

Entanglement of Myth and Reality

【作者】 宋如宝

【导师】 蒋连杰;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 本文从神话人物的变体、神话氛围的呈现、神话意义的再造三个方面来探讨鲁迅、卡夫卡小说中神话元素的异同及其意蕴。鲁迅的《故事新编》,大多改编自古代神话与传说,代表篇目有《补天》、《奔月》、《采薇》等。卡夫卡也有多篇小说改编自古典神话,代表作品有《普罗米修斯》、《塞壬的沉默》、《饥饿艺术家》等。神话的主角是神和英雄。在20世纪的文化语境中,二人笔下的大神英雄们:人类始祖——民族英雄——文化精英,皆趋于堕落的深渊。神和英雄的堕落昭示着人类自身的不堪处境。鲁迅和卡夫卡都惯于夜间写作,黑夜赐予他们无限的神思与遐想。夜的主角之一是梦。鲁迅的小说,诸多地方涉及梦,梦成为其灵魂喘息的一种方式。卡夫卡的多篇小说具有梦的色彩,在梦的氛围中,他本人变得强大,坚定。夜的另一主角是死亡。死亡意识既是生命的推动力,也是永恒的恐惧。鲁迅、卡夫卡笔下的诸多人物,皆免不了一死的下场。借助于非现实的梦与死,鲁迅、卡夫卡关注的是现代人的生存状态。鲁迅、卡夫卡的小说,大多笼罩着一股神秘气息,人物被无形的大手推向绝境。本文将之命名为鲁迅的“鬼气”和卡夫卡的“神气”。鲁迅的“鬼气”如一根锁链,拖着文本前行;卡夫卡的“神气”像一张天网,控制一切。鲁迅的“鬼气”意味着恐怖和摄人心魄,卡夫卡的“神气”则带来无法承受的压抑。这两股“气”各有其根源,与民族文化、个人气质、经历、社会处境有关。体验到了现实的“鬼气”或“神气”,鲁迅毅然走上复仇之路,卡夫卡躲在地洞中暗暗受苦。方式不同,抗争的姿态一致,忧患的意识同一。

【Abstract】 In this dissertation,the author tries to explore alienation and integration of mythical elements and real elements in Lu Xun and Kafka’s novels.There are three sections:real metamorphosis of myth,mythical experiences of reality and integration of myth and reality.In Lu Xun’s Old Tales Retold,most novels adapted from the ancient myths and legends,such as "Sky Patching","Running to Moon","Wild straw Picking" and so on. Some of Kafka’s novels also adapted from classical myths,such as "Prometheus","the Silent Siren","Hungry Artists" and so on.The mythical protagonists were gods and heroes. In cultural context of the 20th century,gods and heroes:hunam ancestors-national heroes -cultural elites,all fell into abyss step by step.Lu Xun and Kafka were accustomed to writing at night.The darkling night stimulated their minds and inspirations.One theme of night was the Dream.There were a number of places involved with dreams in Lu Xun’s novels.The dream became a breathing way of soul.A lot of Kafka’s novels suffused by fantasy atmosphere.He became strong and firm by this.Another theme of night was Death.Death was both driving force of life and the eternal fear.Many characters by Lu Xun and Kafka had inevitably gone to death,whatever initiatively or passively.Many of Lu Xun and Kafka’s novels were overshadowed by a mysterious atmosphere. The characters were coerced to hopeless conditions.I called it "ghost qi" and "god qi".Lu xun’s "ghost qi" was like a chain,dragging text along,slower or faster;Kafka’s "god qi" was like a sky net,controling everything."Ghost qi" means terrors and "god qi" means oppressiveness.After discovering "ghost qi" and "god qi",Lun Xun had took array onto the road of revenge,Kafka had suffered tribulation secretly hiding in the cave.Different ways,the same gesture of protest,the same awareness of crisis.

【关键词】 鲁迅卡夫卡神话现实纠结生存
【Key words】 Lu XunKafkaMythRealityEntanglementExistence
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 10期
  • 【分类号】I106.4;I0-03
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】351
  • 攻读期成果

