

The Study on Mencius’ Theory of ’Attain Will Through Meaning’ and Other Scholars’ Explanations

【作者】 范垚

【导师】 曹林娣;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 中国古代文学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 先秦时期“赋诗言志”时“断章取义”的现象,催生了孟子“以意逆志”说的产生,本文旨在总览东汉以来学者对该命题做出多种阐释的状况并探寻不同阐释之间的异同,提出对“以意逆志”说及其阐释的一些见解。全文共分为绪论、正文、结语三部分。绪论:简要评述“以意逆志”说及其阐释的研究意义、研究方法和学术界的研究现状。正文分四章:第一章,分析孟子提出“以意逆志”说的时代背景,对该命题中的语词含义进行基础探究,概括《孟子》引《诗》情况。第二章,对孟子“以意逆志”阐释和评价进行历史考查,重点关注东汉、宋代、明清和近代四个历史时期的相关论述。第三章,依据对“意”的理解不同,把各家的阐释分为己意逆志、古意逆志、会意逆志、诗意逆志四类。第四章,在对“以意逆志”阐释进行类型划分的基础上,就《孟子》原文对其观点的体现、在解读诗歌以外作品方面的应用和西方文艺理论与此观点的关系等向更深层次挖掘。结语,对全文内容进行总结,提出一些在正文中不便安排的个人观点。

【Abstract】 Because of many people doesn’t adhere to the will of author where they cite the poem from The Book of Odes. Mencius put forward the theory of‘Attain will from meaning’. Many scholars made their explanations of the theory thereafter. This thesis collected some significant explanations and studied on them, some conclusions have been taken sharp in the end of the thesis.This thesis is include there parts, preface, main body and the end.Preface, introduce the significance, method and status quo of the study.Chapter one, analysis of the background of Mencius put forward the theory and introduce the general situation of Mencius cite poem from The Book of Odes. Chapter two, summarize some scholars’explanation of the theory, pay more attention on explanations of scholars in East Hay Dynasty, Song Dynasty, Ming & Qing Dynasty and Modern Times especially.Chapter there, divide the explanations into four kinds: from readers’understanding, from ancient meaning, from meaning of writer & reader and from poem’s meaning.Chapter four, author’s collusion about the theory and it’s explanations.The end, generalizing the study on the Mencius’theory and other scholars’explanations.

【关键词】 孟子文学理论观点阐释
【Key words】 MenciusLiterature theoryViewpointExplanation
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 10期

