

A Study of Zhu Jian

【作者】 靳扬扬

【导师】 范志新;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 中国古代文学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 朱珔是清朝嘉庆、道光年间一位著名的学者、文人,与姚鼐、李兆洛在当世鼎足而三。其著作等身,多达数百万言。然而世人所知者多仅为《文选集释》一书,其它方面的研究和朱珔的著述远远不成比例,实令人扼腕而叹。然朱氏实非仅以选学立世,其治经以汉为宗,兼采汉宋;在文学创作方面,诗则清嘉厚朴,晚年更臻圆融之境;文则不事雕镂而风姿天然。朱珔在中年归山后任教于南京、苏州的著名书院,溉人颇多,时人誉为“江左经师之冠”。本文拟从朱珔的家世生平、诗文创作和学术成果三方面,对朱珔一生轮廓略作勾勒。本文共四章,第一章简单介绍朱珔的家世和生平,重点在其仕宦和归隐之后的任教经历。第二章分同乡文士、京城同袍和吴中俊彦三部分对朱珔的交游详加论述,盖因其中名流既多,又对朱珔的学术理念和文学创作均有不小影响。第三章诗文创作研究,首先从思想内容和艺术特色两方面对朱诗深入剖析,务求言之有物;然后按体裁择选出朱珔各体文章的代表作品,以史的眼光将其放在时代背景和个人历程下考量。第四章以《文选集释》和《说文假借义证》两书为代表,加上文集中的学术性随笔,略窥其治学大概;并旁及朱珔的经学和文学思想。

【Abstract】 Zhujian is a renowned scholar and writer during the reign of Emperor Jiaqing in Qing dynasty. With as many as millions of words in his writings, Zhujian is in a tripartite contention with the other two prominent scholars: Yaonai and Li Zhaoluo. However, what common people konw about Zhujian is merely his reprensantitive writing: Wenxuanjishi. People attach much less attention to his researches and masterpieces in other aspects. As a matter of fact, Zhujian has gained his reputation not only for the book. He has made deep exploration in Chinese classics, mainly foucusing on the literature of Han dynasty and absorbing the quintessence of the works of Han dynasty and Song dynasty as well. His poetry are in a elegant and plain style and gradually reach the ideal realm in his old age. As to his verses, they are natural and graceful without any superfluous and decorating words. In his middle ages, Zhujian begins to teach at famous academies in Nanjing and Suzhou city. He has nurtured many people and is regarded as the most outstanding master on Chinese classics in Eastern Yangzi river. The thesis gives a brief account of Zhujian’whole life from three aspects: his family background and daily life, literature volumes and academic achievements, and leaves the rest to the readers’discretion.The thesis comprises four chapters. The first chapter makes a brief introduction on his family background and his life time, with an emphasis on his experience of being an official and a teacher after his seclusion. The second chapter elaborates his friendship with people that cover three groups: scholars from the some county, companions in the capital city, and prominently talented people in Wuzhong area. The reason for writing the chapter is because there are many celebraties among his friends who has made profound impacts on his academic ideas and literary creations. The third chapter deeply analyze Zhujian’poetry and compositions.The analysis of his poetry from the perspectives of content, ideas and artistic characteristics, with the aim to have substances in the thesis. Especially,Zhujian’compositions are divided into two categories: academic articles and ordinary articles. The latter ones are prudently reseachered under the background of the current times and his personal experiences from a historical perspective. The forth chapter takes Wenxuanjishi and Shuowenjiajiyizheng as representations,and his academic articles, to provide a general idea of his academic studies. It also involves his studies on Confucianism and literary ideas.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 09期

