

Study on the Bioavailability of Common Dietary Protein Source by Allogynogenetic Crucian Carp

【作者】 姜光明

【导师】 蔡春芳;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 水产养殖, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 以我国重要的经济养殖鱼类异育银鲫[allogynogenetic crucian carp]为试验材料,全面系统地评价了其对十种常用蛋白源的生物利用性,在此基础上进一步研究了棉粕及棉酚对异育银鲫生长性能、生理机能及肝脏和肠道组织结构的影响,为异育银鲫饲料配方优化提供基础数据,也为其它鱼类饲料配方优化提供参考。试验一按照“70%基础饲料+30%被测原料”的饲料配制方法,用三氧化二铬做指示剂,配制了十组试验饲料,基础饲料作为对照,在PVC水簇箱中进行为期60天的试验。测定了十一种饲料对异育银鲫鱼种(体重10.1±0.7g)的增重率、特定生长率、全鱼体成分、饲料效率、蛋白质效率等指标和异育银鲫鱼种对鱼粉、血粉、米糠、麦芽根、豆粕、花生粕、花生饼、菜粕、棉粕、玉米蛋白粉等十种常用的饲料原料的干物质、蛋白质、粗脂肪和能量的表观消化率。结果表明:异育银鲫的增重率分别为基础组95.71%、鱼粉组124.36%、血粉组113.69%、棉粕组109.59%、花生饼组97.56%、花生粕组93.65%、玉米蛋白粉组93.56%、菜粕组86.47%、豆粕组86.30%、米糠组81.27%、麦芽根组59.90%,鱼粉组显著高于其它各组(P<0.05),血粉组和棉粕组显著高于其它植物蛋白源组(P<0.05),特定生长率分别为基础组1.10%?day-1、鱼粉组1.32%?day-1、血粉组1.24%?day-1、棉粕组1.21%?day-1、花生饼组1.11%?day-1、花生粕组1.08%?day-1、玉米蛋白粉组1.08%?day-1、菜粕组1.02%?day-1、豆粕组1.01%?day-1、米糠组0.97%?day-1、麦芽根组0.76%?day-1,鱼粉组、血粉组和棉粕组显著高于其它蛋白源组(P<0.05);十一种饲料对异育银鲫全鱼体成分无显著影响(P>0.05),异育银鲫对十种原料的干物质表观消化率分别为米糠70.1%、麦芽根55.9%、玉米蛋白粉73.8%、花生饼89.6%、花生粕78.7%、豆粕57.9%、菜粕76.2%、棉粕82.8%、血粉84.4%、鱼粉77.5%,其中花生饼、花生粕、棉粕、菜粕、血粉、鱼粉间差异不显著(P>0.05)。蛋白质表观消化率分别为米糠82.8%、麦芽根82.7%、玉米蛋白粉85.4%、花生饼98.9%、花生粕89.7%、豆粕84.8%、菜粕93.5%、棉粕93.3%、血粉95.4%、鱼粉88.3%,花生饼、菜粕、棉粕、血粉间差异不显著(P>0.05)。对十种原料的脂肪表观消化率分别为米糠78.5%、麦芽根69.7%、玉米蛋白粉84.7%、花生饼92.3%、花生粕87.7%、豆粕95.2%、菜粕89.9%、棉粕96.7%、血粉93.6%、鱼粉93.8%,麦芽根显著低于其它各组(P<0.05)。能量表观消化率分别为米糠78.9%、麦芽根62.3%、玉米蛋白粉80.0%、花生饼94.5%、花生粕84.8%、豆粕68.9%、菜粕83.3%、棉粕86.3%、血粉88.5%、鱼粉86.3%,其中棉粕、血粉、鱼粉组显著高于其它各组(P<0.05)。本试验结果提示,棉粕是异育银鲫优质的植物蛋白源。试验二分别用0%、20%、40%、56%的棉粕,配制四组等蛋白水平(40%)的试验饲料,饲喂平均体重为19.5g的异育银鲫180天,并在60天、120天时取样两次,探讨异育银鲫配合饲料中棉粕的适宜使用量。结果表明:40%棉粕用量组异育银鲫生长性能最佳,增重率最高(为524.79%),饲料系数最小(为1.33),蛋白质效率最高(为177.88%),肥满度最大(为3.14g/cm3)。棉粕试验组异育银鲫的生长性能均高于对照组,棉粕对异育银鲫全鱼体成分、成活率、生理机能、肝脏及肠道组织结构无明显不良影响,但棉粕能增加异育银鲫肌肉水分含量,降低内脏指数。本试验结果提示,棉粕在异育银鲫配合饲料中使用可达56%,不会对异育银鲫产生明显不良影响。试验三向基础饲料中添加醋酸棉酚(含量>99%),配制成醋酸棉酚含量分别为0 mg/kg、240 mg/kg、480 mg/kg、720 mg/kg的四组试验饲料,饲喂平均体重19.5g的异育银鲫180天,并在60天、120天时取样两次,探讨异育银鲫对棉酚的耐受量及棉酚对异育银鲫的影响。结果表明:含醋酸棉酚分别为240 mg/kg、480 mg/kg、720 mg/kg的试验饲料对异育银鲫在增重率、饲料系数、蛋白质效率、全鱼体成分、成活率、肌肉水分含量、肥满度、生理机能、肝脏及肠道组织结构等方面与不含醋酸棉酚的对照组间无显著差异。上述结果提示,异育银鲫能够耐受含醋酸棉酚为720 mg/kg的配合饲料。

【Abstract】 The study contented three experiments, This present research was to evaluated the effect of different feed ingredients to the growth performance(weight gain, WG; specific growth rates, SGR)and the apparent digestibility of dry matter , crude protein , crude lipid and energy .This research was also to evaluated the effect of levels of cottonseed meal and gossypol to the growth performance(weight gain, WG; specific growth rates, SGR),physiological enginery(superoxide dismutase, SOD; lysozyme, LSZ; gliutamic-pyruvic transminase, GPT; glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase , GOT; hemoglobin, Hb), histology of liver and intestines on allogynogenetic crucian carp.And this research was also to investigate the condign quantity of cottonseed meal on the diet for allogynogenetic crucian carp.Experiment one: Apparent digestibility coefficients were determined by using a reference diet with chromic oxide indicator and test diets that contained 70% reference diet , by weight , and 30 % of the test feed ingredient being evaluated. Allogynogenetic crucian carp were fed eleven kinds of diets for 60 days. The fish (averaging 10.1g) were reared in PVC cages. Experiment were conducted to test the effects of test diets on the weight gain; specific growth rates; whole-body; feed efficiency ratio and protein efficiency ratio, and the apparent digestibility of dry matter , crude protein , crude lipid and energy in 10 feed ingredients (fish meal, blood meal, rice bran, soybean meal, Corn gluten meal, peanut meal, barley malt sprouts,peanut cake,rapeseed meal and cottonseed meal). The results showed that, weight gain of allogynogenetic crucian carp ranging from 59.90%~124.36%, specific growth rates of allogynogenetic crucian carp ranging from 0.76%?day-1~1.32%?day-1, apparent digestibility coefficients of dry matter ranging from 55.9% to 89.6% , apparent digestibility coefficients of crude protein ranged from 82.7% to 98.9% indicated that these feed stuffs could be efficiently utilized by allogynogenetic crucian carp. Apparent digestibility coefficients of crude lipid ranging from 69.7%~96.7%,and apparent digestibility coefficients of energy ranging from 62.3%~94.5%.Experiment two : allogynogenetic crucian carp (averaging 19.5g) were fed the diet supplemented with 0%、20%、40%、56% cottonseed meal for 180 days. In order to study supplement the best quantity of cottonseed meal in routine diet. The results indicated that the diet with 40% cottonseed meal had the best weight gain and feed coefficient, quantity of cottonseed meal under 56% had no effect on whole-body, livability, physiological function(superoxide dismutase, SOD; lysozyme, LSZ; gliutamic-pyruvic transminase, GPT; glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase,GOT; hemoglobin, Hb)、histology of liver and intestines of allogynogenetic crucian carp. With the quantity of the cottonseed meal increasing, the results of muscle water rose and the results of organs indices reduce. The results showed that the optimal levels of cottonseed meal in diets were 40 %.Experiment three :This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of gossypol on allogynogenetic crucian carp. allogynogenetic crucian carp (averaging 19.5g) were fed the basal diet supplemented with 0 mg/kg、240 mg/kg、480 mg/kg、720 mg/kg gossypol respectively. The trial lasted 180 days. Fish fed the diet containing gossypol from 0 mg/kg to 720 mg/kg ,the growth performance, whole-body, feed efficiency ratio, protein efficiency ratio, muscle water ,organs indices,CF,physiological function(superoxide dismutase, SOD; lysozyme, LSZ; gliutamic- pyruvic transminase, GPT; glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase,GOT; hemoglobin, Hb)、histology of liver and intestines have been surveyed. The results showed that the addition of gossypol with 720 mg/kg had no effect on each index surveyed of allogynogenetic crucian carp.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 09期

