

Analysis of Thoughts of Famine Relief in the Tang Dynasty and the Song Dynasty

【作者】 徐安徽

【导师】 郭晋南;

【作者基本信息】 山西财经大学 , 经济思想史, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 作为一个古老的农业大国,中国的文明史也可以说是一部与自然灾害斗争的历史。从最早的神话传说女娲补天到大禹治水,再到历朝历代同各种水、旱、蝗等自然灾害的抗争,无不证明了这一点。也正是因此才产生了历朝历代的统治者和有识之士在实践中总结出的众多荒政思想。时至今日,我们仍面临着同样的问题。本人在研究生的学习阶段,通过阅读大量有关书籍,逐渐萌生对中国荒政思想进行探索的想法,这也成了我进行选题的初衷。有鉴于中国悠久的历史,我不可能在一篇硕士论文中将其全部涉及,于是我选择了经济、政治、文化都比较兴盛的唐宋作为研究对象进行探索,试图对唐宋时期的荒政思想作出全面系统的分析。唐宋时期是我国历史上各种灾害频繁发生的一个时期,同时也是荒政思想日益成熟的历史阶段,作为中国荒政思想发展的一个重要分水岭,唐宋时期统治者和许多有识之士为了有效地防治灾荒,提出了许多政策措施和思想主张,同时也为后人留下了大量的关于荒政思想的文献。通过对这些文献资料的研究,结合对国内众多学者研究成果的参考借鉴,我进一步体会到唐宋的荒政思想在整个中国荒政思想研究体系中的重要地位。作为一个承上启下的重要时期,研究这一时期荒政思想,对从理论上丰富荒政思想的内容具有重要的研究价值,同时对当前和今后做好减灾工作有一定的现实意义。本文在对唐宋时期的有关文献和人物的观点详细占有的基础上,以经济学理论、农业灾害经济学的基本原理为指导,通过实证研究,运用比较分析的方法对唐宋时期的不同人物及其文献的荒政思想的特点及其贡献,以及其对后世荒政思想发展的影响及启示做了初步的探讨。全文共分七部分。第一部分为导论。第二部分介绍了农业灾害的基本经济理论,分析了农业灾害的负面影响和农业减灾的经济效益。运用了“负负得正”原理得出:农业减灾意味着增产,增产意味着实际国内生产总值总量的增加。从这个意义上讲减灾就是增产,就是一种相对意义上的经济增长。第三部分通过对灾前预防、灾中救济和灾后恢复生产三个方面荒政思想的探析,介绍了唐代以前荒政思想发展的大致情况。第四部分对唐代的灾荒及救荒措施、代表性人物陆贽的仓储积蓄论、刘晏的新常平仓策、姚崇的治蝗论以及其他人物的荒政思想的进行了分析。第五部分通过分析北宋的灾荒及救荒措施、范仲淹的荒政三策论、王安石的荒政思想、曾巩救荒放贷说,归纳出了北宋荒政思想具有系统性、制度化、救灾活动中的积极投入、承前启后等总体特征。第六部分介绍了南宋的荒政思想。通过对董?木然娜ā⒅祆涞幕恼枷牒吐矶肆俚幕?政观的分析,归纳出了南宋荒政思想的总体特征表现为:救灾管理思想日趋合理化、注重人与自然界的和谐、继承和创新相结合等。第七部分为对当今农业减灾工作开展提出的一些启示。

【Abstract】 As an ancient large agricultural nation, Chinaese history of civilization is also a history of struggling with the natural disaster in some way. From the myth that Lady Nv Wa repaired the leaking sky to the tale that King Da Yu regulated the Flood, and to all other stories of the successive dynasties struggled with all kinds of natural disasters such as the big flood, drought, locust, all these facts have proven this word. So many thoughts of famine relief were put by the ruler of each dynasty, and by the men of great insight. These thoughts were summarized in the practices of struggling with the natural disasters. But these precious thoughts are lost in the ocean of historical books, we are still facing the famine, and we are still struggling with the natural disasters now. How can we use these precious famine relief thoughts? I read many books about the Chinese thinking of famine relief, so I had an idea that we can get benefits from the ancient thinking of famine relief, and we can use them in the struggle with the famine caught by all kinds of natural disasters. And this was the inspiration of my master paper. But China has a long history, it is impossible to introduce all the ancient thinking of famine relief in a master paper. So I chose the thinking of famine relief in the period of the Tang Dynasty and the Song Dynasty as the subject. Because the Tang Dynasty and the Song Dynasty were prosperous in economic, politics and culture etc. I try to analyze the thoughts of famine relief of this period overall and systematically.Natural disasters and famines occurred frequently in the Tang Dynasty and the Song Dynasty. Simultaneously it was the stage of the thoughts of famine relief becoming mature. It was an important watershed of Chinese thought of famine relief. In order to prevent and control the famine effectively, the rulers and men of great insight of the Tang Dynasty and Song Dynasty proposed many policies, measures and ideas. They also left many literatures about the thinking of famine relief behind. Through the study of these literatures and the domestic multitudinous scholars’research results, I realized the importance of the in the Tang Dynasty and the Song Dynasty in the system of Chinese thinking of famine relief. The Tang Dynasty and the Song Dynasty were very important stage in Chinese history, so it is very important and valuable to study the thoughts of famine relief of this stage. And it also has certain practical significance in the disaster reduction work in now days.I collected many related literatures and viewpoints of the Tang Dynasty and the Song Dynasty. Under the introduction of the economic theories and the agricultural disaster economics, I use the comparative analysis method in the analysis. I analyzed the characteristics and contributions of different thoughts of famine relief in different literatures. And I did some basic preliminary discusses in the influences and inspirations to the following thoughts of famine relief. This article is divided into seven parts. The first part is“introduction”. I introduced the basic theory of the agricultural disaster economics. And then I analyzed the negative influences of agricultural disasters and the economic effectiveness of reducing the bad influences of disasters. At last I got the result by the theory“negative and negative is positive”: the agricultural disaster reduction meant the increased production, the increased production meant actual GDP increased in the total quantity. The agricultural disaster reduction work is a kind of increasing production measure, and is economic growth. I introduced the thoughts of famine relief before the Tang Dynasty in three aspects (prevents before the disaster, relief in the disaster and production of restoration after the disaster). I analyzed the disasters and the relief measures in the Tang Dynasty in part four. These theories were put up by Lu Zhi, Liu Yan, Yao Chong and some other persons. I analyzed the disasters and the relief measures in the Bei Song Dynasty in part five. These theories were proposed by Fan Zhongyan, Wang Anshi, Zeng Gong. In this part I found that the thought of famine relief of the Song Dynasty had the characters such as systematization, institutionalization, and positive input in the disaster reduction work. In part six, I introduced the thoughts of famine relief of the Nan Song Dynasty. I got the characters of the Nan Song Dynasty by analyzing the theories of Dong Wei, Zhu Xi and Ma Duanlin. The famine relief management thoughts were gradually rational; they were more concern with the harmony of the human and the nature; and they are the conjunction of inheritance and innovation. In the last part, I got some inspirations to the agricultural disaster reduction from the ancient thoughts of famine relief.


