

Evaluation Study on Public Service Satisfaction Degree of Local Government

【作者】 尹爽

【导师】 杨连生;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 行政管理, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 20世纪80年代,西方国家的新公共管理运动在推动行政改革的过程中,把企业管理学中的顾客满意度概念引入到政府管理中来,积极倡导政府服务应该以“顾客”为导向,以顾客即公众的满意为政府服务质量的评判标准。在我国,随着服务型政府、和谐社会建设的进一步推进,人们对政府提供公共服务的质量和水平也有了更高的要求。政府提供服务的过程不是单向的、被动的,而应该是一个与公众互动的双向过程。对政府公共服务满意度进行评价,可以准确地了解民众的需求结构和层次,确认政府所提供的服务中哪些是优质的和被公众认可的,哪些是不满意的和需要改进的,以便更有针对性地提供服务。因此,对政府公共服务满意度进行评价是持续提升公共服务水平的保证,其具有十分重要的意义。本文对公共服务、满意度和模糊综合评价等核心概念进行了阐释,在分析梳理国内外相关理论与实践的基础上,综合运用文献分析法、访谈研究法、规范研究与实证研究相结合、定性分析与定量分析相结合等方法,对我国地方政府的公共服务满意度进行评价研究。同时,本文将模糊综合评价的方法引入到政府公共服务满意度的评价中来,根据客观条件和现实国情,建立了评价指标体系,进而构建了政府公共服务满意度的模糊综合评价模型。以金州区为例,对模型进行应用和检验,在调研、征求专家意见的基础上,确定了相关权重,设计了金州区政府公共服务满意度的调查问卷,问卷经发放和回收,在效度、信度检验合格的前提下,进行了数据的整理和统计分析。评价结果表明:民众对金州区政府的公共服务处于比较满意的状态,其中服务环境、行政人员的仪表着装、主动交流等几项指标得分较高,办事效率、反馈沟通、服务监督等几项指标得分较低。最后,根据评价结果和现实情况,探索性的提出了提升金州区政府公共服务满意度的对策建议。

【Abstract】 In the 1980s,the new public management movement of western countries introduced the concept of customer satisfaction from business management area to government management in the process of promoting administrative reform.Actively advocating that govemment services should be based on "customer-oriented",and should take the public’s satisfaction as judgment standard of government’s service quality.In our country,with the further advancement of service-oriented government and harmonious society,people have a higher request of public service quality and level provided by the government.The process of providing public service by government is not a unidirectional or passive process,but an interactive bidirectional one.Through making evaluation on public service satisfaction degree,we can exactly know the structure and gradations of people’s requirement,and also we can verify which services are outstanding and approved by the public,which services are unsatisfied and need to improve,so that the government can provide the target-oriented service.Consequently,evaluating on public service satisfaction degree is a guarantee of promoting the level of public services and it has great significance.The related concepts of public service,satisfaction degree and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation are interpreted in this paper.Based on analyzing the theory and experience from domestic and abroad,by comprehensive use of the literature research method,the interview method,the normative and positive research method,the qualitative and quantitative research method,this paper makes evaluation research on our country’s public service satisfaction degree of local government.At the same time,fuzzy comprehensive evaluation is introduced to the evaluation of government’s public service satisfaction degree,according to the objective situations and present national conditions,this paper builds index system,and then builds the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model of government’s public service satisfaction degree. Take Jinzhou district as an example,put application on the model and test it,based on the investigation and asking for expert’s advice,this paper confirms the relevant weight,then designs the questionnaire of Jinzhou government’s public service satisfaction degree.After releasing and recovering the questionnaires,taking a qualified examination of the reliability and the validity as the premise,the data is arranged and statistical analyzed.The evaluation result indicates:the public are comparatively satisfied with the public service provided by Jinzhou government,among them,the index of service environment,administrative staff’s dressing,initiative communication gets a high point,the index of working efficiency,feedback communication,service supervision gets a low point.At last,according to the evaluation result and realistic situation,this paper exploringly gives advices on promoting public service satisfaction degree of Jinzhou government.

  • 【分类号】F224;F062.6
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1197
  • 攻读期成果

