在此基础上,政府从制度、组织和文化等层面来谋求群体性事件制度化的变迁。本文精选两个案例,分别以城市和农村为背景,全景式地描述了两个不同的以集体行动出现的行政参与的过程,并验证了前文成就的理论假设。在此基础上,合符逻辑的得出作为一种集体行动的行政参与向制度化行政参与的变迁路径。

【Abstract】 The society management is the main function of government to construct the harmony society,and how to govern the ’mass incidents’ emerged as collect action is the important element of it.Due to the historical and ideological reasons,the Government is used to manage the society with the logic of the political.However,the society has its own logic of development.It should be examined from a social perspective for the regulation of the relations between government and the society.The perspective of this paper is trying to look at the relations between government - society from the perspective of administrative participants.Collective action of administrative participate has its own logic,the main thrust of this paper is revealing the logic of collective action through a case study,and then raise the way to institutionalize the collective action.The article based on the assumption that the effective administrative participation is depend on the successful collective action of the well-organized civil society.The collective action will success if it meet the conditions as follows:the well-designed institution,well-organized civil society group and a trust relation between government and civil society.In this paper,the theoretical framework of collective action is raised from such three dimensions:the institutional arrangements of collective action of administrative participation,organizational security and the cognitive basis of collective action.The logic of the text as follows:collective action in the administrative participation costs a lot of social costs and can easily lead to instability in the social order,but in today’s China society why do this collective action can make a even more efficient result than the institutionalized participation ? To explore reasons,this article intends to look for the basic conditions of a successful collective action after reading a large number of articles and cases.Then,we find that such elements should be have in a successful collective action:a good institutional arrangements as well as the excellent mobilize ability of organizations and the mutual trust among participants,such as good Community awareness of each other,the logic of collective action of Administrative participation provide a theoretical foundation for the governance of "mass incidents". Government should play a main role in the transfer of the institution of administrative participation from the collective action to institutional participation from such three dimensions:the institution,organization and culture.In this paper,urban and rural areas were selected as the background of the two cases,panoramic description of two different process of collective action of administrative participation,and validate the former hypothesis.On this basis,the author conclude that the path from collective action to institutional administrative participation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 10期

