

【作者】 郝延频

【导师】 郝承敦;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 世界史, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪60年代开始的越南战争,直接导致了美国在70年代的衰落。在此历史背景下,美国开始收缩力量,“尼克松主义”应运而生。这是战后美国对外政策的转折点。当时的美国总统尼克松以反共起家,千方百计想搞垮苏联。现实的无奈,只好使这位对苏联强硬的总统审时度势与苏联搞缓和,提出尼克松主义收缩战略。这不过是与苏联争霸的另一种形式罢了。美国并不想与苏联分享世界。“我拥抱自己的对手,但目的在于将他扼死”,这句话也许最能反映出美国此时的真正目的所在。此时的苏联,随着国家力量的上升,最重要的是,外部没有了美国的制约,开始自我膨胀,向世界各地到处伸手,与美国争夺地盘,扩大影响,一心想取代美国。勃列日涅夫在苏共二十五大上公开宣布:“目前在制定我们的对外政策的时候,也许地球上没有哪一个角落的情况是不以某种方式加以考虑的。”根据西方材料称,勃列日涅夫曾在内部宣传说:“给我10年的时间,我将主宰世界,并表示相信苏联到1985年大概就可以在世界任何地方行使自己的意志。”就是在这种心态的驱使下,苏联推行争霸扩张的对外政策。这种政策成为苏联潜在的、致命的隐患。它造成国民经济军事化、经济结构畸形,孕育着深刻的经济危机。同时,它也影响了人民生活水平的改善和提高。这成为群众不满,社会动荡的根源;巨额的军费支出,导致苏联财政危机重重,几近崩溃边缘;在第三世界,苏联四面出击,摊子铺的太长,包袱越背越重,出兵阿富汗成了压垮骆驼的最后一束稻草。苏联的过度扩张,使其元气大伤,极大的消耗了自身的实力,为自己掘好了坟墓。保罗·肯尼迪在《大国的兴衰》中认为,大国把其大多数财富和精力用于海外扩张,而不是为了保持他的竞争地位进行投资,这种倾向削弱了国家强大的经济基础,最终会走向灭亡。苏联便是这种大国扩张牺牲品中的典型。美国衰落,提出了尼克松主义,但在对抗苏联的阵地中并不是完全的撤退,撒手不管了,而是积极的与苏联周旋,拖住苏联。一方面,用经济贸易这个胡萝卜诱导苏联,可谓“请君入瓮”,另一方面,美国主动调整与盟国的关系,用盟国来牵制苏联,再就是利用中国与苏联的矛盾,打“中国牌”制约苏联。正是美国这种明智的妥协、让步,恢复了实力,养精蓄锐,从而为以后的里根主义反攻苏联打下了基础。学术界在论及苏联解体中的美国因素时,大都偏重于“里根主义”。但从长远来看,“尼克松主义”在苏联解体中的作用是潜在的、长远的、“功不可没”的。80年代以后的“里根主义”标志着美国对外政策的又一次转折。美国对苏联由缓和到强硬,加强同苏联的抗衡,处处欲置苏联于死地。经济上的发难,美国与盟国一起采取技术上的封锁,切断了苏联的生命线;苏联在信贷领域得不到西方的一分钱,想用出口石油和天然气换取外汇,被美国与沙特阿拉伯的“共同合作”下损失了大量的外汇收入,这无疑都加剧了苏联的经济困难,动摇了苏联赖以生存的根基。军事上,美国强硬的推行“战略防御计划”,扩大军事开支,研制新式武器,把苏联拖入新一轮的军备竞赛、技术竞赛,消耗苏联的资源,拖垮苏联;意识形态上的攻击、挑衅,里根称苏联是“邪恶帝国”要把其仍进历史的垃圾堆等,为美国鼓舞士气,摇旗呐喊,对苏联实行和平演变,腐蚀苏联;在第三世界,美国处处与苏联为对手,到处围追打击苏联的代理人,使苏联限于困境。美国还用低烈度战争先后入侵格林纳达和空袭利比亚,因为他们背后有苏联的影子。美国的这些政策能够而且也确实改变了苏联的历史进程。它就像一阵阵强烈的飓风吹进虚弱的苏联体制。难怪前苏联共产党中央委员会高级官员叶夫根尼·诺维科夫说:“里根政府的政策是苏联体制消亡的重要因素”。从20世纪70年代美国对外政策的转折--尼克松主义到80年代初的另一次转折--里根主义,两者在苏联解体中起到了不同的作用。如果说尼克松主义是美国在力不从心的情况下,与苏联缓和、让步、妥协、示弱,放纵苏联的膨胀、扩张。那么里根主义就是美国在恢复了实力和信心之后处处对苏联强硬,欲置苏联于死地。尼克松主义、里根主义有张有弛,有松有紧,在苏联解体中有殊途同归、异曲同工之妙。

【Abstract】 The 20th century beginning of the 60’s the Vietnam War,the United States led directly to the decline in the 70’s.At this historical background,the start contraction of the United States forces,"Nixon Doctrine" came into being.Then to anti-Communist U.S.President Richard Nixon started,want to do everything possible to destroy the Soviet Union.Reality no option but to make the hard-line president of the Soviet Union and the Soviet Union engaged in easing the situation,the Nixon Doctrine contraction strategy.This is rivalry with the Soviet Union more than another form.The United States does not want to share the world with the Soviet Union."I hugged his rival,but the aim will be strangled him," This may be the most capable of reflecting the real purpose of the United States at this time is located.At this time the Soviet Union,with the country’s rising force,above all,outside the United States without the constraints of an inflated ego begin to reach out everywhere around the world,and the United States competing for sites,to expand its influence, wanted to replace the United States.Brezhnev at the Soviet Communist Party on 25 large publicly announced:"At present in the formulation of U.S.foreign policy,when on earth may be not a single corner of the case are not to be taken into account in some way." Materials in accordance with the West that Brezhnev had in-house publicity said:"give me 10 years,I will dominate the world and expressed the belief that the Soviet Union in 1985 can perhaps anywhere in the world to exercise their will." It is in this mentality,driven by the expansion of Soviet hegemony to implement foreign policy.This has resulted in militarization of the national economy,economic structure,deformities,pregnant with profound economic crisis.At the same time,it also affected people’s living standards improve and improve.This became the masses dissatisfied with the root causes of social unrest;huge military spending,leading to financial crisis-ridden Soviet Union,almost on the verge of collapse;in the third world,the Soviet Union attack on all fronts,shop stalls too long,the burden of the more serious the more the back,sending troops into Afghanistan a bouquet of crushed the camel’s straw.Excessive expansion of the Soviet Union,its vitality,a great drain on its own strength,for their own good dig the grave.Paul·Kennedy in "the rise and fall of great powers" because of big powers that put most of its wealth and energies to overseas expansion,rather than him in order to maintain the coinpetitive position of investment,which tend to weaken the country a strong economic foundation,eventually will move toward perish.The Soviet Union is such a big country and expansion of the typical victim. The decline of the United States put forward the Nixon Doctrine,but in the fight against the Soviet Union’s position is not entirely in retreat,to wash their hands,but positive dealings with the Soviet Union,dragging the Soviet Union.On the one hand, economic relations and trade with the Soviet Union induced the carrot can be described as "please enter Wengfu",on the other hand,the United States take the initiative to adjust the relationship with its allies,with its allies to contain the Soviet Union,Then use the contradictions between China and the Soviet Union,playing the "China card" restricting the Soviet Union.The United States is such a sensible compromise,concessions,restore the strength of her energies,so as to counterattack after the Reagan Doctrine laid the foundation for the Soviet Union.Disintegration of the Soviet Union dealt with the academic community at the American factor,the most emphasis in the "Reagan Doctrine."Long term,however,"Nixon Doctrine" in the disintegration of the Soviet Union’s role is a potential long-term,"credit" for.80s since the "Reagan doctrine" marks yet another turning point in American foreign policy.The United States against the Soviet Union from relaxation to the hard-line, strengthen cooperation with the Soviet Union against the Soviet Union wish to kill everything.Launched an attack on the economy,together with its allies to take technical blockade,cutting off the lifeline of the Soviet Union;the Soviet Union in the field of credit is not a penny the West,want to use oil and gas exports for foreign exchange,the United States and Saudi Arabia were "common co-operation "under the loss of many foreign exchange earnings,which are no doubt exacerbated the economic difficulties of the Soviet Union have shaken the foundation of the Soviet Union’s existence.Militarily,the United States hard-line implementation of the "Strategic Defense Initiative",the expansion of military spending,development of new types of weapons,the Soviet Union put into a new round of arms race,technological competition,consumption of the Soviet Union’s resources and caused the collapse of the Soviet Union;Ideological attacks,provocation,saying the Soviet Union are "evil empire" to its remains into the dustbin of history,to the United States to boost morale,and voicing support for the implementation of the peaceful evolution of the Soviet Union,Soviet Union corrosion;At the Third World,the United States and the Soviet Union as the opponents everywhere,everywhere chased agents against the Soviet Union,so that limited to the plight of the Soviet Union.The United States also has low-intensity war against Libya and the invasion of Grenada,because they have behind the shadow of the Soviet Union.These policies of the United States can and do change in the historical process of the Soviet Union.It’s like waves of a strong hurricane blowing weak Soviet system.No wonder the former Soviet Union Communist Party Central Committee,senior officials·Yevgeny Novikov said:"The Reagan Administration’s policy is the demise of the Soviet system,an important factor." 70s from the 20th century,American foreign policy turning point - Nixon Doctrine to the early 80s another turning point - the Reagan doctrine,both in the collapse of the Soviet Union played a different role.If the Nixon Doctrine in the United States are unable to circumstances,with the Soviet Union eased,concession,compromise,a sign of weakness,let the Soviet Union’s expansion,expansion.Then the Reagan Doctrine in the United States is restore confidence in the strength and hard-line against the Soviet Union after all,wish to kill the Soviet Union.Nixon Doctrine, Reagan Doctrine has Zhang Yichi,there is song there is tight,there is disintegration of the Soviet Union in achieving the same similar.


